Job training is an important step in a worker’s employment. Honing the employees’ skills so that they can perform effectively is something that companies must invest in. However, training them personally and hands-on isn’t enough. There also has to be a written guide for the employees. And that written guide is a training manual. So if your company is sample planning to train employees, don’t forget to formulate copies of a corresponding training manual. These Training Manual Samples we’ve gathered can get you started right away!
FREE 17+ Training Manual Samples
Restaurant Manager Training Manual Template
Restaurant Customer Service Training Manual Template
Bartender Training Manual Template
Restaurant Food and Beverage Workers Manual Template
Training Instruction Manual Template
Training Manual Booklet Template
Training Manual Table Of Contents Template
Free Sample Training Manual Template
Sample Training Manual Example
Printable Training Manual Template
Sample Free Training Manual Template
Sample Mentor Training Manual Template
Sample Training Manual Template
Sample Tutor Training Manual Template
Sample Training Manual Template
Basic Training Manual Template
Sample Training Manual Template Format
Sample Training Manual PDF
What Is a Training Manual?
A training manual is an informative book that consists of instructions. Those instructions are step by step procedures on how to perform a job well and with standards. Companies create training manuals to guide staff members in doing their tasks, especially those who are newly hired. Successful job applicants receive them before or at the start of their employment evaluation.
Every member of a company’s organizational chart has a copy of their official training manual. The purpose of that is to make it easy for everyone to do a self refresher about the standard operating procedures or SOP. Moreover, training manuals exist not just to improve employees’ skills. They also teach them in observing safety while performing their duties in the field or workplace.
How to Create a Training Manual
A Forbes report stated that corporate companies spent more than $87.6 billion on training and development in 2018. It’s an implication that employers know the importance of improving their workforce. But without a training manual, training programs would be less effective. Thus, money spent on training and development could go to waste. That said, make sure to create a training manual if your company plans to train employees. For that, you can refer to this quick tutorial:
Step 1: Review the SOP
First, you have to review your company’s standard operating procedures or SOP. That’s the only way to know the detailed process of every workload. It could be procedures such as customer service, manufacturing, paperwork, and other essential tasks list in the company. For this matter, you can collaborate with the department heads or supervisors. They know everything about the SOPs.
Step 2: Write an Introduction
When you write the training manual introduction, make sure to establish who is its intended audience. The audience, of course, is none other than the employees. The introduction must clearly state that the instruction manual is about the proper steps to perform certain tasks. It should set the tone that the manual is instructional.
Step 3: Explain the Step by Step Processes
This step is where you’ll be formulating the main content of the training manual. And that’s the procedure of the duties and tasks. You can sample outline them, but it would be better to explain them in detail. That way, employees, especially new ones, will have a clear grasp of the SOP.
Step 4: Include Images If Possible
Some examples of a training manual format only consist of texts. Although texts are enough to convey instructions, adding images would complement them. So if possible, you can include images showing the SOPs. That would be helpful for new employees form. They can have a better sight of what to expect once they start working. Plus, images will make the training manual more engaging and informative.
Are handbooks and manuals the same?
In general, handbooks and manuals are the same. But sample handbooks focus more on rules, regulations, and policies, whereas manuals focus on guidelines and instructions.
What are the different methods of training?
Here’s a list of the different methods of training:
- Job rotation
- Internship
- Lecturing
- Apprenticeship or mentoring
- Job shadowing
- Game-based training
What are the stages of training and development?
The three stages of training and development are:
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation or assessment
Your company could just be one training manual away from structuring a competent and efficient workforce analysis. So before you leave, don’t forget to download any of our Sample Training Manual Templates! They will help you create the best possible training manual without any headaches and hurdles.
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