Contractual agreements are legal documents signed and dated by two parties and outline terms and conditions that both parties must follow to perform specific tasks or actions. A contractual agreement is considered legal if it contains an offer and acceptance between parties, and has mutual consent, consideration, competence, and a legal purpose. These agreements come in various forms for different uses such as employment contract agreements, business contracts, and sales contracts. Another type of contract agreement is the project agreement which is created when two entities decide to enter into a business partnership for a specific project.
33+ Project Agreement Samples
1. Project Agreement Template
2. Project Management Agreement Template
3. Project Collaboration Agreement Template
4. Project Non-Disclosure Agreement Template
5. Freelance Project Agreement Template
6. Basic Project Agreement Template
7. Project Purchase Agreement Template
8. Educational Project Agreement Template
9. Formal Project Agreement Template
10. Project Agreement Example
11. Integrated Project Delivery Agreement Template
12. Project Completion Agreement Template
13. Sample Project Agreement Template
14. MA Research Project Agreement Form Template
15. Sponsored Student Project Agreement Template
16. Project Funding Agreement Template
17. Company Project Agreement Template
18. Project Agreement Format
19. Project Agreement Form Template
20. Sponsor Project Agreement Template
21. Project Participation Agreement Template
22. Micro-Budget Project Agreement Template
23. Printable Project Agreement Template
24. Sponsored Academic Project Agreement Template
25. Project Implementation Agreement Template
26. Undergraduate Student Project Agreement Template
27. Scout Project Agreement Template
28. Deed of Variation Project Agreement Template
29. Master Project Agreement Template
30. Internship Project Agreement Template
31. Cooperative Project Agreement Template
32. Project Agreement For Architectural Services Template
33. Project Process Agreement Template
34. Sample Project Agreement in DOC
What is a Project Agreement?
A project agreement is a type of legal document that provides an outline of the terms and conditions that all involved parties must negotiate and agree upon as they collaborate for a business partnership intended to focus on completing a particular project. This document commonly includes details on the project’s scope of work, project budget plan, pricing of rendered services, and the required supplies and materials.
How to Write a Project Agreement
Project management agreements not only outline the scope of work, budget plan, services, and materials that will be involved in a project development plan. It also includes information on the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, payment terms, termination clauses, and disclaimers. With this agreement, the organizations involved can finalize their decision before signing the document which prevents complications and disputes that may occur in the future.
Step 1: Provide the Basic Information of Both Parties
To start composing your project agreement, provide the basic information of the involved parties such as their names, addresses, and the date of the agreement’s writing. You can assign shorter names for each party like “Client” and “Writer” to save time and prevent repetition.
Step 2: Create an Outline for the Project’s Scope of Work
In this step, provide a general description of the scope of work that the parties should perform and complete as well as the services they will provide and products they need to deliver. You do not need to be specific and just provide enough overview to use as a reference in case of dispute in the future.
Step 3: Determine the Duration of the Project and Your Compensation Plan
This section contains the specific timeframe of the project which means that it must include its specified starting and ending dates. If it is an ongoing project, you can indicate so in the document. Then, state the compensation plan and how payments will be made.
Step 4: Lay Out Terms for Cancellation and Changes
The project agreement must also state how the cancellation request will be processed. It is also important to state terms and conditions for possible changes in case the client decides to create adjustments that are not provided in the contract.
What are the common sections included in a project agreement?
A project agreement commonly includes sections and some of them are the definitions and interpretations, project services, standards of performance, steering committee, resources, the performance of services on the site, payment to contractors, personnel and subcontractors, time, payment, taxes, termination, and more.
What are the various types of contracts used in project management?
The different types of project management contracts that businesses can use are fixed-price contracts, time and material contracts, and cost-reimbursable contracts.
What are the types of contractual agreements used for various business transactions?
The types of contract agreements that are commonly used for most business transactions are express contracts, implied contracts, unilateral contracts, bilateral contracts, option contracts, fixed price contracts, aleatory contracts, and unconscionable contracts.
There are various formal and legal documents that businesses are required to provide or sign and one of them is the project agreement. This document is a part of business management in which the parties involve negotiates and agrees upon specific terms and conditions that they must follow during the entire project. These terms and conditions are outlined in the project agreement along with the project scope of work, payment terms, budget plans, and a list of supplies and materials needed for the completion of the said project.