5+ Rental and Lease Agreement Samples

Whether you handle properties and rents full-time or rent out a single property as a side hustle, you’re expected to know it all as a landlord. Both leases and rental agreements are legally enforceable contracts. However, each has a distinct function. A solid, well-thought-out, and well-worded lease contract can assist safeguard both parties’ best interests, as neither can change the contract without the other’s written approval. Need some help with creating your rental and lease agreement? You’ve come to the right place, because we’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Rental and Lease Agreements in PDF and DOC formats that you could use for your benefit. Keep on reading to find out more!

1. Sample Rental and Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


2. Deed Rental and Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


3. Commercial Property Rental Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


4. Standard Rental and Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


5. Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


6. Basic Lease and Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


What Is a Rental and Lease Agreement?

A lease is a legal agreement between a renter and a landlord that grants the renter the right to remain in a property for a set length of time, usually six or twelve months. The lease is governed by a contract between the landlord and the tenant. Leases and rental agreements are extremely similar. The term of the contract is the most significant distinction between lease agreements and rental agreements. A rental agreement, unlike a long-term lease, gives occupancy for a limited time—usually 30 days. In terms of structure and flexibility, both lease and rental agreements may differ.

How to Make a Rental and Lease Agreement

When renting a property, leases are necessary since they outline the landlord’s and tenant’s obligations and expectations. A Rental and Lease Agreement Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust agreement on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:

#1. Make a plan for your lease.

Both parties should be able to understand a lease agreement that is well-organized, straightforward, and simple. Beginning with an outline is one approach to ensure clarity and readability. There should be a header for each part, as well as subheadings.

#2. Decide on crucial provisions.

Make a list of all the terms and restrictions that your lease should cover. What regulations do you want to see enforced, and how do you want the rental to run? After you’ve compiled a list of supplies, group them together under your categories.

#3. Make your lease provisions.

Each provision must be specific and contain all relevant facts. This is how clauses are created from provisions. Each provision must be enforceable, therefore consult an attorney to ensure that the clauses contain all of the information needed to make a legally binding contract.

#4. Format and polish your contract.

A title and a signature section should be included in your lease’s structure. Examine your document for all required titles, terms, clauses, and other aspects that make a leasing agreement professional and lawful.


What are the different forms of leases?

A automobile lease, for example, is a financial lease in which the lessee pays monthly payments to the lessor and receives possession of the car after a certain length of time, such as five years.

What exactly is lease legislation?

A lease is an implicit or written contract that specifies the terms under which a lessor agrees to rent a property to a lessee.

What exactly is the distinction between a mortgage and a lease?

A mortgage is a contract between two parties in which the borrower agrees to surrender the ownership to an immovable property to the lender for the purpose of security.

To be legally enforceable, leases must include certain information, therefore if you draft your own agreement without the assistance of a lawyer, you risk leaving out key phrases or requirements. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive templates of Rental and Lease Agreements today!