Merely reading sources and writing papers are sometimes not enough. Analysis in writing is equally important. This would raise more interesting questions and allow you to voice out your academic perspective. Correspondingly, critical analysis could stir questions, dissect the whole paper, and present arguments.

In contrast to critical analysis, behavior analysis focuses on the principles of behaviorism. This involves analysis of the behavior of an individual and what makes that person unique. It involves simulated setting, natural environment setting, and experimental setting. Generally speaking, the whole point of all analysis is an in-depth study and detailed explanation of the subject matter.

Critical Analysis Template

critical analysis template1

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Size: A4, US


Critical Path Analysis

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Size: 59 KB


Critical Disclosure Analysis

Critical Incident

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Size: 17 KB


Critical Task

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Size: 79 KB


What Is Critical Analysis?

When you search for analysis samples, you’ll get a lot of types of analysis like financial analysis samples, which focuses solely on analyzing financial matters concerning profitable investments. On the contrary, critical analysis embodies the writer’s evaluation regarding somebody’s paper. This is breaking down the whole paper into smaller sections and studying what makes it vital and relevant, what factors hinder its purpose, and the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. Critical analysis involves both critical reading and critical writing.

How to Write a Critical Analysis

  • Read sample case analysis to be familiar with different writing styles of analysis.
  • Write your introduction. Introduce the argument you are analyzing, mention the main points as an overview. The following paragraphs should discuss each main point mentioned in this portion.
  • Describe what the paper is about in your own words. This is like a summary of the work before you list down the valuable points on why this paper is important or not.
  • When discussing the main points and the arguments, make sure to support your opinions and critiques by citing evidences.
  • Use proper citation.
  • Remember to balance the positive and the negative side of this paper.
  • Explain the relevance of the subject matter.

Literary Critical Analysis

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Size: 7 KB


Analysis of Critical Business

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Size: 221 KB


Nursing Critical Analysis

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Size: 186 KB


Critical Needs Analysis

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Size: 83 KB


Critical Analysis Sample

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Size: 639 KB


Benefits of Critical Analysis

Critical analysis increases the understanding of other readers regarding the paper. This will help you decide if the paper is worth the read, if it has the answers you’re looking for, if it is significant in the subject matter it tackled. This analysis would acknowledge the limitations of the study, the strengths would be highlighted, and the weaknesses will be recognized. Note that trend analysis samples and other types of analysis will make you have broader perspective, and you wouldn’t be limiting yourself on looking at one dimension of the whole picture; this will let you see things in a new angle.

Guidelines for Writing Critical Analysis

  • Analysis examples are considered guidelines for writing critical analysis, however, note earned value analysis samples are different since it focuses on variance analysis.
  • Determine the main argument and purpose of the paper.
  • Take all the main ideas so you can analyze the structure.
  • Citation and supporting evidences were mentioned in the steps on how to write a critical analysis. This means that you don’t have to limit yourself in the paper itself for evidences and citation, you could refer other studies or papers for it.
  • At the end of the analysis, double-check if you’ve covered all important points.

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