5+ Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement Samples
During your wedding, you promise your partner your faithfulness to them– to have and to hold, for richer and for poorer, ’till death do you part. However, global statistics show that infidelity is very common in marriages despite this lifetime binding vow. The act of being disloyal to a spouse or other partner is known as infidelity or cheating. Practicality-wise, you need a pre and post-nuptial agreement in order to clarify the assets of both partners– especially in specific occasions such as infidelity or death. Need some help with this document? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Infidelity Postnuptial Agreements in PDF and DOC format that you could use for your benefit. Keep on reading to find out more!
1. Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement Template

2. Infidelity Postnuptial Property Agreement
3. Infidelity Treatment Postnuptial Agreement
4. Parental Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement
5. Infidelity Postnuptial Arbitration Agreement
6. Sample Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement
What Is a Postnuptial Agreement?
A postnuptial agreement, sometimes known as a “postnup,” is similar to a prenuptial agreement, except it is prepared and signed after the couple has officially married. A postnuptial agreement lays out how assets will be split. The couple is already legally bonded by a postnuptial agreement, and the spouses have a fiduciary obligation to each other. There may be concerns that the terms of a postnuptial agreement were not negotiated because one spouse did not have much of a say in the matter.
How to Make an Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement
Whatever the specifics of a postnuptial agreement are, it must be evident that both spouses had legal assistance and understood the stipulations. An Infidelity Postnuptial Agreement Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust agreement on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:
1.Begin by revealing each party’s personal information as well as their individual and common assets.
First, supply the names and addresses of both spouses. After that, make a list of each spouse’s individual assets. Separate assets are owned by one person, who retains authority over them in the case of a divorce or separation. Also, include a list of assets that are shared. Assets owned jointly by the parties are referred to as shared assets. Shared assets are often divided between spouses or one party pays half of the asset’s worth to the other party in the case of a separation.
2. Define how shared assets will be split.
Decide and indicate how the shared assets will be distributed. Courts will usually split assets 50/50 or evenly by default. A 50/50 share is not always achieved by equitable distribution. Your state will choose the default technique. You can also split a joint asset according to each party’s financial contribution.
3. Include data for children who are still reliant.
Dependent children should be included in Postnuptial Agreements since they may inherit property or have other rights that might affect the arrangement. Provide information for the dependent children of both marriages as well as dependent children from previous partnerships.
4. Lastly, define and describe spousal support terms.
The last step is defining spousal support terminology. Spousal support, commonly referred to as alimony or spousal maintenance, is a monetary payment provided by one spouse to the other in the case of a divorce.
What is a postnuptial agreement and how does it work?
A postnuptial agreement gives the in-laws (and their child/ren) the assurance that they’ll be compensated if the marriage doesn’t work out.
What’s the difference between a prenuptial agreement and a postnuptial agreement?
A prenuptial agreement is a contract that a couple signs before getting married that spells out all of the provisions of divorce in the case of a divorce. A postnuptial agreement is just a prenuptial agreement that is made after the wedding.
Is it possible to salvage a marriage with a postnuptial agreement?
If you and your spouse are already married but facing difficulties in your relationship, a postnuptial agreement may be beneficial to both of you.
If the marriage ends, this type of contract will allow the parties to create an equal standing if, unfortunately, a partner strays from the marriage. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive samples of Infidelity
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