It is very important for businesses and corporations worldwide to layout a comprehensive plan for every project, venture, or task that they have to accomplish. A layout helps with keeping them and their whole team on track for everything else that they may encounter during development. Planning out the necessary steps ahead of time to prevent wasting time and resources by not going in blind. A good and comprehensive plan just brings the idea together really well and helps turn vision into reality. These plans are more commonly know as action plans. Action plans go a long way for the fulfillment of whatever and individual or a company might be planning to do. It doesn’t even have to be exclusively used by a million dollar company, even an individual who has a vision for something can develop their own action plan.

Planning ahead of time helps you prepare for whatever obstacles you may encounter during development, and also keep you on track of your overall progress. Weekly action plans do this really well by laying out a plan for a whole workweek, making sure that everybody working on the project has enough time for preparations. Writing an action plan may seem fairly easy on paper, but there are a lot of factors to be considered and to make sure that the plan is feasible enough to be accomplished. To get to know weekly action plans more, check out these samples listed below. You can these use these samples as guides or even as templates for when you want to develop your own action plan.

10+ Weekly Action Plan Samples

1. Weekly Action Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 174 KB


2. Standard Weekly Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 240 KB


3. Weekly Action Plan Scoreboard

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


4. Weekly Action Plan Format

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  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


5. Editable Weekly Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


6. Basic Weekly Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


7. Printable Weekly Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


8. Manager’s Weekly Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 121 KB


9. General Weekly Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


10. Professional Weekly Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 297 KB


11. Formal Weekly Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 130 KB


What Is a Weekly Action Plan?

Action plans are documents that contain detailed, strategic, and specific outline for project planning and implementation. Action plans can be used for the fulfillment of a project of any scale, shape, and size. It doesn’t matter, if you want what you are doing to be  a success, then writing an action plan is the best step that you can take. It’s essentially like a checklist for the actions and tasks that need to be done in order to reach your goal. Hence action plan. This document is usually comprised of more than a couple pages, depending on the length of the project or the timeframe set in the plan. For weekly action plans, it only spans a whole week and could only cover the more immediate tasks for just a segment of the entire project.  The contents such as the steps and tasks have to be detailed enough for the team members to immediately know about the things that they have to do. Vagueness in an action plan, or anywhere else really, doesn’t help and more often than not, could just lead to more confusion instead of clarity. The details inside doesn’t have to be flashy or colorful, but adding some well placed visuals could alleviate the crudeness of your document and bring some much needed life into it. The document might not be much, it might only be a plan in a piece of paper, but you have to realize that there’s so much power in having your entire team know where you intend to go and how you intend to get there.

How to Write a Weekly Action Plan

Developing an action plan might just seem to be relatively easy. But don’t underestimate the challenge in having to know what you want to do and then explain it concisely and effectively for everyone else to understand. There are several important steps that you have to follow in writing an action plan to get the best out of it. Making sure that the information within isn’t convoluted and that the steps are actually doable and the goals feasible. These key steps will be discussed in detail below.

  1. Define your goal
    Make sure that you have a proper idea of what your goals are. Going in blindly without a clear scope of what you want to do and achieve will only set yourself up for failure. Analyze the situation that you are in and the circumstances that you are working with, explore solutions before even considering them. Applying strategic criteria such as SMART should ensure that your goal is properly screened and that it is actually attainable and feasible.
  2. List down the steps
    Write a checklist of the actions and the tasks that you will take in order to fulfill your goals. Give enough details and parameters to ensure that the task is done exactly as how it should be done.
  3. Prioritize tasks and deadlines
    After figuring out the tasks that you have to do, reorganize  the list by prioritizing the most labor and resource intensive tasks. Some steps might also require some precursor steps to be done beforehand so you may have to take note of those as well.
  4. Set milestones
    Celebrating small victories is always nice. Setting milestones and celebrating them along the way keep the team motivated by giving them something to look forward to despite the deadline still being quite a ways away. It’s just also good to give yourself a pat in the back once in a while.
  5. Identify the resources needed
    It is best to have everything  you need for the project and more. Making sure that you are well stocked and well equipped just saves you a lot of time during development by keeping you focused on the development itself. Don’t be complacent in gathering resources either, having more than what you need is better than having less.
  6. Visualize your plan
    The plan should clearly communicate the elements that you have identified, the risks along the way, tasks, chain of command for the tasks, assignments, deadlines, and a full inventory of the resources. Visualizing the whole plan should help you gauge whether the plan is actually doable or not.
  7. Monitor, Evaluate, Update
    The writing process unfortunately does not end after putting it all to paper. An action plan is a live document, meaning that they are susceptible to change over time. Keep track of both the plan and the progress of the team. Evaluate is everything is working as the plan intended it to, and update whenever you need to.


What makes a good action plan?

A well written action plan should outline all the necessary steps needed to achieve the goals set by establishing a timeframe for each task and their respective deadlines.

What is the importance of an action plan?

An action plan can enable you to map out your strategies and steps that you have to take towards achieving your goal. It can help work these goals out and how you want to achieve them.

What are action steps?

An action step refers to specific efforts that are made to reach the goals that you have set. Basically an action step is what’s inside of your action plan.

A well written action plan ensures that whatever vision, project, or venture that you will be working on,  you actually will have a significant chance of achieving it. It helps with keeping your team on the right track, to avoid problems and hindrances in the middle of your development. It’s like a well-made path that can easily guide you through the whole area to get to your destination without much of a problem.