4+ Safety Training Needs Analysis Samples

Safety trainings are more likely, a basic need for every company or business establishment or even educational institutions to operate. Safety as well is a basic need for every employee in an operating office, without this, no one could be functional enough to conduct his/her work and ensure productivity in contributing to the producing of main goods and services. A safety training needs assessment can help you determine whether your company’s current safety training program is effective and identify areas for improvement. In doing this, a Safety Training Needs Analysis is very much needed to formalize the realization of this important activity. Doing this from scratch might give you a very hard time especially that it should include planning and conducting the activities effectively. Our site offers you free and convening Safety Training Needs Analysis samples that you can use or modify. Just choose among the templates below and modify the one that suits your needs the most.

For other training template needs, we also offer Training Needs Assessment Form, Training Needs Assessment Survey, Sample Training Needs, Needs Assessment Checklist, Sample Templates for Training Needs, Training Needs Assessment Report, Training Needs Analysis, etc.

Our articles do not only offer you available templates but also give you information about what you need to know in making your project. So come, explore the article with me now!

1. Safety Training Needs Analysis Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 252 KB


2. Safety and Wellness Training Needs Analysis

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  • PDF

Size: 117 KB


3. Printable Safety Training Needs Analysis

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Size: 73 KB


4. Employee Safety Training Needs Analysis

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Size: 2 MB


5. Safety Training Needs Analysis Format

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Size: 2 MB


Conducting A Training Needs Assessment

Conducting a training needs assessment for all new work processes implemented at your company will ensure you are providing effective safety training to your employees and avoid injuries related to unfamiliarity with the new work processes.

Here’s how to conduct a safety training needs assessment in five steps:

Determining The Purpose For The Safety Training Needs Assessment

You may need to conduct a training needs assessment in the following situations:

  • A change in the workplace, such as bringing on a new type of equipment or creating a new process at your company that exposes your employees to new risks
  • An unacceptable rate of injuries, near-misses, or lost productivity

Gather Relevant Data

Use safety observations, interviews, questionnaires, incident reports and performance appraisals to evaluate your employees’ safety knowledge. Use this in order to know or diagnostically know the background of your employees in terms of their training or safety trainings and previous experiences.

Analyze The Data Gathered

You should analyze well the data gathered to identify any gaps or deficiencies between the knowledge required to do the job safely and your employees’ knowledge.

Determine If The Challenge Can Be Addressed By Training

If your data shows that your employees lack the required knowledge of risks and safe practices, safety training can help solve that. However, some performance problems cannot be corrected by safety training. These would include issues such as lack of motivation, morale, lack of resources, or system design.

Propose The Safety Training Solution

If you find that your problem is one that can be solved through additional safety training, you can then go on to develop a formal or informal safety training program that will correct the deficiency. The data you gathered during the assessment will help you develop a safety training program that delivers the right content to your employees and improves your company’s safety performance.


What are the levels of training needs assessment?

Training needs analysis is ideally undertaken at 3 levels (organizational, team and individual).

What are the five principles of good training?

In order to get the maximum out of your training, you need to apply the five key principles of training – specificity, individualization, progressive overload, variation and be aware of reversibility.

What is TNA process?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process in which the company identifies training and development needs of its employees so that they can do their job effectively. It involves a complete analysis of training needs required at various levels of the organization.

Making this and organizing everything from scratch is a very big trouble for you to solve. In order for you to make things easier, it is highly encouraged for you to avail our free and customizable resources online, What are you waiting for? Avail our free templates now!