One of the most highlighted goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns especially when you are in the aspect of facilitating economic growth. In the concept of sustainable consumption and production, there will be a redirection of energy and material flows, transformation of waste and reduction of pollution. This matter would require a healthy environment for economic progress to take place. However, many are still having a knowledge that is not yet clear to them, especially those that are about what should be done in both individual and community level.

10+ Production Action Plan Samples

1. Sustainable Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 655 KB


2. Production Development Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 250 KB


3. Consumption Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 MB


4. Organic Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 236 KB


5. Seed Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 640 KB


6. Production Working Hours Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 663 KB


7. Media Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 266 KB


8. Food Production Emergency Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 180 KB


9. Production Working Group Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Energy Production Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 770 KB


11. Production Implementation Action Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


What is a Production Action Plan?

A production action plan is something that needs to be taken in order to arrive at the desired result. These are steps that your project needs to be accomplished to produce an outcome. It should have objectives or goals to keep in mind in order to reach for the set target. A resulting action plan may be one of the product of research and consultation particularly when you have to understand issues pertaining to consumption and development, to identify pathways for intervention, and to consult the process with a stakeholder to refine the production action plan.

Just like every other action plans, production action plan also faces a lot of challenges. This includes continued economic and urban growth that will eventually lead to an increasing demand of pressure in natural resources, exponential rise in waste, weak enforcement of environment-related laws and lack of data monitoring system.

How to Make a Production Action Plan?

1. You should know your capabilities – it is always essential to know your capabilities as an individual and your company’s capabilities as well. You may consider using a SWOT analysis in order to know one’s strength, weaknesses, objectives and target.

2. You should be able to have an objective – this would ask you about what do you want to achieve in the end and what steps you should take in order to achieve them. Take note that the objectives should be broken down into specific forms so that it will not have an effect over the entire process.

3. Distribute the tasks to other employees – it is not fair if it would be only you who would do the work. Divide the responsibilities to your co-workers. This would make them more engaged with the tasks.

4. Execute the plan properly – make sure that you have been executing the plan appropriately and accordingly. Have a team leader assigned in checking the tasks in order to make the current plan perform better than the previous plan.

5. Have the action rechecked – the action plan should always be reviewed or rechecked by the assigned team leader in order to prevent possible errors to occur.

6. Provide an evaluation of the data – you should take some time conducting a study about the action plan after you have compiled the data. After that, evaluate the data. This will help you determine if the action plan is effective or not.


What is three point action plan?

The three point action plan refers to preparing, implementing, and leading.

What is the purpose of production planning?

Production planning creates an efficient process for production that is needed in order to satisfy both the needs of the customers and the organization.

What are the three components of production planning?

The three components are the facility location which refers to selecting the right location that complies with the environmental regulations, financial incentives offered, and proximity of customers and labors. Aside from that is the facility layout which refers to the design of the workflow for the efficiency of production. Lastly is the material-requirements planning which refers to production planning itself, scheduling and inventory control system.

Writing a production action plan requires the concept of sustainable consumption and development. What is essential is that you are able to know the steps on how to create one. You may also check some production action plan samples here in the article to be guided.