A room is an area in a building or home that is intended for use. This could be for sleeping, recreational activities, storage or for conducting business meetings. Regardless of its function, it a space that needs to be monitored by keeping it clean and safe. In order to maintain this, check out below our free room inspection checklist samples.

10+ Room Inspection Checklist Samples

1. Guest Room Inspection Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


2. Sample Kitchen Dining Room Inspection Checklist Template

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Size: 63 KB


3. Evidence Room Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


4. Locker Room Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


5. Meeting Room Safety Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


6. Hazardous Material Room Inspection Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 233 KB


7. Sample Board Meeting Room Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 147 KB


8. Locker Room Safety Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


9. Office Class Room Safety Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


10. Sample Running Room Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


11. Equipment Room Inspection Checklist Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 KB


What Is a Room Inspection Checklist?

Often times Room Inspection Checklist are used by hotel housekeeping team to inspect and make sure that guest rooms are clean and safe to use by hotel guest. But a room inspection checklist can very much be used in all other areas such as offices, schools and other business analysis industries. A thorough inspection often provides a guarantee that everything has been cleaned, checked and fixtures are working properly. It is a procedure that helps minimize future accidents or incidents and checks if there are any missing items, ensuring both the management and guests are satisfied.

How to a Conduct Room Inspection?

There are a lot of things to consider while conducting a room inspection depending on the size and purpose of the room itself. Let is tackle the basics to be checked for room inspection. Here are some key points to remember:

I. Cleanliness

One purpose of a room inspection is to check and see what needs to be cleaned. Look around the room and thoroughly inspect each area, from the floor, walls and ceiling for any dirt and dust. As you get a good look around and note what needs to be cleaned. Check the furniture as it should be free of stains, scratches and have no traces of water or cleaning material used on the surfaces. Inspect linens, curtains or drapes, pillows or any other room decors. Aside from the trash bin, check for litter in other areas of the room. A cleaning checklist would also be quite helpful to get the work accurately done.

II. Checking the Fixtures

Depending on the room’s function, it is always a must to include checking all the equipment, furniture and appliances. Make sure all are working well such the door locks, all the lights are functioning, no loose wires or electric cables, see to it that air-conditioner controls are working and other appliances found inside the room. Items that do not require regular usage can be stored in a cabinet or drawer, whichever is easier to find. After going through, you can now determine what needs to be fixed or changed.

III. Bathroom Inspection

Some room such in hotels have adjacent bathrooms attached which like the main room has to be thoroughly checked as well. Bathroom cleaning and inspection is not limited to the basic mopping, wiping and getting rid of the litter. Available running water must be checked as well the water heater, shower and the toilet if all these are operating well. Bring fresh new towels and make sure the amenities are complete if not replenished.

IV. All Accounted For

Lastly, go through every items around the room and make sure all things are complete and nothing has gone missing. This is to determine if anything needs to be restocked or replaced.


Who Are Hotel Inspectors?

They are responsible for checking a hotel’s guest room maintenance and other public spaces, evaluate the amenities and services making sure these are following the correct brand standards.

What Is an Inspection Notice?

This is a sample note or letter given to a tenant containing details such as the reason for inspection, time and date it will be conducted.

What Is a Barrack Inspection?

This is a type of room inspection conducted in the army, which monitors the health and safety of its soldiers. And is usually conducted 2-3 times a week.

Inspections are not limited to only home inspection and building inspection , individual rooms are equally important as well depending on its function. The generally idea of an inspection is safety, auditing of the items within it premise and identify any needs for corrective action plan. Making sure whoever uses it next are well informed, protected and secured.