All the achievements carried out by the organizations are the outcomes of the combined efforts of the individuals that is working in the company. If you only focus on the enterprise aspect in implementing change, you also risk losing your employees in the long run. They will get stuck to where they possibly be. It is just like being in a situation where they cannot grow or make a personal transition. If an organization cannot make an effort to help the people get into the future state, they will revert back to the way how they used to do their work which are mainly composed of incomplete journeys. Having a structured change movement will help you provide an opportunity to be able to close the gap to make sure that the future state you visualized is where we should supposed to be.

10+ Change Impact Assessment Samples

A change impact assessment is used to become a guide for human resource management, project managers, social program coordinators, consulting firms, corporations, businesses, and other aspect that involves identifying people, tools, processes, culture, behavior, etc. that you know will be impacted by the change. This type of assessment also helps you in identifying who will be and what will be impacted by the change. You will be provided with answers to the questions: What is changing? When will the people be impacted? How many of those people will be impacted? How severe are the impacts? And a lot more. All of the information that you can get out from the change impact assessments will influence your change management planning.

1. Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


2. Business Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 113 KB


3. Project Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 MB


4. Climate Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 473 KB


5. Climate Change Impact Environmental Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 479 KB


6. Climate Study Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 MB


7. Sample Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 257 KB


8. Change Action Plan Health Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 21 MB


9. Climate Change Hydrologic Impact Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Equality Change Impact Assessment

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 86 KB


11. Change Request Impact Assessment

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 23 KB


Why Assess a Change Impact?

There are various projects that fall to failure and even have a lack of effective change management. A change management is as necessary as a project management wherein they focus mainly on the understanding of the scope of a certain project. Nevertheless, it is only the change impact assessment who can provide the scope. Having to understand a change impact is essential for the implementation of a plan. If you only know how everything and each aspect are impacted, you can easily identify the potential effect of a business operation. Through this, you will be able to gain more knowledge about the implementation planning and leads to develop an effective contingency plans. It is deemed necessary to understand how this particular impact is being distributed.

It may be possible to break the process into small components to reduce the said impact.

Another benefit that we can get from having a change impact assessment is to be able to identify the critical points in the implementation process. There are business operations where a proof-of-concept is required to facilitate the minimization of the impact. Lastly, a change impact assessment allows you to identify the most essential parts in addressing the change management strategies.


How to conduct a change impact assessment?

You have to follow the following steps:

  • identify the resources that are tasked with documenting the business and technical process flows
  • conduct the business impact analysis
  • organizational impact assessment process

What are the steps for wrapping up a change management impact assessment?

1. Validate your change impact findings and output with the project team, business analysts, stakeholders, etc.

2. Integrate feedback.

3. Follow up with stakeholders that provided feedback to ensure that the input as been properly reflected.

4. Summarize the stated impact into a comprehensive presentation.

5. Present the impacts and discuss the next steps.

6. Develop a training program, communications, and engagement activities.

What can be the aspects of a person’s job that you can impact?

Those are the processes, systems, tools, job roles, critical behavior, mindset and beliefs, reporting structure, performance reviews, compensation, and location.

If you want to see more samples and format, check out some of the change impact assessment samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.