An investor is an individual or a business that invests their money on certain business ventures to be paid back at a certain agreed time in the future. These investors also make investments in exchange for getting company shares in the future or interest rates on top of the actual invested amount.
Making an investment should not be mistaken as simply lending money to a business. It is because an investment agreement has more complex provisions than that of a lending or loan agreement. In this article, we will define what a business agreement is and identify some of its uses. Sample Agreement templates are also provided for you to view and download to aid you with understanding agreements more easily.
18+ Business Investment Agreement Templates
Sample Investment Agreement Template

Sample Business Investment Agreement Template

Business Investment Agreement Template
Real Estate Agreement Template
Artist Business Investor Agreement Template
Development Money Investor Agreement Template
New Business Investment Agreement Template
Restaurant Partnership Investment Agreement
Editable Investment Agreement Template
Outline for Restaurant Investment Contract
Restaurant Investment Agency Agreement
Guaranteed Investment Agreement Contract Sample
Company Investment Agreement Template
Equity Investment Agreement Template
Sample Investment Agreement Template
Small Business Joint Venture Agreement Template
Detailed Investment Agreement Sample
Investment Agreement Example in Word
Small Restaurant Investment Agreement
What Is a Business Investment Agreement?
An investment agreement is an agreement between two or more parties about making an investment on something that they both have agreed on. Investments are mostly made on businesses that are just starting up or those who want to grow their businesses into something bigger. The agreement involves two main parties and they are the business itself or the businesses owner and the investors. The agreement does not necessary require just two parties as a business can have two or more investors to invest in the business. This all depends on what has been agreed on.
All businesses need an investor to make an investment in the business. This is so that they won’t go bankrupt during the first few months of the business operations. For business investments, the type of agreement used is called a business investment agreement. The agreement covers the basic and essential details necessary for a complete and valid transaction. As we already know, agreements are legally binding documents that ensures the participating parties to be complaint to what has been agreed on.
A business investment agreement should always written in order to produce a document that records all of the details of the transaction and shows proof that the transaction between the two participating parties actually took place. Having a written business investment agreement makes the transaction compliant to the legal requirements and legal formalities that are both essential elements of a valid agreement. With that you can guarantee that the agreement can be trusted. Another use of a written business investment agreement is so that both parties can refer to the same document or have something to review on if they need to clarify some details related to the business investment. It is always a good thing to have a record of the document that the participating parties have agreed on.
Businesses who does not have any investors have very little chance of surviving in the business industry. It just makes them unprepared for the kind of battle they are facing ahead of them. Business investment agreements are truly important in business and when you know how important it is, you can rest assured that you can your business going be successful in the future. Other related topics you may want to check out are Restaurant Investment Agreement, Investment Agreement Samples and Templates, and Sample Investment Management Agreements.
Why Is a Business Investment Agreement Needed?
Business investment agreements are important and there are several reasons why this is so. In fact, it is not just a business investment agreement that is important but all agreements are given important. This is because everything in the agreement makes sense and makes the transaction fair for all parties involved. Here are some of the reasons why a business investment agreement is needed.
Documentation and Proof
It is important for a business investment agreement to always be in writing. The reason behind this is so that a document where all the details and provisions of the transaction can be recorded. This document serves not only as reference for both parties to check and review, but it also serves as proof that the participating parties have agreed to the to the agreement, and that they have given their consent to be included in it. Another reason why this document is very important is because the transaction involved money and it takes a long time to be fulfilled.
When money is involved, things get really different. A written business investment agreement ensures that the parties won’t be able to easily back out of the agreement once they get the money and that no party can claim or deny something that they have not agreed on. It is easy to say and claim something, especially if no proof exists. But with the agreement document, nobody will dare do those things. The agreement document can be brought to court as evidence and if you are on the right, then rest assured that justice will be served in your favor.
Legally Binding
Business investment agreement documents are formal and legally binding documents, as with all other agreements. Of course, the parties are not bound to the agreement forcefully, but they are bound to it according to their own free will. The participating parties are bound to the agreement once they agree and affix their signatures on it. Being bound to the agreement means that they must oblige to the provisions or the terms and conditions stated n the agreement. And as a legal document, the agreement is something that is enforceable in the court of law.
Binding the participating parties into the agreement and obliging them to follow the provided terms and conditions makes it easy for both party to impart some form of trust in the agreement. This way they can expect the other party to do or perform their share of responsibilities in the said transaction. Also, if they fail to do their part, they can rest assured that the appropriate consequences will be served to the violator, if not they’ll go to court.
Protection and Security
One of the main reasons why many businesses and investors get into agreements is that it offers them both protection and security. An agreement protects them in such a way that the other party won’t run away once they got the money. The participating parties can also feel a sense of security when they give a certain form of trust to people they barely know. The provisions of the agreement says it all and protect each party from any wrong doing of the other party.
You would not want your investor to be scouted or taken away by another business, and investors wouldn’t want the business they have invested on to be sharing information about them and their transaction. As human beings we commit this mistake. So to ensure that things that are confidential should be treated confidentially, confidentiality clauses are included in an agreement. In this part of the agreement, a clear definition confidentiality is provided as well as a list of things or topics that must be kept confidential. This way trade secrets, businesses process and the identity of the investors can be be protected.
