10+ Teacher Student Agreement Samples
Contracts or agreements that are made in schools among teacher, parents and students are the most recommendable in increasing motivation and clarity amongst involved parties. This would enables the teachers to perform their duties as teachers, let the students be informed about their responsibilities as students and orient parents on their roles for continuous and coordinated student or child development. In making the matters agreed and discussed clear, well-documented and formalized, there is a need to secure a Teacher Student Agreement form. In order to avoid doing this from the very scratch (that would most possibly give you a hard time), avail on this site, read the rest of the article analysis and browse among our available, ready-made yet customizable templates that satisfies your project or form needs. We offer a lot of Teacher Student Agreement samples that you can choose from. Just browse among these templates and customize the template of your choice.
For other agreement templates, our site is offering you these agreement templates that you can utilize when needed: Employee Equipment Agreement, Vendor Purchase Agreement, Vendor Merchandise Agreement, Vendor Service Agreement, Training Services Agreement, Teacher Agreement, Workshop Service Agreement, Student Teaching Agreement, Product Sales Agreement, Farm Land Lease Agreement, etc. This article will not only give you templates but also necessary information that you need to know for your agreement. So come on, explore this article with me!
1. Student Mentor Teacher Agreement
2. Teacher-Student Partnership Agreement
3. Teacher Student Guardian Agreement
4. Student Teaching Agreement Form
5. Cooperating Teacher Student Agreement
6. Teacher Student Internship Agreement
7. Teacher Student Commitment Agreement
8. School Student Teaching Agreement
9. Teacher Program Student Agreement
10. Parent Teacher Student Agreement
11. Teacher Student Education Agreement
Increasing Motivation Through Learning Contracts
A learning contract is a voluntary, student-completed document that outlines actions the learner promises to take in a course to achieve academic success. This sample contract is signed by the student, the instructor, and (optionally) the parent. Benefits of all such contracts, however, are that they provide academic structure and support, motivate struggling learners by having them pledge publicly to engage in specific, positive study and learning behaviors, and serve as a vehicle to bring teachers and students to agreement on what course goals are important and how to achieve them
The learning contract is typically completed in a meeting between the student and instructor. (In middle and high schools, the parent may also be a participant.) While there are many possible variations on the learning contract, they often contain these components:
Statement Of Purpose<h/3>
The contract opens with a statement presenting a rationale for why the contract is being implemented. A sample statement might be: I am taking part in this learning contract because I want to improve my grades and pass this course.
Student Actions
The contract lists any actions that the student is pledging to complete to ensure success in the course. Suitable targets for learning contract items might include attendance, class participation, completion of classwork or homework, seeking of instructor help, etc.
Instructor Actions
The learning contract can be strengthened by adding a section detailing those actions that the instructor agrees to undertake to support the student. For example, the contract might state that the instructor will respond within 24 hours to course questions emailed by the student or will check weekly and alert the student to any missing course work. Listing teacher responsibilities on the contract emphasizes that success in the course is a shared endeavor and can prod the student to take advantage of instructor supports that might otherwise be overlooked.
Sign Off
Both student and teacher sign the learning contract. If the parent is participating in the development of the contract, he or she also signs the contract. Because this document is a kind of ‘promissory contract’, the student signature in particular indicates a voluntary acceptance of the learning contract and a public pledge to follow through on its terms.
Is syllabus a legal document?
Although syllabi are not legal documents, changes to syllabi that are punitive to students after a course begins would go against the concept of a syllabus as a “good faith” agreement. However, in this case, the court ruled that a syllabus did not constitute a legally enforceable contract.
What is the purpose of a learning agreement?
A learning agreement enables you to assume responsibility for your learning and show how you can demonstrate you have met the required competency for each learning outcome or goal. The use of a learning agreement is an integral tool for ensuring your learning is focussed, explicit and links theory to practice.
Having this document might be a hard task for you especially if you are doing it from scratch so as it needs to consider a lot of legalities that should be in lined with the law. To avoid this, you are highly encouraged to avail resources that you can see online to make your work, easy, convenient and quality-made. So what are you waiting for? Avail our templates now!