When engaging in a project, for example, a construction project there would always be a need to hire a subcontractor. A subcontractor is an individual or entity which is hired by a contractor or by the project manager. And when it comes to hiring one would mean discussing certain aspects of the project they would need to work on. Sometimes it is impossible not to share any trade secrets or confidential information with third parties, as the most likely reason for such is needed to help complete the work or task. Subcontractors are not bound to maintain secrecy, but if you need to protect all these data and information then it is imperative to execute a subcontractor confidentiality agreement. To know more about this, let us discuss this further below. And to help you prepare a confidentiality agreement, we’ve got a list of subcontractor confidentiality agreement samples on this page that are downloadable for free.

10+ Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement

1. Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement Template

subcontractor confidentiality agreement template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages


2. Internal Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 KB


3. Subcontractor Confidentiality Plan Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 228 KB


4. Subcontractor Confidentiality Non-Disclosure Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


5. Subcontractor Confidentiality Contractor Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


6. Sample Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 61 KB


7. Vendor Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


8. Subcontractor Confidentiality Undertaking Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB



9. Subcontractor Confidentiality Representation Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


10. Subcontractor Confidentiality not Executed Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


11. Editable Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 362 KB


What Is a Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement?

A confidentiality agreement or a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions regarding confidential data between the parties involved. Whenever you have sensitive information, you wish to protect, then this type of agreement is particularly important which is also applicable for your subcontractors. A subcontractor confidentiality agreement, if breached—that information is disclosed without authorization then you are able to take legal action for the cost of the damages. Because subcontractors can perform a wide range of activities from construction, finance, marketing and etc. then the agreement does not necessarily have to detail the specific trade secret or information but relies on the other party such as the owner to label which materials, products, data are confidential.

How To Create a Subcontractor Confidentiality Agreement?

Unthinkable damages and inconvenience would occur if you fail to have your subcontractor sign a confidentiality agreement. Not to mention the cost that would incur could compromise not only the project but the business in general. So it is better to be prepared beforehand rather than risk all the consequences. Now, to create a subcontractor confidentiality agreement, some may differ depending on the business type or industry both parties are in but the elements below should be able to make up the agreement.

I. Contact Information

You need to indicate the names and addresses of both parties involved in the agreement.

II. Subcontractor Services

Define the services or products to be provided by the subcontractor for the project. Summarize the scope of work.

III. Confidential Information

This section should explain what should be protected against nondisclosure. Any written or verbal information relayed to the subcontractor must be labeled as confidential.

IV. Nondisclosure

This clause is to make it clear to the other party that any sensitive information or trade secrets must be kept in confidence by the subcontractor and must never be disclosed without prior consent.

V. Return of Materials or Equipment

It should be stated that all materials or equipment used during the course of the project that was being provided to the subcontractor should be returned in a specific period written in the agreement.

VI. Term / Duration

This section provided the subcontractor with the expiration date for the agreement. The agreement should last as long as the information involved remains a trade secret.

VII. General Provisions

Include other miscellaneous provisions in the agreement such as severability, waiver, immunity from liability, governing laws, and jurisdiction.


Why Do Most Contracts Have a Confidentiality Clause?

It is important to state this in a contract to simply protect any important information or data from getting leaked. If one party to the agreement fails to uphold its promise, the other party will have the option to take legal action.

What Needs to Be In a Confidentiality Clause?

If there is a need to be specific then you may include this in the contract, or you may spell out the general terms in this clause in case you need to send more than one contract or agreement.

How Do Subcontractors Get Paid?

Depending on the subcontractor’s contract, they could be paid in installment or per job done.

Be prepared and protect your business trade secrets by executing a well-crafted subcontractor confidentiality agreement. Don’t forget to check out our free samples that you can download on this page.