No matter how strong and competent you are, there will always be times when you are going to need a helping hand. There are just some tasks that you can’t do on your own. Having a team with you to accomplish your goal is so much better than carrying the burden alone. You know what they say, teamwork makes the dream work. Working as one means you rise as one. But the possibility of failing together is also inevitable. That is why, once in a while, you need to have a team analysis. As stressful as it is, this is part of a team leader’s job description.

Many say that in the “real world” you are going to have to do things on your own. But that isn’t always the case. There are times when you are fortunate enough to work with a team. Having the right teammates can get you to distant places, but if you don’t work well with each other, you are bound to stay stagnant. A team analysis can help you fix many problems you face together. It is a way of calibrating and realigning all the parts of a team. Even a simple team meeting can help provide motivation and driving force for the team to work harder.


Assessing how your team is doing is beneficial for you. It determines what the team must do and how to do it. Team analysis doesn’t only benefit the whole group but also the members individually. The members get to learn from each other and understand each other’s styles and strategies. If your team isn’t growing together, there might be something missing from your analysis.


Communication is part of team building. One of the benefits of team analysis is that you and your teammates learn to communicate with each other. You get to open up to each other and understand each other’s ways. Assessment is like trying to get to know each other better. Once you’ve established your stands of one another, it becomes easier for you to interact.


The skills you have aren’t always the skills your teammates have. Good teamwork is about helping someone with their weak points and letting them do the same for you. SWOT analysis will help you understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and formulate ways to work around them. It’s basically learning to give and take.


Again with strengths and weaknesses. Team analysis doesn’t just inform you who should do what; it also lets you identify who needs help improving their skills. Performance assessment is the first step to knowing how you can help your fellow man improve his craft. You can’t expect someone to do everything for you, so you need to learn to get better as well.

12+ Team Analysis Samples

To improve as a team, you need to discuss the opportunities and risks your organization might face. Including all of these in your analysis report can help you in so many ways. But first, you need to understand what a team analysis is. To help you get more insight into team analysis, here are 12+ team analysis samples you can check out.

1.  Team Performance Analysis System  Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 494.8 KB


2. Analysis Team Process Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 302.8 KB


3. Team Analysis of a Common Assessment Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 49.3 KB


4. Barrier Analysis Team Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1.3 MB


5. Analysis Team Membership Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 179.9 KB


6. Team Performance Analysis  Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 335.5 KB


7. Profile Team Analysis Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72.9 KB


8. Fraud Analysis and Selection Team Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 817.7 KB


9. Team Analysis Qualities Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 238.8 KB


10. Financial Analysis Team Project in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7.8 KB


11. Team Health Analysis Worksheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 445.3 KB


12. Team Analysis Memo Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75.2 KB


13. Team Analysis Paper in DOC

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3.5 KB


Steps to Success

Evaluating your team’s skills and performance can put so much pressure on you. Sometimes you wish you could just rely on self-assessment. As a team leader, you need to conduct an effective team analysis. A team performance analysis isn’t as easy as saying, “you’re doing better; keep going.” There are steps you need to consider.

1. Plan

The first thing you need to do is plan out your assessment. How are you getting the information you will use for data analysis? Talk to your team individually and as a group. Once you have figured out what you think your team lacks, you can formulate a way to assess them.

2. Define Goals

You should also identify where you want your organization to be in the future. This includes knowing what business projects you want to accomplish and who you want to join your team. This way, you get to decide what you think your organization would need to achieve these things.

3. Future Work; Future Skills

As industries change, careers and work trends change as well. You need to be ready when that happens. A good way to do that is figuring out what possible job profiles and positions you will need in the future. It would help if you also determined what skills your team must have or improve on to be viable for said positions.

4. Measure Current Skills

Your team’s current skills are vital in accomplishing your tasks. It is your job to measure them and see how well they perform. This way, you get to see what needs improving and skills are doing great. You can do this using skill assessment and whatnot.

5. Action

The last step is for you to take action. With the information you gathered, your task is to formulate methods to improve these skills. Improvement of skills would mean growth in performance. You could conduct training programs of sorts to practice your team’s capabilities.

Having teammates is excellent for anyone, get to surround yourself with people who you know you can quickly work with. You’ve got support when you need it and people to depend on.