If there are a lot of things you need to list down and remember, would it be easy if you can put them all in one page where you can see all the necessary information? What about listing down interests, principal amounts, payment schedules, and payment amounts of your amortized loan? Imagine how difficult that can be. Why put yourself in a difficult situation when you can download amortization table samples? Stop wasting time thinking about what goes where and where to put what.

An amortization table has all that listed and arranged for you to easily see what you need. You may also find our schedule samples useful.

Sample Loan Amortization Table

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  • PDF

Size: 475 KB


Credit Card Amortization Table in Excel

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  • XLSX

Size: 25 KB


Mortgage Amortization Table

File Format
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Size: 545 KB


Bond Amortization Table in Excel

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 10 KB


Types of Amortization

  • The type that is related to how business expenses are deducted
  • The type that is related to how a loan is repaid

Amortizable Loans

  • Home Loans – It is a long-term loan that lasts for 15 years or 30 years with a fixed mortgage. They are either used for rent or mortgage.
  • Personal Loans – It is usually a two- to three-year term loan. Borrowers can get this type of loan from banking and lending institutions with fixed interest rates and monthly rates. Personal loans are used mostly for small projects.
  • Intangible Assets – These assets are intellectual properties, patents, trademark, copyrights, and brand recognition. They are assets that are not physical in nature.
  • Auto Loans – Car loans are paid on a monthly basis and are often paid in a five-year term. This is also paid with a fixed monthly rate.
  • Annual Subscriptions – The payment method for annual subscriptions is similar to that of an amortized loan, which is on a monthly basis. It is paid in exchange for products or services.

Loans That Are Not Amortizable

  • Credit Cards – Requires you to pay your dues on a fixed due date every month. Failure to make the payment of the amount used will incur additional fees depending on the credit card institution.


Do check our Excel Amortization Schedule Samples to help you keep your amortization schedules organized and up to date.

Amortization Table Sample in Excel

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  • XLSX

Size: 48 KB


Payment Amortization Table in Excel

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  • XLSX

Size: 35 KB


Amortization Table Calculator

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Loan Amortization Table

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 375 KB


The Importance of Amortization

  • Purchasing and payment in large amounts of money is made easy.
  • The repayment amount is fixed so you will not be shocked on how much you have to pay over a period of time.
  • Allows borrowers to pay the borrowed amount in an installment basis.
  • Amortization is usually used to pay for properties such as houses and lots, infrastructures, and vehicles or automobiles.
  • Keeps track of how much you need to pay, when you need to pay it, and how much left for you to pay. You can also use our amortization schedule calculator samples.
  • It is a simple way to make payments lighter and spread out the payment cost.
  • Owning a property is made affordable.


An organized amortization table means hassle-free and on-time payments. Payments are already made easy through amortization because it allows you to pay for your debts through a fixed amount and a fixed schedule. Don’t screw up by missing a payment. Don’t wait for any payment problems before you download our amortization table samples in Excel. Take advantage of this downloadable tool that is extremely useful when it comes to organizing your amortization needs. We already have everything figured out for you.

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