Are you employing interns to your company? Having interns around can be a win-win situation for both the interns and you, as the employer. The interns will have the opportunity to be exposed to the real world working in a company and getting paid for it while they still have the time to reflect on what career they want to pursue while you get to have extra help in doing some of the daily operations tasks needed to be done, especially if you have backlogs. Plus, you also welcome fresh ideas and even hire new employees through your interns. If you’re employing interns, it’s best to create a contract to create trust within your company by being transparent on their employment terms and use as a reference point for accountability in case some mishaps may happen. This article will guide you on how to create an internship contract agreement.

10+ Internship Contract Agreement Samples

1. Internship Contract Agreement Template

internship contract agreement template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


2. Internship Placement Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 294 KB


3. Student Internship Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 649 KB


4. Internship Learning Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


5. Organization Internship Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Internship Term Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 420 KB


7. Internship Contract Memorandum Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


8. Company Internship Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


9. Internship Contract Third Party Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


10. Internship Request Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


11. Sample Internship Contract Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


What is an Internship?

An internship is a learning experience for students studying in a certain field of industry and is professionally exposed to its work culture by offering practical work related to the industry to help them explore their chosen career and develop new skills and capabilities needed for industry work.

Details to Include in an Internship Contract Agreement

  1. Names of the Parties Involved: State the complete names and other necessary information about the parties involved in the contract. Give a title as to who is the “intern” and who is the “employer” who will guide the interns during their work in that company.
  2. Duties and Job Title: The contract should also state what job the intern is responsible to do and what duties and responsibilities they need to do to do their job.
  3. Dates of Employment: State when the intern will start on their job. State also how long will they be employed in the company and when they will end or complete their internship hours. To avoid ambiguity, include an end date in your contract.
  4. Work Details: Include information as to how many hours of work they will render, what schedule will their work be, and where they will be assigned.
  5. Remuneration Details: Include details of whether or not the internship is paid or not. This is important to include to avoid miscommunications and expectations. If the intern is paid for their work, state how much the rates will be and how it is paid to them.
  6. Holidays: State all regular and special holidays that your company observes. State your rules regarding holiday work.
  7. Leaves: Just like a regular employee, you need to lay your ground rules regarding absences and leaves. State your rules regarding a vacation or sick leaves and inform them regarding paid leaves as well.
  8. Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure: To make sure your interns do their job well and behave appropriately, you also need to lay out the ground rules regarding disciplinary regulations that they should observe.
  9. Staff Handbook and Employment Policies: Since you will be treating them just like regular employees, you also need to let them be aware of the staff handbook where your company protocols are located and your employment policies as well to let them know more about your company and how it functions. It helps to let them know the environment they are working for even for a short time to help them adjust and get used to your company’s culture.
  10. Confidential Information and Data Protection: You also need to state your confidential terms and conditions to your interns to prevent them from leaking sensitive information anywhere outside your company.
  11. Other Governing Laws: State other necessary employment laws that need to be included in the contract.


How long does an internship last?

Internships last depending on the student’s goals but usually, it is completed in 10 to 12 weeks which is equivalent to the duration of an academic semester in which most students complete their internship on a semester.

How many hours do interns work?

During the school year, interns could work 10 and 20 hours a week since they need to attend their classes as well but some commit to 40 hours a week, especially if the internship is paid and if it’s done during a summer term.

Once you’re done drafting the contract, review its contents first; get rid of spelling or grammatical mistakes, and make sure all the details in the contract are accurate. Once the contract is finalized, present it to the intern and encourage them to read and discuss the contract with you first before you both sign it. All their concerns must be addressed first before they begin their internship. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!