There comes a point in our lives, most especially when as we reach our adulthood, where we are at the crossroads and undecided on what career path to take. At a young age perhaps we are influenced by a lot of things, from our parents, friends, or what have seen on television or perhaps witnessed in real life. This is why it is important for us to develop a career action plan. This will help you identify your goals in life and serve as a roadmap on how to achieve them. You may want to start your career action plans when you think you are ready enough to work on your goals. Life-changing decisions are often made once you step into high school, where you will need to plan out what specific course you want to take, or do you even want to proceed to study in a university and instead enter the workforce right after high school graduation. In the end, the choice is yours to make. Read more about this in our article below and you may want to download our free career action plan samples to help you with your career planning.

10+ Career Action Plan Samples

1. Career Action Plan Template

career action plan template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


2. Free Simple Career Action Plan Template

free simple career action plan template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


3. Individual Career Development Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


4. 5 Year Career Development Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. College Career Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 444 KB


6. Sample Career Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 672 KB


7. Career Action Plan Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


8. Basic Career Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 531 KB


9. Career Assessment Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Career Action Plan Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


11. Short Term Career Action Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 174 KB


What Is a Career Action Plan?

So you have come to the point of your life where you need to think about the career you want to take. Although there is no pressure, it is an undertaking one should take that can help steer you in the right direction. A career action plan is a planning document where individuals usually students are to list their professional goals alongside the different steps on how to achieve these goals. It is a great way to help you slowly understand how the world of employment works and what should one do it ultimately carry out their career plan. In a way, this also nurtures career development as they slowly make their way in becoming responsible adults. The pain purpose of these action plans is to focus on the future, how you are going to achieve what you want relating to school, work and life. A career action plan lets you focus on the skills and knowledge you need to achieve to get that perfect career.

How To Create a Career Action Plan?

Creating a career action plan isn’t too hard to do, as you need to just focus on what you think you want to do in the future. It must be something you really want and would strive hard to achieve these goals. A number of us are influenced by our surroundings often prompting our career decisions. Although this is never a bad thing, it is still important to choose a career that you are not only skillful in but also makes you happy and contended. Also sometimes we think we want to become perhaps a doctor in the early stages of career planning, but then suddenly you come to realize it is not your forte. This is how a career action plan will help recognize that as you work your way towards the future if you think some goals you have set for yourself were getting hard to achieve then it is never too late to change them. So to start working on that career action plan here are several tips to help you by.

I. Self-Assessment

First of all, sit down and think hard about want you want to do in the future, who do you want to become. Put a value on your skills, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and the things that interest you the most. All these will help you understand yourself better, as there is nothing wrong with being influenced by others but recognizing your own capabilities can further help you determine your career goals.

II. Identify The Careers You Are Interested In

One thing that can help you identify the careers you are interested in is by recognizing your favorite subjects at school. Something that you excel in or are very much interested in. If you love math, then perhaps you may want to find a career related to such. Or if you love drawing or designing then there are numerous careers that major in this field. You can also do some research by reading articles on the internet or observing employees or professionals in your career of interest. With this, it will help you narrow down your choices and help you compare different factors in terms of employment availability, salary, etc.

III. Determining Your Career Goals

Once you have identified the career(s) you are interested in the next step is to start determining your career goals. With the help of a SMART goal setting (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) you will be able to break your long-term goals down into the smallest steps you can. This will help develop your capabilities, and consideration of opportunities in learning and future work options. Thinking about goals means that you will be prepared to study the subjects you like, do the types of occupations you prefer, and keep your future options open. For example, you want to become a veterinarian, so one of your early goals is to help out or do volunteer work in a local dog/cat adoption center so this can help you understand how it is to work with animals.

IV. Monitor and Measure Your Achievement

Create a section in your action plans where you can jot down your achievements, when and how you were able to achieve them. Even those that you have difficulty in doing so. This will help you review and focus on the things that you are best at, and eventually settle down on a specific career path.


What Is Career Development?

Career development is an ongoing process of choosing that right career, improving an individual’s skills and abilities as they advance through their career path.

What Is A Career Path?

A career path is a series of job positions that an employee works in as he or she works in one or multiple organizations that may ultimately lead an individual to the career of their choice.

How Important Are Action Plans?

Actions plans will help you stay motivated and give you the drive to achieve your goals. This will also steer you in the right direction and makes sure that you’re on track to complete your goal in a reasonable amount of time.

Choosing the right career can be a hard decision for most of us since we need to work hard to achieve what we want for the best of our future. So start working on that career action plan to slowly help get there.

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