Our mental health is often an overlooked and misunderstood part of our overall health. When we think of illness, we often think about the physical aspects and how we feel. Mental health is a completely different matter. It is much more complicated and complex and a stigma still exists when talking about it.

There are many aspects that need to be considered when talking about mental health. Assessments need to be done in order to find out what the problem really is, what is causing it, and what is the proper cure. Our sample mental health assessments are a great example. These Sample Assessments are very easy to understand.

Child Mental Health Assessment Sample

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Size: 320 KB


Mental Health Assessment Sample

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Size: 2 MB


Nursing Mental Health Assessment Example

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Size: 3 MB


Mental Health Assessment Example

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Size: 149 KB


Sample Mental Health Risk Assessment

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Size: 67 KB


Causes of Mental Health Disorders

When it comes to dealing with mental health issues, it is important that the person experiencing it recognizes that there is a problem that needs to be solved. That is why he or she should assess his or herself first so that treating it is easier. Our Self-Assessment Examples offer a way in making this possible. Mental health is a complex area to study and so it is important to determine the factors that are associated with it.

  • Genetics – Studies have shown that genes and family history may play a role in the development of mental health problems. When a family member has one, you may be at a higher risk of developing one yourself.
  • Chemical Balance – In this case, it is that imbalance of chemicals that is causing problems in the brain, causing symptoms to appear. This area of mental health is still being researched.
  • Stress – Stress is also a very big contributor to the appearance of certain mental health disorders. Feelings of grief or a traumatic accident are also stress-inducing and greatly contribute to the emergence of symptoms.
  • Drugs – There are certain drugs that would trigger mental health issues. For example, amphetamines are shown to have an affect on the brain.

Mental Health Self-Assessment Sample

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Size: 110 KB


Mental Health Assessment of Patient in PDF

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Size: 21 KB


Mental Health Assessment Form in PDF

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Size: 119 KB


Mental Health Assessment Form for Adults

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Size: 13 KB


Why Do Mental Health Assessments

Understanding mental health entails a lot of research and study. An assessment needs to be done in order to see what the problem is and its underlying cause.

  • Assessments are needed to know the patient’s overall way of living. Many factors affect mental health. Assessments offer a way for the professional to see the social, psychological, physical, etc., aspects of a person’s life.
  • Assessments offer a way of release for the patients. Talking about the problem is the first step in understanding it. Assessments, while not exactly a counseling therapy, are a great venue for patients to talk about their feelings, what they are thinking, their beliefs, and so on. It is also a great indicator of what the patient will do in the future that will need to be prevented (suicide, self-harm, and so on).

Mental health is a complex area that most people do not understand. There are many factors that are associated with it that needs to be studied. That is why mental health assessments are often done together with other tests such as Psychosocial Assessments. Our sample mental health assessments are as comprehensive as possible and it is very easy to understand.