When you purchase a new automobile, simply driving this around isn’t all there is to it. Owning a car means you are responsible for its maintenance and repairs. Over time, like most mechanisms, an automobile would need to be checked or repaired. Damages can happen gradually or when we all least expect them to be. Perhaps you may soon notice the engines are starting to sound a bit off, or the wheels will seem to drag or an accident has happened. All these would require automobile owners to visit and seek out auto repair services. In some cases, auto shops would require clients to sign an auto repair agreement to ensure that services provided by the shop are properly discussed and laid out in the document. To learn more about this agreement, let us discuss this further below. And to help you prepare a well-crafted agreement, check out our free auto repair agreement samples that are available for download on this page.
10+ Auto Repair Agreement Samples
1. Auto Repair Agreement Template

2. Auto Customer Repair Agreement
3. Auto Repair Release Agreement
4. Auto Repair Service Agreement
5. Automobile Repair and Maintenance Agreement
6. Automotive Paint Body Repair Agreement
7. Auto Repair Work Agreement
8. Auto Repair Program Contract Agreement
9. Auto Fleet Maintenance Repair Agreement
10. Sample Auto Repair Agreement
11. Auto Engine Repair Agreement
What Is an Auto Repair Agreement?
Without an auto repair agreement on hand, you will risk your business and your clients of unwanted expectations, obligations not duly met, late payments, bad service, and worst of all you are unable to demand a remedy if something goes wrong. When a service is to be provided, most especially when it deals with something costly or complex such as auto repairs it is important to create an auto repair agreement. The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of work to be provided, and signing this contract may reduce the risk of future disputes and would set clear expectations between both parties. Also for clients, an agreement will help them get the best service possible for their automobiles.
How To Create an Auto Repair Agreement?
When we speak about auto repair, these could mean a number of things from the replacement of car parts to repairing other moving components of the vehicle. That being said, the benefits of creating such an agreement will help an auto repair shop establish a list of services needed by the client, a timeline will be provided so the client will know what to expect and lastly the rates are clearly defined in the document. To help you create an auto repair agreement, here are the basic elements that are commonly found in this document.
I. Details of Both Parties
Client and the auto repair shop’s full name and address.
II. Services Provided
List down the scope of services to be provided by the auto repair shop or auto mechanic. This may include an initial assessment of the vehicle to check for the damages or anything that needs to be changed. Then recommendations or remedies to repair the vehicle and other important details.
III. Roles and Responsibilities of Both Parties
The agreement should contain the roles and responsibilities of the auto mechanic, up to what extent can he or she provide to the client and the same thing goes for the client as well.
IV. Timeline
Most of the time, repairing a vehicle does not happen overnight. This may take a couple of days to months depending on the extent of the damage or should the repair shop need to order additional auto parts which would mean the vehicle has to stay in the auto shop for the meantime. So, make sure to include all these details in the agreement.
V. Pricing and Payment Terms
Provide the service fees including any additional charges, also you may need to include a breakdown of any purchase of spare parts or materials needed in the repair of the vehicle and charge these all to the client. Don’t forget to also describe the payment schedule and method.
VI. Other Details
As expected, the agreement should also include an independent work relationship between parties, methods of dispute resolution, and indemnity.
What Is an Auto Mechanic?
An auto mechanic is an individual who maintains and repairs automobiles and other motor vehicles.
What Is a Service Agreement?
This is a contract between parties (verbally or written) where a seller or contractor is to provide specific services to the client. It spells out the work to be performed and the responsibilities of both parties in getting the work done and paid for.
Is Car Maintenance Costly?
Depending on the type of vehicle you have, the cost can be average or be rather expensive. All in all, the monthly and yearly costs of owning a car are much more than just the price you pay at the dealership.
Build a better and firm working relationship with your client by preparing a well-crafted auto repair agreement. So, check out and download our free templates now!
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