When companies want to pursue the accomplishment of a certain project, they would usually take care to analyze the different aspects of that project to make sure that the project can be finished smoothly. That’s why project analysis exists. They can help you be aware of problems and cover all basis before you start pursuing projects.

On this list, we will help you make project analysis using these 7+ examples that you can download in either word or PDF format. We will help you learn all about analysis writing on our website so you can make your own. Critical analysis can also be important when it comes to certain tasks like projects, but that’s a different kind of analysis if you are interested.

Simple Project Analysis

sample project analysis

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Sample Project Management SWOT Analysis

project management swot analysis

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Project Analysis Report Template

project analysis2

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Project Risk Analysis Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


Project Feasibility Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 313 KB


Financial Project Analysis Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 279 KB


When Should Project Feasibility Analysis Be Done?

Right before starting a project. When a project has been proposed, there needs to be an analysis done on its strengths and weaknesses to determine if a certain project is worth pursuing in the first place. Project feasibility analysis can also help an organization prepare to cover for the weaknesses should they choose to pursue a certain kind of project.

The opposite of a project feasibility analysis is project completion reports, which comment on after a project is done and not before it. We also offer those should you be in the need.

Economic Project Analysis

An economic project analysis usually has something to do with analyzing investments—more specifically, investment projects. They can, however, also give information regarding to the project’s designs and select which ones can benefit the economy on a national scale. We provide analysis templates for this type of project analysis if you are in the lookout for them.

The analysis samples we offer to you can really help your company benefit by making sure that you proceed doing projects with care. We have many analysis samples in case the one you are looking for isn’t on this list. Take a look at these science project reports for more of what you can use.

Economic Project Analysis

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 158 KB


Project Network Analysis in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 138 KB


Simple Project Analysis

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 594 KB


Methods of Project Analysis

Using a project analysis requires you to check every relevant aspect that may affect the impact of the percentage of success. You usually only have a limited time to work with projects, and a project analysis can help you determine if a project can be finished on deadline. But you’d have to examine every part that matters: your manpower, funding, and details of the project that needs to be worked on.

There are many methods that you can follow up along the Web, each method can be specifically suited to your projects.

Tips to Design the Best Project Analysis

In order for you to design the best project analysis that you can make, you need the help of multiple people from your organization that are already familiar with making projects and get their opinion. The analysis examples that we offer can help you get the proper formatting as well as provide an example of what a project analysis is.

As long as you follow the samples that we’ve provided, you should have little to no trouble making a project analysis for yourself. If you’d like to examine individual aspects of a project specifically, instead of it as a whole, then might we suggest taking a look at our research project report and project budget sample.