An sample agreement is defined as a formal document about an arrangement between two or more parties related to something specific that they have agreed on. This something could be anything from personal matters to business. The point of having an agreement in place is to legalize and bind the parties who gave their consent to become a part of it.
Because of its usefulness, there are now many types of agreements being used today for different fields and for different reasons. All are beneficial to the specific purpose statement they are used on. One particular agreement that we will be discussing today is a relationship agreement. Also included are useful and downloadable sample templates that you can check out below.
20+ Relationship Agreement Templates
Relationship Agreement Template

Relationship Contract Agreement Template

Property Relationship Agreement Template

Sample Domestic Relationship Agreement Template

Business Relationship Agreement Template

Working Relationship Agreement Template

Free Open Relationship Agreement Template

Relationship Settlement Agreement Template

Sample Relationship Disclosure Agreement Template

Relationship Non Disclosure Agreement Template

General Relationship Agreement Template
Consensual Relationship Agreement Template
Sample Relationship Agreement Template
Proposed Relationship Agreement and Statement of Expectations Template
Business Relationship Agreement Template
Company Love or Relationship Agreement Contract Template
Dating and Relationship Agreement Contract Template
Simple Relationship Agreement Contract Template
Student Relationship Agreement Template
Printable Relationship Agreement Contract Template
Employee Social or Romantic Disclosure Agreement
What Is a Relationship Agreement?
A lot of people know what a relationship is regardless if they have been into a relationship or not, and regardless if they know how it feels to be in a relationship or not. A relationship is defined as a way or state in which two or more things are connected with each other. In human relationship, this connection could either be by blood, by marriage or other social things that people get themselves into. Often relationships are connected with love. If two individuals fall in love with each other, they create an intimate relationship. What does a relationship agreement have to do with this?
Well, not all relationships end up in a happy ending just like what you see in soap operas, television drama series and most especially in fairy tales. It would have been nice everything result into a happy ending. That is why a relationship agreement came into existence. At some point in a relationship there will be problems, issues and challenges that will block you from getting to your happy ending. Some relationships fail because of this and cease to exist. The sad part is, these issued all came from simple misunderstandings and differences. So as not to end up in ruins, some couples thought of an idea to straighten things out with in their relationship to avoid such problems and that is why they use relationship agreements.
What is it really? Just like any other agreement, a relationship agreement is a formal written document about what has been agreed upon by couples, married or unmarried. Unlike other agreements, it is not legally binding. This means you should not confuse it with a marriage contract. A relationship agreement is formed when the two parties involved agree with the terms and conditions stated in the agreement. To do so they must discuss and talk it over until they come into agreement about everything.
For those who are not accustomed to this kind of set up, it may sound awkward or outrageous to be a part of a relationship agreement. The agreement may not be goof for all, but there definitely are couples who are having a great time and good relationship with a relationship agreement in place. If you would like to know more about agreements, you can check them out on our website. Some articles you will find interesting are Employment Agreement Executive , Non-Disclosure Agreement , and Executive Employment Agreement.
What Are the Benefits of Having a Relationship Agreement?
While it is kind of weird to discuss about specific arrangement in your relationship and put them in a relationship agreement document, it offers many benefits to those who are involved.
- A relationship agreement ensures clear communications. Having clear communications is possible when it is discussed or talked about between the couples involved in the relationship. Through simple and intimate conversations, they can communicate their feelings clearly about the relationship and what they want to happen while in the relationship.
- It helps couples be more cooperative within the relationship. Since the provisions of the agreement are both discussed and agreed on by the couple, they can ensure that the other party will do their part in it. This is because the agreement allows both of them to be heard of making sure that frustrations and being cheated on will not get in the way.
- It allows you to be aware of your partners needs. What’s so good about being aware of your partner’s needs? That is because you can provide them with what they need if you know exactly what it is that they want. This minimizes the probability of misunderstandings helps keep your relationship in good shape.
- It helps establish trust. One of the important reasons why an agreement is used is that it provides protection to the parties involved in it. This way both parties feel secure. In a relationship, the feeling of security establishes trust and trust is the foundation of a good and lasting relationship.
If you want to be able to clearly agree on something with your partner, it is best to have it on writing such as a relationship contract. However, not all couples may agree to this setting that is why it is best to discuses about having one with your partner before you actually get into this kind of agreement. Other related topics, include Separation Agreement, Sample Commercial Loan Agreement , and Dealership Agreement .
What Should You Include in Your Relationship Agreement?
