Sometimes, you can’t do much in life if you only have one goal in mind. If you let yourself explore multiple possibilities, you can achieve more things. Focusing on one path is good, but keeping yourself blind from other opportunities isn’t really a good thing. The more achievements you have in your lifetime, the happier you’ll be. Your accomplishments don’t have to be just personal goals; it can also be goals you have for your family, your community, and whatever. In the corporate world, sales and income shouldn’t be the only thing companies should conduct business analysis on. There are other factors they need to keep in mind for the betterment of everyone. That is why there is such a thing called triple bottom line analysis.

Self-centeredness and arrogance aren’t cute. Not even for large corporations. If you know you have a significant impact on the community, you need to make sure you are doing your part in making it better. For your company to grow, you need to make sure to pay attention to other factors in society. This is the primary purpose of a triple bottom line analysis. This type of data analysis helps companies see if their goals for themselves and their community get accomplished. Triple bottom line analysis makes sure that the company stays true to its corporate social responsibility. This way, the company can gain profit, all while promoting sustainability.

The Three P’s of Triple Bottom Line

In the world of business, there is a multitude of frameworks that a company should follow to ensure success. One of the many business models is what you call the triple bottom line. As the name says, triple bottom line analysis focuses on, not just one, but three aspects. These aspects are what the company studies to gain holistic success. The three main elements of triple bottom line analysis are Profit, People, and the Planet.


It comes as no surprise that a company’s main goal is to make a profit. But by following the triple bottom line framework, sales analysis and economics are only seen as one part of a more comprehensive business plan. This also ensures that the way the company gains financial stability is through ethical practices with no trickery happening. This could also suggest that there are ways to focus on the people and planet and gain a profit. The profit aspect screams a bigger picture that states that everything the company does has some kind of cost-benefit.


When you talk of people, this could mean the employees that are working for the company. This factor looks into the labor that the employees do in the corporation. The company must make sure the working conditions are humane, and their wages are fair. People could also mean the community that the company dwells in. Since they gain profit from the people around them, they must find a way to provide more than the services they offer. The main point of this aspect is to give back to the people who help the company grow.


As taboo as it is, there are still corporations that don’t mind harming the environment just to make the business grow. But as the effects of environmental destruction rise, people are also starting to realize the harm they do affects them too. That is why the third P is about the planet. Triple bottom line analysis sees to it that the company is doing its environmental responsibilities. Some of the major concerns that this part tackles include things like water conservation, waste reduction, and production of faux fur and leather for animal welfare.

12+ Triple Bottom Line Analysis Samples in PDF | DOC

For a company to grow, it must not only think about itself but also the people it serves and the environment it belongs to. Profit, people, and the planet are the three major points that a company should always consider. This is according to the triple bottom line framework. Understanding the framing also means doing some kind of research analysis. To do that, you need more insight on triple bottom line analysis. Here are some triple bottom line analysis samples to help you out.

1. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Sample

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Size: 1.3 MB


2. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Map Template

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Size: 291.3 KB


3. Triple Bottom Line Analysis in PDF

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Size: 1.5 MB


4. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Memo Sample

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Size: 301.9 KB


5. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Example

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Size: 823.5 KB


6. Triple Bottom Line and Footprint Analysis

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Size: 3.9 MB


7. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Map Example

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Size: 1.5 MB


8. Basic Triple Bottom Line Analysis in PDF

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Size: 3.6 MB


9. Formal Triple Bottom Line Analysis Sample

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Size: 143.0 KB


10. Triple Bottom Line Analysis Tool Sample

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Size: 240.8 KB


11. Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis Template

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Size: 3.7 MB


12. Triple Bottom Line Analysis and Sustainability

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Size: 406.6 KB


13. Triple Bottom Line Analysis in DOC

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  • PDF

Size: 5.1 KB


Achieving Sustainable Triple Bottom Line

Sustainability is one of the major concerns of the world today. That is why everyone should exert some effort and find a way to give back to the community. In the corporate world, you can do this through triple bottom line analysis. This technical analysis requires some steps to get accomplished.

1. Adapt Local Context

One way you can strive for sustainability, and the triple bottom line is by adapting to situations. This depends on your locale. If your company is in a sunny area, you can opt to use solar energy to power up your office. You can create a strategic plan that makes you use renewable and clean energy.

2. Seek New Opportunities

Everyone wants their company to grow. Many business owners try out new ventures that can help them reach new heights. But to keep things within the bounds of the triple bottom line, you should look for opportunities that can accommodate the people and planet aspects. Crafting a business proposal is easy, but finding the right prospect, now that’s the challenge.

3. Share Risks

If you plan on going green, there will be some challenges you are going to face. Not that this is inevitable, but there are ways to work around it. To help you figure out ways to deal with them, you should discuss things with other corporations dealing with a similar situation. You never know, you might end up with a profitable business partnership.

4. Understand Nature

It can be very tempting sometimes to build structures in all the wrong places. But when you know there could be an ecosystem that might face harm, it’s best to decide against it. A good construction plan is to create a structure that doesn’t disturb any existing ecosystem.

Balancing growth and civic duties is tough. There will be times when you will have to choose between business or society. Whatever decision you make, all you can do is hope for the best.