Doing market analysis is really important especially in the aspect of business. It’s not that really complex, but it might sound too formal and daunting at times. In a market analysis, you ask yourself about who are your potential competitors? What would their buying and shopping habits be? What challenges have they experienced? And a lot more. Market analysis can be one of the most essential part of any strategies wherein you can actually help in reducing the risk when you have ultimately understood your customers and their market conditions.

It helps you in getting what you need and what makes you more different than others. However, you should not take everything seriously especially just by saying that your solution is exactly for everyone. You have to set parameters particularly to your target market. This will help you in focusing more on the resources available. In this article, you will be able to know more about what a business market analysis is.

10+ Business Market Analysis Samples

1. Business Market Analysis Template

business market analysis template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Business Management Market Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 107 KB


3. Market Analysis Business Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 55 KB


4. Business Market Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 260 KB


5. Market Research Business Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 152 KB


6. Situation Analysis Business Marketing Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 198 KB


7. Business Services Sector Market Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 396 KB


8. Business Activity Market Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 682 KB


9. Business Opportunity Market Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 983 KB


10. Company Market Analysis Business Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 784 KB


11. Business Plan SWOT Market Analysis

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 19 KB


What is a Business Market Analysis?

A business market analysis is both a qualitative and quantitative type of assessment of market wherein its goal is to look into the market size particularly on its value and volume, customer segments, buying patterns, economic environment, and competition. This type of analysis enables you to avoid having a lot of resources and time specifically in making products and services before identifying the needed solution. It also helps you determine what your product or service needs, if they will be big enough for each individuals to pay for it.

Take note that each of the newly created businesses are different. They use different strategies in structuring a plan which would depend on the goal or in its intended audience. If a certain business is still considered small, a formal market analysis might still not be the best use for the meantime. If you are tasked to write an internal business plan in which you do not have relevant reason to spend more time in reviewing the data, you have to ensure that you will assess the information and determine why you are doing an analysis. This will save your time and effort by cancelling out the irrelevant aspects in your plan.

How to Conduct Business Market Analysis?

  1. Industry overview – you will be asked to describe the type of industry you are in and the direction it is heading to. Include details about the key industry metrics like size, trends, and projected growth as well.
  2. Define your target market – your target market is considered to be the most essential section in the analysis process wherein you will be asked to provide an explanation of who will be your ideal customer. You may want to categorize your customers such as market segmentation.
  3. Competition – know exactly what other businesses are trying to compete with. Having an in-depth analysis of the competitors weaknesses will help you be in the place where you can take advantage of.
  4. Pricing and forecast – this is the final step in conducting a business market analysis. This is where you can actually figure out the price and be able to create a sales forecast so you can fully understand the type of market that you want to take.


What are the elements that you need to consider when refining your research about your target market?

It includes market size, demographics, location, psychographics, behaviors, and trends.

What areas do you need to look for when analyzing your competition?

It includes direct competition, indirect competitors, how you are different, and the barriers to entry.

Why do you need to conduct a business market analysis?

You can back up your business ideas, recognize market potentials, identify knowledge gaps, show you which products are already in the market, and identifying the market entry barrier.

If you want to see more samples and format, check out some business market analysis samples and template provided in the article for your reference.

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