Your relationship contract should be as detailed as all the other agreement, but it should not be too restraining to the point that it creates a gap in your relationship that could lead to your separation. In order to create a detailed and complete relationship agreement, you will need to include the following information:
- The complete names of the couples involved in the agreement, their profession, contact details and address.
- The length or duration that the agreement covers.
- When the agreement will officially start and when it will end.
- The specific provisions or terms and conditions that has been agreed on by both couples.
- Clauses that are applicable to the agreement
- List of violations or breaches to the agreement
- Signatures of both couples who are involved in the agreement
These details should be included in the relationship agreement that you make. You may check out other templates, like Confidentiality Agreement for Consultants and Joint Marketing Agreement on our website. You can also download them for free.
Things to Know Before Signing a Relationship Agreement
A relationship agreement is a serious and sensitive matter that is why caution should be taken before trying to get in one. For one, you may be into it but your partner may not. Opening such topic just then and there make stir a lot of misunderstood and may do you bad more than good. So before you try to get into a relationship agreement, you should first consider the following.
- Do you really need a relationship agreement? While other couples in a relationship may be good with a relationship contract, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same thing for you. Think clearly why you want and how it will affect your relationship. There are a lot of reasons why couples want it and there are equally the same number of couples who would want to stir away from it. You will need to think really hard about it before deciding on having one.
- Consider when the right time is. Let’s say you are open minded and you are ready for a relationship agreement. What about your partner? You just can simply tell them out of the blue that you want a relationship contract. They may get taken aback by your proposal and things may just get nasty. To avoid this, you will need to assess the situation or slowly give them cues about it and be able to tell when the right time has come.
- How serious is a relationship agreement? Also weigh the seriousness of being in a relationship agreement. It may not be legally binding, but it is a big deal when it comes to your relationship. Will you be able to commit to the agreement until the end? Are you capable of doing your share of responsibilities? These are just some of the many questions you should ask yourself about in order to truly gauge the seriousness of the agreement.
- Be honest and open with each other. You will need to talk things out in a relationship agreement so it is important that you both are open about it and are honest about how you feel about it. Otherwise, when you are already in out, things will get really troublesome for you both.
- You should write down your issues separately. What issues do you have in your relationship? It is best to have them written down separately and discuss these issues and how to address them on your agreement.
- What should be and what should not be in the agreement? It is also essential that you talk about the information that agreement will include and also agree on those not include in it.
- Avoid having consequences. While consequences in a legal contract is necessary, you should not have one in a relationship agreement. It is necessary for you to both have an understanding of each other, an not have one do something in exchange of something. It’s normal for people to commit mistakes, so if a violation takes place talk about it in a friendly manner and not in a threatening way.
- Make it a flexible agreement. Because people change an feelings change, so should your relationship agreement. You should constantly make updates to your agreement as necessary because one provisions may be suitable in the past but it may no longer work in the presence. There will be changes as long as you live and your agreement should be flexible to meet both your needs.
You may also check out other related articles, like Marketing Agreement Samples and Templates, Compensation Agreement Template, and Indemnity Agreement Samples and Templates.
Advantages of Using Agreement Templates
What makes an agreement template so good is because of all the advantages it offers. What are these advantages and how is it able to make our lives better? Here are some of the notable advantages of using agreement templates.
- Convenient – You will have no difficulties creating your an agreement document with the use of an agreement template because it is very easy and convenient to use.
- Saves time – There is no need for you to repeatedly recreate the an agreement document every time you need one because the agreement template is here to help you. This way you not only save time, but you save precious energy and brainpower as well.
- Affordable – If you did not know yet, agreement templates are mostly offered for free on different online sample websites. There is no need for you to shell out nay amount. And if you stumble into one that is for sale, the rest assured that it is affordable and will not cause you a fortune.
- Available online – Since they are available online, it will be really easy for you to find agreement templates.
- Editable and printable – The template can also be changed and edited according to your preferences. This allows you to transform it into a document that is applicable to your needs.
- Reliable – The document includes a complete set of information and details so it is guaranteed to be reliable.
- Professionally made – Agreement templates are not only reliable, but they are also made by professionals so you can ensure that it is of high-quality as well.
You may also check out other related articles on our website, like Partnership Agreement , Terms of Service Agreement and Enterprise Agreement.
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