Analysis in writing is not only limited to business-related subjects such as marketing, finance, and sales. It is also applicable in the behavior of the individuals. This analysis is called behavior analysis, although this is different because this needs specific people to conduct it. Mostly psychologists and behavior analysts are hired for this.

The critical analysis examples you might have encountered could be done by the people who had training and seminars regarding this research paper, but behavior analysis not only requires these kinds of knowledge in paper but also in practice and experience. The most used branch of behavior analysis is the applied behavior analysis.

What Are the Three Branches of Behavior Analysis?

  • Behaviorism. This branch of behavior analysis has a principle that behavior can be observed and should be measured scientifically and in an objective way. This branch was recognized by the works of John B. Watson.
  • Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Started after B. F. Skinner published his book Behavior of Organisms. In this branch of behavior analysis, it introduces two concepts: operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Classical conditioning involves conditioned response and stimulus and unconditioned response and stimulus.
  • Applied Analysis of Behavior. This is the branch in analysis samples that develops methods and steps to change the behavior in order to improve socially important behaviors.

What Are the Principles of Behavior Analysis?

The following are principles of behavior analysis, but if you want to determine what your study is missing or the gaps that need to be filled, use gap analysis.

  • Behaviors that one possess is a product of environmental influence.
  • Depending on the reward or consequence, the behavior will either be strengthened or weakened.
  • A better response will be received if there is a positive consequence rather than negative consequence.
  • A future behavior is predicted by the past behavior.
  • When a behavior is being reinforced by something or someone, the behavior will most likely be repeated.

Tips for Behavior Analysis

Whether you are working on your market analysis or research analysis, it is never wrong to find some tips for conducting an analysis for a better outcome.

  • Rely on scientific facts and knowledge.
  • Before conducting a behavior analysis, make sure that you are competent enough for the analysis results to be valid and reliable.
  • You should have a professional development and experiences in how to deal and objectively analyze behaviors.
  • When analyzing behavior, you should have an integrity. Be truthful in whatever you record in your notes.
  • Consult other professionals, make use of your professional and scientific relationships.
  • Consider conflicts of interest that can become a factor of biased judgment.
  • Analysts of behavior do not exploit people they are evaluating or working with.
  • Behavior analysts should have an immediate acceptance of the clients.
  • Remember that being an analyst of certain clients, they are under your responsibility.
  • Do not forget to check the referrals and consultation records of the client.
  • Review the rights and prerogatives of the clients, as well as your rights as the analyst.

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