Planning for an important program for the school is essential to help it develop further. One of the most important activities in school aside from academic-related is sports. The sports program must be improved regularly, and so it needs an action plan for its development to be successful. Having an action plan can help achieve goals for development. If you are starting out on making this type of plan, read the article further to help you create a sports action plan.

10+ Sports Action Plan Samples

1. Sports Action Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 467 KB


2. Physical Education and School Sports Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 226 KB


3. National Sports Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 949 KB


4. Sports and Activity Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 328 KB


5. Sports Premium Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 492 KB


6. Sports Action Plan Format

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  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


7. Sports Club Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 430 KB


8. Sports Safety Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 136 KB


9. Emergency Sports Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


10. School Sports Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 627 KB


11. Editable Sports Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 393 KB


How to Make a  Sports Action Plan

Form a Committee Assigned to Make the Action Plan

To develop a sports action plan for the school sports program, you need a number of people who are qualified to create it. A sports action plan needs a creator or a collaborator to consult who has expertise in sports. You can tap a coach development officer, school sports coordinator, coaches, other local sports team members (especially the professionals), members of the school sports teams, their parents, and volunteers who are willing to be part of this project and who can give their inputs for the action plan.

Even though you have to tap a lot of people into the making of the action plan, you don’t need a lot of people to actually make the plan. A small planning committee that consists only of 3-4 people will suffice to do the main work which is drafting the action plan. Decide amongst yourselves who will be willing to do give a lot of effort into making the action plan.

Gather Information of The Current State of the Sports Team

Once you have formed a committee, it’s time to identify the current condition of the sports program. Go through every aspect that is involved with the team. For example, list out the number and qualifications of coaches, leaders, volunteers, and their capacity to do additional work, the facilities available for use and the current sports equipment condition, the number and ages of students attending the sessions, and potential participants, strengths, and weaknesses of the school, and competing schools.

Make a Vision of Where You Want Your Team to Head in the Future

Your sports action plan must include a clear vision statement on what you want to achieve for the sports team. The vision statement will guide you in making the rest of your action plan.

Set Your Aims and Objectives

The next thing to do is to come up with how you will achieve your vision by establishing aims and goals. To guide you in making aims, ask the question of where you want your team to be in terms of improvement. Refer to the acronym SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) to make sure your aims are not bound to failure. Make sure your aims must align with your vision.

To achieve your aims, list down your objectives. Objectives must be action-based since your objectives will guide you on how you will get to where your team to be. To make your objectives, here are the following points you need to fill out and answer:

  • Methods to be used to achieve the objectives,
  • Who will be the person responsible to do it,
  • Timeline of each objective can be achieved, and
  • Resources needed to achieve the objectives.


What is the purpose of school sport?

The purpose of having sports in school is to give children the opportunity to improve their physical, social, mental, and emotional health and promote overall well-being. It also helps develop their skill in sports, strategic thinking, and teamwork.

What are the benefits of sports?

There are a lot of benefits to playing sports. It helps gives us better sleep, a stronger circulatory and respiratory system improve mental health, build new connection, increases self-esteem, and it reduces stress.

How do you motivate students in sports?

Some things to do to help students be motivated to do sports, even just as a hobby: Ask them what sports interested them, as much as possible make it available for them to play, give them the equipment needed for learning, and most importantly, lead the students on how to play the sports well and encourage them to learn.

When your committee is done doing all the steps above, the next thing to do is to implement your plan. Make sure to monitor the progress of the action plan. You can also use it as a basis to manage the development of your sports program, as a basis to help you where you want to go next and pick up some shortcomings that require assistance, as a tool to gather support from your local school board and other sports development club or agencies. If you’re now itching to get started, refer to the free ports action plan templates above. Start downloading now!

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