Employee self-assessments or employee self-evaluations are useful and constructive tools used by management in order for them to find out how employees view their own performance. Conducting employee self-assessments aid in closing the gap between an employee’s expectation and performance and promotes an open communication between supervisors and employees pertaining to goals, opportunities, and areas for improvement.

Self-assessments are a little different from performance evaluations. Evaluations allow supervisors and managers to provide feedback about their opinion of an employee’s performance and their ability to meet expectations. A self-assessment, on the other hand, allows employees to express their thoughts, share new skills that they have acquired, and enlighten supervisors of their achievements.

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Downloadable Employee Self-Assessment Form

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Free Employee Self Assessment Sample in PDF

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Simple Employee Self Assessment Example

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Employee Self-Assessment Form in Word

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Writing a self-assessment can be quite a challenge; although one is expected to know more about themselves than anyone else, it can be quite awkward and intimidating to write down an evaluation that is objective and will not be perceived to be conceited or vain. Below are a few tips to help you make a goal-oriented and non-subjective evaluation of one’s self.

Flaunt It

One main goal of conducting a self-assessment is to showcase your achievements and abilities. Self-assessments are a great way for you to flaunt your best work and to highlight the impact of your accomplishments to your superiors. One way to let your supervisor realize how valuable you are to the company is to describe your accomplishments and the effect it caused to the company as a whole or how it was connected to the objective of the business. For example, “Our target was to increase our sales this month by at least 8%. Our team was able to sell 500 insurance policies this month, 280 of which were purchased from me.”

Be Realistic

Do not try to over-exaggerate an achievement and do not try to sweep areas that need improvement under the rug. Be realistic and be honest about highlighting a task that was exemplary done versus one that wasn’t, and use positive paraphrasing when critiquing areas that need improvement. For example, instead of saying, “I’m sorry but I’m really bad at sales and marketing,” you can opt to say, “Sales and marketing is an area that I want to focus on and I think that this is what I should do to help me improve better on this area, moving forward.”

Free Classified Employee Self-Assessment

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Printable Employee Self-Assessment Worksheet

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Employee Individual Self-Assessment Example

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Performance Review Employee Self-Assessment Form

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Standard Employee Performance Self Assessment

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General Employee Self-Assessment

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Suggest Training or Career-Development Opportunities

Assessments and evaluations are the best way for you to communicate with your superiors. It is also the best time to ask for career-developmental opportunities or training that can help you improve your work performance and productivity.

Be Professional

Your self-assessment reflects you and your personality. Make sure that you are able to give out an evaluation that has been carefully thought of, check your grammar and your spelling, and properly reflect on the things that you want to include in your self-evaluation.

Assessments are needed periodically to maintain the quality of performance. Make sure that you are able to properly document your evaluations so you can use them as references in the future. We offer a variety of  Sample Assessments raging from Sample Physical Assessment to Sample Risk Assessment, and Business Risk Assessments.

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