One of the most important relationships in music is between the artist and their manager. The manager’s role advises and directs the artist with all matters relating to their professional career in the entertainment industry, such as developing the artist not only with their talent but also their overall package and branding them to make them stand out from other artists. Without a manager, the artist will have a hard time breaking out into the entertainment industry. This industry is the most volatile and competitive industry with hundreds of hopeful artists wanting to be successful. Since a manager can make the artist’s career, the artist and manager must be on the same page about each other’s role and their collective goals and expectations of each other. A written agreement between the two should outline the details of the relationship to ensure that the artist and manager are on the same page, which helps avoid major conflict in the future. This article will guide you on how to make an artist development agreement.
4+ Artist Development Agreement Samples
1. Artist Development Agreement Template

2. Artist Producer Development Agreement
3. Artist Design Development Agreement
4. Sample Artist Development Agreement
5. Artist in Residence Professional Development Agreement
What Does Artist Development Mean?
Artist development is the process that an artist, mostly musicians or artist performers, goes through extensive training to develop their craft in music and master the skills needed to build a professional career in the music and entertainment industry. This long process involves songwriting, voice training, image and branding, music and video production, live performance planning, and marketing.
Details to Include in an Artist Development Agreement
1. Exclusivity
State in the agreement how the artist and their manager are exclusive to each other. State the minimum of time that the manager commits to the artist and the same goes to the artist towards the manager as well.
2. Time
The time period, also officially known as the term, is how long the development will take place. Will it take several years? Will there be extensions if the artist brought in a certain level of income during their first year? State this section clearly.
3. Manager’s Services
State in the contract what the manager is required to do, and what authority the manager has regarding the career of the artist.
4. Decision-Making
Decide how decision-making is done when both parties are dealing with business activities. State if the artist needs to pre-approve anything before their managers can make decisions or does the manager can sign on behalf of the artist.
5. Commission
The commission depends on the agreement between the two parties. Define what is commissionable and what is not. Agree if the percentage of the commission may be a set number regardless, or might increase based on the funds the artist earns.
6. Expenses
State who will be responsible for paying for expenses. If the manager has the right to make purchases and other expenses that will eventually be covered by the artist’s revenues, will there be limitations on what decisions the manager makes regarding expenses? State the process of handling and controlling the expenses.
7. Cash Flow
State how the cash flow will be dealt with between parties. Are the artist-generated funds paid directly to the artist or the manager? What will the manager be entitled to, and who will be creating the cash flow reports?
8. Other Provisions
Include other important elements in the agreement such as the breach of agreement, termination of the agreement, confirmation of the artist that they have authority to enter the agreement, and the extent to which the manager can assign the manager’s rights under the agreement to someone else.
What details to include in an artist development plan?
The artist development plan should include the following details:
- Regular practice and building daily habits to develop the talent
- Build an identity for the artist
- Focus on branding
- Writing and composing songs
- Planning for live performance and touring
- Marketing and promotion
What is an artist development representative?
An artist development representative serves as the liaison between a recording studio company and an artist, to ensure that all of the artist’s needs and demands are met by the studio company.
What is the importance of an artist development plan?
An artist development plan is a step-by-step plan that cultivates an artist’s own identity, talent, and brand for them to be more qualified in furthering their career opportunities and make it to mainstream success.
How much does an artist manager earn?
Most artist managers can earn anywhere from 10-25% of the artist’s total income.
The process of discussing an artist development agreement can help both the artist and manager think about certain issues that they may not encounter yet. It’s important to address them right away to prevent any misunderstandings that can cause friction and conflict against each other. Having less conflict between parties will ensure great working conditions and in return, success in the music industry. Make sure both the artist and manager fully understand how each element of the agreement is structured, to make the agreement reasonable for everyone involved. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!
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