Business credit card agreements are issued by credit card companies to those who apply for credit cards as a means of guarantee of payment and to ensure all available information being supplied are factual and correct. This is applied either through a single card holder or a joint account with supplemental cards being issued.

Our website’s Business Credit Card Sample Agreements are presented with exact samples used by banks and credit card companies. These are presented for purposes of guiding cardholders on the implications of such agreements and to let users be aware of the terms and conditions of these kinds of agreement.

Business Credit Card Agreement Sample

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Size: 101 KB


Business Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement Example

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Size: 257 KB


Business Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement

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Size: 166 KB


Business Credit Card and Security Agreement in PDF

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Size: 122 KB


By signing a credit card agreement, the cardholder is bound to the terms and conditions of the credit card company. Once your application is approved, your credit limit will be based on your income and capacity to pay. The term banks and credit card companies frequently use is “unconditional” when indicating payment of all fees, charges, and penalties. This is part of the guarantee that the cardholder is obligated to once he signs the agreement. In this regard, failure to pay may mean additional charges and penalties, which the cardholder will not be able to contest in case any legal proceedings may arise due to failure to settle obligations.

A guarantee agreement may also mean credit card companies have the right to change or alter any provisions in the agreement like canceling the credit card or reducing credit capacity when the company determines the user may not be able to fully comply or in danger of defaulting on his payments. The agreement also disallows using credit cards to wager on gambling transactions over the Internet or any similar transactions deemed illegal by the state or authorities.

For other forms of agreement, check out our website’s other examples or click on the link for Business Development Agreements. These are intended for businesses that need to draft a developmental agreement based on prevailing terms and conditions being agreed upon by the signatories. These are all free download and edit or modify before printing.

Business Financial Credit Card Agreement

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Size: 66 KB


Visa Business Credit Card Agreement Format

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Size: 304 KB


Business Credit Card Loan Agreement

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Size: 239 KB


Business Consumer Credit Card Agreement

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Size: 239 KB


More often than not, credit card companies may make errors in their statements and it’s the dilemma of cardholders what to do every time this happens. Credit card agreements actually cover this problem if cardholders only read the agreement in whole. The problem with agreements is that the provisions being presented are so long and oftentimes the print being presented is so fine that cardholders do not actually continue reading the whole agreement provisions.

In the near-bottom part of the agreement, there are usually instructions on what to do in case the credit card company makes errors in billing. The instruction usually advises the cardholder to put in writing their complaints and address it to the direction being indicated on the top of the agreement under the company’s name where the contact details are indicated. Cardholders should take advantage of this provision since there’s a time limit being set on the allowable period, which may be as long as 60 days or as short as three days before payment is due.

For even more agreement samples, do check out our Business Investment Agreements for business partners who need to draft their own agreements. These are all free for downloading and are printable.