What is a nondisclosure agreement? A nondisclosure agreement or NDA is a legal agreement that is used to protect or secure specific materials, information, or trade secrets that are shared by one party to another. The agreement takes on many names, like confidentiality agreement, proprietary information agreement, confidential disclosure agreement, and secrecy agreement.
Nondisclosure Agreement Samples
Celebrity Non Disclosure Sample Agreement Template

Restaurant Unilateral Nondisclosure Agreement Template

Restaurant Non Disclosure Agreement Template

Restaurant Business Plan Non Disclosure Agreement Template
Just like all other agreements, it is an arrangement between two or more parties whose details are recorded and documented as a legal document used as evidence in court. Nondisclosure agreements play an important role in any businesses, especially in keeping trade secrets and negotiations hidden from the competition. Here are different nondisclosure agreement samples that will help you learn about its many uses and roles in different industries.
Editable Nondisclosure Agreement Template
You can use this sample nondisclosure agreement template easily and conveniently as it is available in Word. All of the details that you need in a nondisclosure agreement is provided here. There are also instructions and details on what information you should supply to the document to have it completed and turned into a finished agreement. However, you must read instructions and warnings carefully to ensure that you are using the sample template correctly.
Consultant Nondisclosure Agreement Template
Consultants are individuals who give professional and expert advice about one’s well-being or career. An exchange of information takes place in this process so that a trusting relationship can be established. To do this, a legal agreement must be in place. A consultant nondisclosure agreement template is perfect for use for this kind of arrangement. The template has a generic layout that is common to a lot of legal documents. It includes details, like the definitions, consultant’s obligations, company’s obligations, property rights, etc. You may also use confidentiality agreement for consultants.
Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement Sample Template
In a mutual nondisclosure agreement, the parties involved share or disclose confidential information with each other and are both prohibited from further disclosing these information to a third party or outsiders. If this is the type of nondisclosure agreement you plan to write, then you can use the mutual nondisclosure agreement sample template as your guide or reference. Mutual nondisclosure agreements are also known as mutual confidentiality agreements.
Nondisclosure Agreement Sample Template
This nondisclosure agreement sample template consists of four pages in total that you can use either as your own agreement template or as your reference when writing an agreement of your own. You will need to supply the required information on the blank spaces provided for to complete the document. The agreement sections are numbered and underlined so that they can be distinguished from the rest of the texts. For the agreement to be legally binding, the names and signatures of the parties involved are required at the last page after they have read all of the provisions.
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement Template
This is a short and really simple confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement that can be used on a number things. With only just two pages, you can guarantee that you won’t get bored or lost reading through the entire agreement. The agreement template can also be used as a reference if you really intend to make your own agreement. There are 11 numbered sections in the agreement each detailing different provisions to ensure clear understanding of the document.
Printable Nondisclosure Agreement Template
On the very first page of this printable nondisclosure agreement template is a disclaimer about the creator of the template, which provides a reason for its creation and the basis of its contents. The actual agreement starts on the third page of the template where the parties involved are identified and the different provisions are enumerated. This is a good template to use if you want to easily and conveniently print nondisclosure agreement templates. Details on what information you should supply to complete the template are italicized and enclosed in brackets.
Sample Nondisclosure Agreement Template
There are many agreement sample templates that you can choose from that can be easily edited. The sample above is another nondisclosure agreement sample that is available in Word, a file type that is definitely user-friendly. If you wish to use the sample template as your own, just make the appropriate changes to it. Add and remove details that you think are necessary and unnecessary for the type of agreement you are doing. This is one reliable template you should not miss!
One-Way Nondisclosure Agreement Template
A one-way nondisclosure agreement is a type of nondisclosure agreement where only one party discloses information to the other party. Although it is done this way, both parties are still required to protect the disclosed information from further disclosure. A sample of a one-way nondisclosure agreement is shown above. Use it if you need a reference or guide when writing a one-way unilateral nondisclosure agreement.
Employee Nondisclosure Agreement Sample
An employee nondisclosure agreement is often included in employment agreements, but they can stand as a document on their own. Employers need to have their employees sign such document to prevent their employees from disclosing their trade secrets and operations processes to their competition or other businesses. The nondisclosure agreement sample shown above would be a good one to use.
General Nondisclosure Agreement Template
If you need a nondisclosure agreement template that can be used on different things and for different transactions, then you will need this general nondisclosure agreement template. The template includes details, like the confidential information, obligations and exceptions to obligations, governing law, termination, etc. This two-page agreement template is definitely a good template to use.
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