Having your own vehicles in lieu of taking public commutations is a very wise and sustainable step a person could decide in his or her life. Not only that vehicles can save you extra pennies from public vehicles, but also saves time whenever you go somewhere. After deciding what vehicle you would like to purchase, and what model of that vehicle would you like to have, it’s about time to look into your vehicle purchase agreement so that you and your dealer could discuss things that you want to clarify about. Vehicle Purchase Agreements contains important matters, details and deals that you should agree with your vehicle dealer so you could legalize and formalize your purchase of the said item. In making this, you might find yourself having a hard time doing it from scratch. With this, our site offers you free and available vehicle purchase agreement form that you can choose from according to your vehicle needs. Browse among these templates and choose the template that suits your preference the most.

For other agreement and vehicle checklist needs, our templates like Vehicle and Equipment Purchase Agreement, Daily Vehicle Checklist, Vehicle Delivery Note, Car Sale Delivery Note, Weekly Vehicle Inspection Checklist, Fleet Vehicle Inspection Checklist,  Vehicle Maintenance Checklist and more in the storage for you.

This article will not only give you free and customizable templates but also provide you with essential information and details that you need to know about vehicle purchase or the agreement itself. So come, read the rest of the article with me!

10+ Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form Samples

1. Recreational Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


2. Vehicle Loan Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


3. Car Security Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


4. Vehicle Consignment Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Residential Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 MB


6. Vehicle Purchaser Sales Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127 KB


7. Vehicle Sales and Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 394 KB


8. Vehicle Seller Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


9. Vehicle Credit Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 43 KB


10. Vehicle Purchase Registration Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


11. Master Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 19 KB


Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car can be a smart investment when you need a replacement vehicle. While new car purchases tend to increase with a rising economy, used cars can provide a great alternative as long as you know how to shop for one. You can get the most bang for your buck with a used car. While this provides an opportunity to live more economically, a used car, by definition, has issues from regular wear and tear. Therefore, it’s important to avoid making these costly mistakes when you’re in the market for a second-hand car.

Not Foreseeing The Finances Before Buying The Car

Before you purchase your used car, whether that’s through a dealer or from a private owner on a website such as Craigslist, you’ll have to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Not everyone is able to lay down the cash for a car in full—even for a used one. Those who can’t have to consider financing. Financing allows you to understand the upper limit of your price range. Knowing your budget makes negotiating prices easier. If you’re buying a car from a dealership, you can certainly take their offer.

But remember, dealer financing is built like a wholesale insurance offer, often adding in additional interest rates. Can you avoid this? Sure you can. The way you can do this is to shop around because different lenders offer different rates. Make sure you have your approval in hand even before you shop for your car—it’ll help keep you in line and within your budget. An auto loan calculator can also help you determine what kind of loan term and interest rate will fit your budget.

Foregoing the Test Drive

As many as 16% of buyers of used cars don’t test drive the car before making the purchase. On the other hand, first-time buyers of new cars test drive as many as seven new cars, on average, before making a purchase. This disparity in statistics might be why there are many third- and fourth-owner used cars on the streets. When you don’t test the asset you’re purchasing, you run the risk of experiencing a bout of buyer’s remorse. In the case of used cars, it’s imperative to test drive a few before making a purchase decision. This protects against buyer’s remorse and also ensures that the car is running properly.


What do you mean by vehicle?

Vehicle is any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport: a motor vehicle; space vehicles. a conveyance moving on wheels, runners, tracks, or the like, as a cart, sled, automobile, or tractor.

What is general maintenance of a car?

What does regular car maintenance include? On a regular basis, you should bring your car in for a car tune up as well as replace consumable items such as motor oil, radiator coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, wiper blades and brake pads.

How often do you need to wash your car?

As a general rule of thumb, it’s important to wash your car at least every two weeks. Obsessives will do it every week, or sometimes more frequently. Additionally, irregular dirt such as road salt and bug guts require immediate attention to prevent paint or metal damage.

Making your car purchase agreement might be a little challenge for you just as how you decide to purchase your vehicle. This is the very reason why it is highly encouraged for you to avail free and ready-made, customizable resources or templates online to help you with your needs. What are you waiting for? Avail our templates now!