Do you know what a corrective action plan is? As its name implies, a corrective action plan is used to improve something, be it improvement in performance or on other things. Improvements are made using a set of actions that are able to correct issues or the underlying problem, such as underperformance. A corrective action plan is used to find a permanent solution to an underlying problem and ensure that it won’t ever happen again. This action plan can be used on a variety of things, personal or for business. You can learn more about corrective action plans by browsing through different action plans samples for different purposes. These samples are gathered below.

Corrective Action Plan Samples

1. Sample Corrective Action Plan Template

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Corrective action plans address different issues depending on where or what it is used on. This means that every action plan created is specific to the identified problem or problems faced by an individual or entity. The problem identified in the sample above is about the deficiency of contract requirements. Since the plan aims to figure out or fix the problem for good, its discussion includes specific objectives and benefits of the plan, roles and responsibilities of the involved personalities, and a series of steps that will lead to the resolution of the problem.

2. Editable Corrective Action Plan Template

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When do you actually need a corrective action plan? You will need an action plan if there is a need for you or your organization to fix or improve something so that things can be better or turn out the way it should be. With this editable corrective action plan template, you can easily and conveniently make a corrective action plan that fits your needs. This customizable plan is also print-ready, allowing you to make copies of your work in a breeze. You will surely enjoy using this template.

3. Corrective Action Plan Template with Instructions

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No idea how a corrective action plan is made? No problem! We have you covered. Just use this sample action plan template we have above and you will be provided with in-depth instructions on how to write exactly the type of action plan you want to make. This is definitely a lifesaver if you ask me. There will be detailed instructions and descriptions on every section of the action plan to ensure that you only write relevant and useful information. You absolutely don’t need magic to get it done. You just need useful steps to follow.

4. Outcome-Based Corrective Action Plan Template

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An outcome-based corrective action plan focuses on specific goals and objectives of a plan to ensure that after the necessary actions had been taken, the specific goals and objectives of the plan have already been met. When faced with doing such an action plan, you can rely on this outcome-based corrective action plan template. It is a simple and easy-to-use template that can be used in planning different kinds of corrective action plans. Use it like you would with a personal action plan or a business action plan.

5. Corrective Action Plan Worksheet Sample

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Worksheets are good tools to use when practicing or learning something. This particular worksheet sample is for creating a corrective action plan that is based on the root cause of a particular event. The identified root cause, as shown in the sample, is the lack of consistent communication regarding therapy appointment times for residents. Based on this root cause, a set of relevant actions are taken that will eventually result to solve the problem in an organized and timely manner. This sample worksheet also makes a good reference material.

6. Corrective Action Plan Samples with Responses

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This is a two-paged action plan where the first page holds the action plan itself and the second page is where you will find the responses to the said action plan. Why are responses necessary in a corrective action plan? These responses serves as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used to resolve the problem as well as determine if the resolution is acceptable or not. You will find here a list of sufficient corrective action plans for two different scenarios that you will definitely find useful.

7. Sample Corrective Action Plan for Customer Service

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Customer service agents or representatives are the first line of defense of any business. This is because they are the first people who talk to and accommodate the needs of the customers. That is why it is important that they undergo continuous improvement to make customer experience even better. One of the tools that should be used to make theses improvements is a corrective action plan, just like the sample we have above. It is a completed corrective action plan that you can use to assist you with writing your own.

8. Corrective Action Plan Completion Sample

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Looking for a guide that will help you complete the corrective action plan that you are writing? Well, look no further because everything that you need is all in this corrective action plan completion sample. When you check out this sample, you will be provided with detailed and step-by-step instructions to be able to create a well-written action plan. Check it out now.

9. Blank Corrective Action Plan Template

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You can never get enough of templates even if you already have a lot. This is because so much can be done with templates, aside from being used as a reference material. So you should go ahead and add this blank corrective action plan template to your collection. This template can be used for any corrective actions you plan to make.

10. Optional Corrective Action Plan Template

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This is another template that you should add to your collection. It not only includes a blank template, but there is also a completed sample provided just for you. And things will just get better because there are also steps that you can follow to help you complete the template provided. Try it now!