A termination clause is also included in a business investment agreement. This is so that whoever wishes to terminate the agreement during a specific time will be dealt with according or must comply to the necessary requirements to be able to do so. This may be seen as a clause to prevent parties from terminating the agreement, but it is also seen as their only way out of the agreement. This way the remaining participating parties will not incur any damage or no damages at all. Of course this will cause a stir to the participating parties, but the with the termination clause in place and the appropriate provisions included, things will work out somehow.
Why do investors invest a huge amount of money to a business? Well, they’re not simply giving their money away. They actually get paid back on the agreed time. And they are not only paid back the amount that they invested. They are paid back with the amount that they invested plus the interest. That is how investors profit from the money they invested. It sounds pretty simple, but the details may not.
A business investment agreement includes the payment terms and conditions on how the business will pay back the investor, when the investor is going to get paid and the interest percentage that they have agreed on. Most investment returns are paid back after a couple of months and some after a year. This is depending on the type of business and what has been agreed by the participating parties. This ensures that the investor gets paid back and earn from their investment. The agreement creates a legal responsibility for the business to do so.
Performance of Duties and Responsibilities
An agreement is formed with the parties having to do something in return for what the other party will do. This is another essential element of a valid agreement and without it the transaction will not be called an agreement but a gift or present. So both parties in the agreement must perform and fulfill their share of responsibilities as stated, like not paying back the investor on time and not disclosing any confidential information.
Nobody wants to be on the losing side and nobody definitely wants to be cheated on. Because of that agreements exist. But the bad guys have their way of doing things so it is best you that you know whether you are in a valid agreement or not. That way you would know when to stir away from such agreement and save yourself. To learn more about agreements, you may visit our website and check out related articles, like Sample Apartment Rental Agreement Templates, Sample Commercial Loan Agreement Templates, and Separation Agreement Templates.
Ways on How You Can Start Investing with Very Little Money
When we think of an investment, a huge amount of money always comes to mind. How else would investors be able to invest in a business if they have very few. Of course, businesses would require a huge amount of money and that is why we come to think that making an investment requires one to have a really huge amount of money, which is not entirely true. There are certain ways for you to start investing even with very little money at hand and we have those ways listed below.
- Cookie jar approach – In this approach, you will need to save up money in order to have something to invest. You can start putting away a small amount each week. Eventually, the money you saved will grow after a year ans you’l have something to invest.
- Retirement plan enrollment – If you’re employed, you should not miss this chance of enrolling in your employer’s retirement plan. To do so, you will need to invest a particular percent of your salary to this plan and gradually increase it every year.
- Low-initial-investment mutual funds – Investing in mutual funds allows you to invest in multiple things, like stocks and bonds with just a single transaction. That is one of the reasons why it is a good choice for new investors.
- Treasury securities – Ever heard of the US Treasury securities? It is made up of the bills and bonds or the debt obligation of the the United States government. You can actually invest your money in it, but doing so will not make you rich. It just provides your money a secure place to be in.
Starting big is not really necessary. You can force yourself to do big in the future but you can have yourself take one step at a time and become big. There is just no shortcut for anything and when yo learn to understand that fact, you will learn to appreciate a lot of things. You may also check out other related articles with samples and templates on our website, like Relationship Agreement Template, Employee Non-Compete Agreement Templates, and Non-Disclosure Agreement Templates.
Advantages of Using Agreement Templates
What are agreement templates? Agreement templates are ready-made agreement documents that includes all the necessary and essential details in an actual agreement document. In order to complete the document and make it into a true agreement document, required information related to the specific transaction it is used on must be added into it on the spaces provided for. The template also offers many advantages that is why a lot of people use it. Here are some fo the advantages of using agreement templates.
- Saves time – We all know that agreements are made up of pages and pages of statements and provisions. It will really take a lot of time to create one from the start. Good thing there are agreement templates. If you use an agreement template, you no longer need to recreate the same agreement document over and over again, which could be a hassle and time consuming. Instead, you pull up that agreement document you have on file, fill in the the required information and your’re done. This also saves you energy and brain power.
- Convenient and easy to use – If you don’t think that an agreement template is convenient and easy to use, then you probably have not used one before. There is no other tool easier to use than a template.
- Detailed and complete – Rest assured that your agreement will be very detailed and complete if you use an agreement template. It is simply because these documents have been used by a lot of people before you and errors have been corrected over time. Care is also taken to ensure that every template is useful.
- Accessible – You can always find an agreement template online. You can find different varieties in different file formats of agreement templates on a number of websites. Scarcity of resources has never been an issue with this tool.
- Affordable – When we say affordable, we really mean it. Agreement templates can be downloaded for free on a lot of websites so you don;t have to worry about shelling out any amount.
- Editable and printable – Need to make changes to the template you just downloaded, you freely do so. This is because the template is created in a way that allows its users to customize and turn it into the exact agreement template that is appropriate for their needs.
- Reliable – How can you say that a template is reliable? It is when it provides detailed and complete information, and when they are made by professionals. Templates are created by professionals who want to help those who need it.
We hope that you are able to learn something from this article. If you would like to know more about other specific types of agreements, then you may want to visit our website. Some of the titles you may find interesting are Confidentiality Agreement Samples & Templates, Indemnity Agreement Samples and Templates, and Advertising and Marketing Agreement Template.
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