In business case analysis (BCA) as well as strategic management, case analysis focuses on the tasks of crafting and implementing strategy in organizational concerns of a particular managerial situation. A case analysis of strategic management may concern a single organization or a whole industry. It is usually done to diagnose and appraise the situation and recommend appropriate action.

Our website’s examples of Sample Analysis gives a guide on the process with which case analyses are being conducted for strategic management by most companies. These are all free to download, print, and distribute as users see fit.

Strategic Management Sample Case Analysis

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  • PDF

Size: 13 KB


Business Case Analysis Sample

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Size: 453 KB


Sample Legal Case Analysis in PDF

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Size: 273 KB


Marketing Case Analysis in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


For administrators and business managers, case analyses enhance their skills in sizing up situations and developing their managerial judgment on what needs to be done and how to tackle different situational problems in the company. Case discussions often produce good arguments leading to more than one course of action that can benefit the company as a whole.

The structure of a case analysis can therefore include the following:

  • Purpose – Stating the purpose of the case analysis and all clarifying information that defines an objectively documented analysis, finding of alternatives and recommendations to address gaps in operational procedures, problems and requirements to address mission-critical needs to be submitted for review, feedback, and final decision.
  • Statement of the Problem – Description of the gap or problem, its magnitude, areas, people and organization affected, and their impacts if the problem or gap is not corrected. Includes additional context explaining the current situation among many factors and identify root problems and contributors to the observed problem.
  • Project Initiative, Description, and Requirements – Providing a short, high-level summary of the project and what it intends to accomplish. This includes data impact level assessment, risk management framework, mission impact assessment, and overall objectives both in the strategic and operational aspects.
  • Scope and Benefits – Defining the project’s initiative boundaries like users, technology, organizations, and functions by explaining what are included and excluded. Benefits describing the desired outcomes, efficiency, and cost savings in implementing the program is also included.
  • Presumption and Constraints – Brief explanation of key assumptions and other constraints relevant to understanding the basis of the analysis on the business case. Inclusion of time frame used on the analysis should be included. If root causes have not been previously identified, include assumption on the root cause of the problem in the notes.

For other relevant examples of analysis cases, please refer to our website’s Quantitative Analysis Samples. These help as guides in identifying the situation in the financial markets using analysis by using mathematical and statistical modeling.

Case Analysis on Notes

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  • PDF

Size: 293 KB


Sample Case Study Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 465 KB


Sample Job Analysis Case Study

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


Simple Case Analysis Grading

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


Case analyses help in the managerial exercise of identifying, diagnosing, and recommending appropriate action on any levels of organization that needs improvement. Initiating a case analysis therefore helps in diagnosing business issues and managerial problems and help propose workable solutions through assessment that will help make administrators and managers run an effective and efficient management function.

For companies looking to evaluate their budgets and other finance-related aspects of management, our Financial Analysis Samples will help guide users in drafting their own analyses on income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow initiatives. These are all free for downloading and printing.

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