Getting into university is always a rollercoaster for most. Especially when you want to be reintegrated into a university overseas. It feels overwhelming because, well, you’ve just finished high school and now you’re moving into a new segment of your life. Starting your journey closer to your dreams. And yet you constantly worry that you may not be the right candidate for the application and selection process of the university of your choice. It’s a heavy time, we understand that it can be quite overwhelming. That is why we are here to help. Aside from application résumés, college essays, and sometimes even a statement of purpose, there is one more document that the board of selection might need from applicants such as yourself, especially for reintegration purposes. And that document is aptly called, a reintegration action plan.

Reintegration action plans maximize the student’s value and ensures that the course selection as well as the acquisition of skills and knowledge during the duration of the reintegration are aligned with the development impact and change upon the scholar’s returning home. Most application boards require scholars to complete a reintegration action plan as part of the overall application and selection process. The document captures ideas and developmental plans that can greatly impact the scholar’s lives especially after graduation, outlining the aspect of implementing change after the duration of the scholarship. Essentially, the document is widely important not only as an application requirement, but also a developmental one. Continuous review and modification of one’s RAP helps make sure that no skills and knowledge are lost to environmental noise. To get yourself more acquainted with the document and how it looks like, check out these samples that we have listed below, it should also be able to help you figure out better how it works. After getting yourself familiar, you can use these samples as guides or even as a template for the making of your own reintegration action plan.

5+ Reintegration Action Plan Samples

1. Reintegration Action Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


2. Standard Reintegration Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 392 KB


3. Reintegration Action Plan Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 146 KB


4. Editable Reintegration Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 627 KB


5. National Reintegration Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12 MB


6. Professional Reintegration Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 316 KB


What Is a Reintegration Action Plan?

In its most basic form, action plans are documents that contain details and strategic outlines for all sorts of project and project implementation. Not only that, action plans can be used for the fulfillment of any project or venture of all shapes, scale, and size. The specifics don’t really matter, if you want what you are doing to be a success, developing an action plan is the best step you can take.

Reintegration action plans are written documents that enumerate and describe the steps a scholar or a student may take to maximize their learning transfer, especially if they would want their studies to impact their lives and environment when they get home. The document captures the ideas and planning for developmental impact upon after graduation, and outline the aspects of change that needs to be done after the scholarship. Information from the document will also be used for monitoring and evaluation, further highlighting the need for scholars to review their RAPs periodically, record significant progress, identify success points, and highlight any sort of unanticipated challenges. Since it’s also a requirement for the application process, the document is drafted even before the actual training begins. Making sure that the action plan is involved and being followed from the beginning. And since it should be constantly reviewed and developed, the plan is to remain ‘live’, fluid, open, and susceptible to change. Reintegration action plans help a scholar develop into an agent of change.

How to Write a Reintegration Action Plan

Developing an action plan is not really as easy as it may seem. You’re already overwhelmed and it should be rightfully so. Since there is significant challenge in having to know what you want to see in the end and have it explained properly to the board in a form of a written document. There are several factors that you need to consider in order to write an effective reintegration action plan. These factors are discussed in more detail below.

  1. Clarity
    Scholars such as yourself have to be clear on what they want to achieve. What you want to do or become after the whole scholarship or reintegration program. Know your goal. A reintegration action plan should prompt you to reflect upon whatever skills and knowledge you are accumulating and define the steps that you are willing to take in order to fulfill the goals you’ve set for yourself. A poorly written action plan is not only nigh impossible to execute, you would also have no definite way of knowing whether progress has been made or not.
  2. Desire
    Look into yourself. Get a better understanding of what and why you want what you want to happen, to happen. You need to have a burning desire to improve your training and is currently willing to seek for more practical methods. Set your desire for success in stone, and you are more likely to take and follow through the steps that you’ve come up with in your action plan.
  3. Support
    Human beings are complex social creatures. No matter how much you want to succeed, you’ll have a much harder time if you don’t give yourself an opportunity to rest and socialize. It doesn’t even have to be intimate or anything, a casual conversation over coffee will do. People require help from others, and it’s just the same thing with learning and academics. Establishing a good support system can drastically make things easier and lighter to bear. It can even give the person the motivation they need to move forward.
  4. Action
    Now that you’ve defined the what, why, and the who, now it’s time to look into the ‘how’. Finally the ‘action’ part of the action plan. Enumerate the steps and actions that you are willing to take and how these actions will adapt based on the ever changing circumstances. Try and think about going through your plan. Is it tangible? Doable? Effective? What sacrifices will you be willing to make just to reach the goals you’ve set. These questions and more are the questions that you will have to ask yourself. Help you decide better if you are the person, the right candidate,  or not.


What are the five SMART objectives?

Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timed.

What does reintegration mean?

To integrate again into an entity; restore.

What are the three types of goals?

Process goals. Performance goals. Outcome goals.

Reintegration action plans are considered to be one of the most psychologically important tool for not just scholars and learning professionals, but also for employees and workers who’ve been isolated as well. Using it as a leverage for accountability, social commitment, and overall goal setting. The tips and templates we have provided above should be enough to make the laying out process relatively easy. The templates can help add to your personal flavors as well.