When you made a loan or made a mortgage with a bank, you would need to carefully plan out your payments so that it doesn’t get too overwhelming. With all the bills and all other documents that you need to take care of each month, you don’t want the added stress of computing for your payments and mortgage.

Annual payment calculators greatly help you with this problem. They effectively compute how much you are going to pay for each payment period so you wouldn’t have to. They work much like these Sample Time Card Calculators in that they automatically do the calculations for you.

Annual Loan Payment Calculator

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  • XLS

Size: 37 KB


Annual Budget Payment Calculator

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Size: 54 KB


Amortization Annual Payment Calculator

mortgage payment amortization calculator

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  • XLS


What Is an Annual Payment Calculator?

An annual payment calculator is a tool that is used to determine how much you will need to pay for your loan or mortgage for different payment frequencies. The payments can be done weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, and so on, depending on which one is convenient for you. These calculators provide a detailed plan for payment so that you are free from worrying about your payments.

Benefits of Using Annual Payment Calculators

Loans and mortgages are some of the things in which interest plays a big role. They often spell the difference between deciding to pay annually or weekly. For mortgages, for example, you might need these Mortgage Payoff Calculators to determine how much you will save by increasing your mortgage payment. Using an annual payment calculator will not only show you the payments that you need to do but also loads of other useful things. Below are some of the benefits of using these calculators.

  • They save your time.
  • They are free.
  • They create different payment schedules that would save you money.
  • They can calculate these problems even with multiple unknowns.
  • They are easily customizable to fit your needs.

Mortgage Payment Calculator Extra Annual Payment

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  • XLS

Size: 153 KB


Uses of Annual Payment Calculators

We would want to make the most out of the money that we have, so we need to make sure that we spend our money wisely. Annual payment calculators are a great way of managing your finances. They calculate your payments so that you will know how to effectively plan your spending. Listed below are some of the uses of these payment calculators.

  • Loans – When you have made a loan, you would need to have an efficient plan in paying for it. The annual payment calculators effectively give you a payment schedule that would give you the most value.
  • Rent – Rent has become a major part of people’s live these days as they continue to leave their hometowns. These calculators show you how much you need to pay for each period.
  • Amortization – The calculators help a lot in managing amortizations. Also, check out these Amortization Calculator Excel Samples for other ways of managing your amortization.
  • Mortgage – These calculators are effective ways of managing your mortgage.


Annual payment calculators will save you time when making a plan for your payments. They effectively calculate the amount you have to pay for each period and you can compare your payment frequencies to come up with an efficient payment schedule.

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