Many people would want to invest to earn more money for their future. One investment that can surely help them make money is through real estate. Nevertheless, investing in real estate is a serious matter. To assure that you can protect your rights as an investor or seller, you must create a detailed agreement that both of you signed. However, making a contract or agreement can be challenging. Luckily, we have shared our downloadable real estate investment agreement templates that can guide you. Scroll down and learn more.

FREE 10+ Real Estate Investment Agreement Samples

1. Investment Agreement Template

investment agreement template

File Format
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: 5×7 Inches + Bleed


2. Investment Contract Agreement Template

investment contract agreement template

File Format
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4 & US


3. Asset Purchase Agreement For a Real Estate Property

asset purchase agreement for a real estate property template

File Format
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: US


4. Property Purchase Agreement Sample Template

property purchase agreement sample template

File Format
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: 4X6 Inches,5×7 Inches + Bleed


5. Property Sale Agreement Template

property sale agreement template

File Format
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4 & US


6. Sample Property Purchase Agreement

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 34 KKB


7. Real Estate Equity Investment Agreement

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 75 KB


8. Real Estate Equity Share Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 339 KB


9. Simple Real Estate Equity Share Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 135 KB


10. Simple Property Equity Share Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 129 KB


11. Property Equity Investment Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


What Is Real Estate Investment?

Real estate investment is the ownership, purchase, management, leasing, or selling of real estate for income or profit.  Real estate is an asset type with limited liquidity than other assets, is often capital intensive, and is highly dependent on cash flow. If these aspects are not well understood and handled by the investor, real estate can become a risky investment.

What Is a Real Estate Investment Agreement?

A real estate investment agreement is a paper that sets out an arrangement between a client and a dealer of a particular property. It protects the investment property and to mitigate the risk and liability of the parties. An investment agreement becomes legally binding when the paper is signed and sealed by all parties, including all applicable clauses. Both parties must have the legal capacity to buy, swap, or otherwise move the property in question.

How to Create a Good Real Estate Investment Agreement?

Agreements are used to conclude various forms of real estate transactions, and each arrangement can vary accordingly. There are, however, a few elements of any real estate agreement that you should be familiar with. By understanding the necessary materials, you can help ensure each agreement you enter is detailed and correct. The following list sets out the elements to include in various real estate agreements:

1. Amount and Timing

The two fundamental elements required for any real estate contract are the final market value of the property and the duration of the deal. It is the part of the agreement where you put the time and date of contingencies’ completion and the transfer of the title. Both parties need to understand this data for the investment to be successful, and it is usually what the real estate agreement will begin with.

2. Provisions

Provisions apply to many aspects that must be done for the transaction to work out. Sometimes it can help the clients meet their needs and satisfaction. The most popular form of provision is associated with the home inspection. Any real estate arrangement should have a provision that allows buyers to leave if the property inspection does not go to plan.

3. Financing Clause and Closing Cost

It is also necessary to provide a provision that allows buyers to withdraw from the deal if their financing fails. It is also a good idea, in some situations, to add a safeguard clause to the consumer in the case their former home does not sell. Also, it is necessary to include a closing cost. Always determine who is responsible for closing costs, and always keep an eye out for this detail. In certain situations, sellers may be liable for paying these expenses, but they may be buried within the contract. Make sure the details on closing costs is evident in every real estate contract to prevent misunderstanding.

4. Warranty and Default

Some sellers will offer a property warranty when advertising an estate. It is to cover some of the maintenance costs, but much of this depends on the sellers. Property warranty helps both parties understand who is liable for what. Also, you need to include the contract default. It is common for real estate transactions to specify what happens when one or more parties default. Not only it sets reasonable standards for buyers and sellers, but it also helps to prevent legal action if anyone fails to live up to the part of the deal.

5. Addendums and Riders

This section of the agreement shall identify any additional details required for the transaction. The most common example of a rider or addendum is the HOA detail. The real estate contract should set out the rules and conditions, making the prospective buyer aware of them.


How to make money from real estate investments?

There are three ways to earn profit from real estate investments. They are through interest from loans, rent, and appreciation.

What are the four types of real estate?

There are four main types of real estate that you can choose from. They are as follows:

  • Residential real estate
  • Commercial real estate
  • Industrial real estate
  • Land

Can real estate make you rich?

Investing in real estate can probably make you rich as it is very profitable. In fact, it is one of today’s best way to build wealth.

It is critical to craft and provides an agreement in any type of real estate. Perhaps you are planning to buy a new property. It is crucial to ask the dealer to give or create a detailed contract to ensure that you both agreed and understand everything. So, if you need a detailed agreement, you can use our templates. Our real estate investment agreement templates are ready to help you. Download it, and it’s good to go!