An asthma is a condition where the bronchi of the lungs of a person is marked by spasms, which usually occurs during the younger years of the person and remains as he or she grows old depending on varying factors. This condition of the respiratory system makes a person feel weak and have difficulties in breathing. Having an asthma is not easy, as you do not know when it will attack. This is why patients who have this condition are most likely advised with precautionary measures to lessen the chance of having an asthma attack.

An action plan is very important for a person with asthma so that people within the area who are responsible to look after him or her will know what to do should an unexpected asthma attack take place. You may take a look at our Sample Action Plan and use its format to create an asthma action plan.

Sample Asthma Action Plan for Children

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Size: 75 KB


School Camp Asthma Action Plan Example

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Size: 146 KB


Blank Asthma Action Plan

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Size: 56 KB


Editable Asthma Action Plan in PDF

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  • DOCX

Size: 92 KB


Example Pediatric Asthma Action Plan

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Size: 63 KB


What Is in an Asthma Action Plan?

An asthma action plan consists mainly of the following:

  • the name of the person with asthma;
  • the health conditions of the person and how prevention can help the person to accumulate any of past conditions;
  • the physical activities that cannot be done by the person with asthma;
  • the usual signs that can identify whether a person is already under asthma attack including heavy breathing, difficulty in talking, cough, high body temperature, and tight chest;
  • it shall also provide signs that are needed to be looked at that signifies the condition is getting worse and needs professional medical attention;
  • allergens of the patient or any other items that may trigger the asthma of the person;
  • for first aid, asthma medication requirements must be listed;
  • the name of the person to be contacted should an asthma attack occur; and
  • the contact details of the person serving as the guardian of the person with asthma.

You may browse through our downloadable Action Plan Examples and Emergency Action Plans for references about other plans that can be applied in different situations.

Basic Massachusetts Asthma Action Plan

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Size: 21 KB


Free Student Asthma Action Plan

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Size: 171 KB


Fillable Asthma Action Plan to Download

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Size: 82 KB


Asthma Action Plan/Medication Authorization Form

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Size: 144 KB


Generic Asthma Action Plan

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Size: 39 KB


Importance of an Asthma Action Plan

A person with asthma may not or will have a hard time helping him or herself when an asthma attack occurs. Help from people who are with him or her is of most importance. Especially on activities where guidance of officials of an organization or institution is practiced, giving them an asthma action plan will help them know what to do so that they can be of assistance with the person with asthma.

Kinds of Asthma

There are various kinds of asthma. This is why an asthma action plan is needed for each as they also vary on the medication processes that are needed to be used or applied. A few of these variations are occupational asthma, childhood asthma, and allergic asthma.

Knowing the signs that a person is already having an asthma attack, the kind of asthma that a person is experiencing, and the ability to give him the appropriate medicinal and health care at the earliest possible time will lessen the chances of having the asthma condition get worse.

Aside from an asthma action plan, you may also take a loot at our Incident Action Plans.

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