Different kinds of writing come with their own rules that if followed will bring out clarity of information. How to write a biography ? Biography templates are specifically designed to guide the writer in coming up with a great piece. However, this is only possible when you find high quality samples, which are quite rare. The best auto biography graphic organizer guides will possess the following:

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Biography About Myself

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, I, Elizabeth Harper, have always been driven by a curiosity to explore the intricacies of digital media and a desire to make a tangible impact in the world of marketing. My journey into the realm of Marketing and Communication began at the University of Toronto, where I earned my degree in Marketing Management. This foundational education not only equipped me with the necessary skills but also instilled in me a lifelong passion for creativity and strategic thinking.

After completing my studies, I embarked on my professional journey at Bright Solutions, where I worked as a Marketing Coordinator. Here, I honed my skills in campaign management, content creation, and data analysis, which enabled me to contribute significantly to the launch of an award-winning social media campaign for a major non-profit organization. My time at Bright Solutions was a period of immense growth, both professionally and personally, as I learned the importance of teamwork, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges.

Seeking to broaden my horizons and impact, I transitioned to Innovatech, where I currently serve as a Digital Marketing Manager. In this role, I am responsible for overseeing digital marketing strategies that drive brand awareness and lead generation across multiple platforms. One of my proudest achievements in this position has been leading a cross-functional team to develop an integrated marketing campaign that resulted in a 40% increase in online engagement for our flagship product.

Outside of my professional life, I am deeply passionate about photography and travel. Whether it’s capturing the vibrant streets of Tokyo or the serene landscapes of Iceland, these activities allow me to explore different cultures and keep me inspired. Additionally, I am committed to supporting environmental causes, as I believe in giving back to the community and advocating for sustainable living practices.

Looking to the future, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am committed to continuing my personal and professional growth, seeking out new experiences, and contributing to the marketing industry in meaningful ways. Above all, I strive to live by my values of creativity, integrity, and compassion, knowing that success is not just about what we achieve for ourselves but also what we contribute to the world around us.

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Biography For Project

Name: Alex Thompson
Role in Project: Project Manager
With a solid background in Civil Engineering and a passion for sustainable urban development, Alex Thompson brings over a decade of experience in project management to the table. Alex graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Professional Journey:
Alex’s professional journey began as a Field Engineer with ConstructRight, a renowned construction company, where he was involved in various infrastructure projects that spanned from bridges to eco-friendly commercial buildings. His dedication and innovative approach to problem-solving led him to ascend to the role of Senior Project Engineer at BuildInnovate, focusing on sustainable urban projects.

Current Role:
Currently, as a Project Manager at UrbanScape Innovations, Alex oversees the development of green residential complexes. He is responsible for coordinating project activities from conception through completion, ensuring that all projects adhere to environmental standards, budget constraints, and timelines. Under his leadership, his team has successfully completed several award-winning sustainable housing projects.

Expertise and Skills:

  • Project planning and management
  • Sustainable construction practices
  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Team leadership and collaboration
  • Problem-solving and innovation


  • Led a team that won the Green Building Excellence Award in 2023 for the EcoNest Residential Complex project.
  • Published several articles on sustainable urban development in industry journals.
  • Guest speaker at the International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development.

Personal Interests:
Outside of work, Alex is an avid cyclist and environmental activist. He participates in community clean-up drives and advocates for green living practices. Alex also enjoys reading about the latest trends in smart city technologies and sustainable urban planning.

Vision for the Project:
Alex is dedicated to ensuring that the current project not only meets but exceeds environmental sustainability goals. His vision is to create a model for future developments that prioritize ecological integrity, community well-being, and innovation.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]

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Sample Biography of a Deceased Person

Name: Margaret Elizabeth Reed
Born: May 2, 1942 – Passed Away: August 15, 2023

Early Life:
Margaret Elizabeth Reed was born in Springfield, Illinois, to a family deeply rooted in community service and education. From a young age, Margaret showed an exceptional aptitude for the arts and a profound commitment to social justice, influenced by her parents’ dedication to civil rights.

Education and Career:
Margaret pursued her passion for art at the University of Illinois, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Her artistic talent and visionary work quickly earned her recognition in the local art scene. After graduation, Margaret dedicated herself to teaching, shaping the next generation of artists as a beloved art teacher at Springfield High School for over 30 years. Her innovative teaching methods and unwavering support for her students left an indelible mark on countless lives.

Personal Life:
In 1965, Margaret married her college sweetheart, Thomas Reed, a fellow educator and civil rights advocate. Together, they raised three children, instilling in them the values of compassion, creativity, and social responsibility. Margaret’s home was a hub of artistic activity and community engagement, where she hosted many gatherings to support various causes.

Community Involvement:
Beyond her professional achievements, Margaret was a pillar of her community. She volunteered her time and art to numerous local charities and was instrumental in establishing a community arts program that provided free art classes to underprivileged children. Her efforts were recognized with several community service awards.

Margaret Elizabeth Reed passed away on August 15, 2023, leaving behind a legacy of artistic innovation, educational excellence, and community service. Her artwork continues to inspire new generations, and her philanthropic initiatives have grown, continuing to enrich the lives of many. Margaret is survived by her husband, Thomas, their three children, and seven grandchildren, who all carry forward her spirit of generosity and creativity.

In Memory:
Margaret’s family invites donations to the “Margaret E. Reed Arts Scholarship” to support young artists in their educational endeavors, continuing Margaret’s lifelong mission to foster art and community engagement. Her memory lives on in the countless lives she touched and the vibrant community she helped build.

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Biography Writing Format

Biography writing involves capturing the essence of an individual’s life, highlighting significant moments, achievements, and personal characteristics. Here’s a structured format you can follow to write a comprehensive and engaging biography:


  • Brief Overview: Start with a summary that captures the person’s significance, key achievements, and the impact they’ve had on their field or community.
  • Basic Information: Include their full name, birth date, and, if applicable, the date of passing. Mention where they were born and a brief overview of their upbringing or background.

Early Life and Education

  • Childhood: Discuss notable aspects of their childhood, including family background, early interests, and any pivotal moments that influenced their future path.
  • Education: Outline their educational journey, noting important academic achievements, degrees obtained, and institutions attended. Highlight any mentors or experiences that significantly shaped their direction.

Career and Major Achievements

  • Career Beginnings: Describe how they started in their professional field, including early jobs or projects.
  • Significant Contributions: Detail their major contributions and achievements in their career, including notable works, positions held, awards received, or innovations developed.
  • Impact: Explain the impact of their work on their industry, community, or the world at large, highlighting how they’ve influenced others or changed their field.

Personal Life

  • Interests and Hobbies: Share insights into their personal interests, hobbies, and other non-professional activities that paint a fuller picture of who they were as a person.
  • Family and Relationships: Briefly mention significant family relationships and how these influenced or supported their journey.

Challenges and Overcoming Adversity

  • Obstacles: Discuss any major challenges or obstacles they faced in their life and career, emphasizing their resilience and how they overcame these difficulties.
  • Growth: Highlight how overcoming these challenges contributed to their growth and success.

Legacy and Final Years

  • Later Life: If applicable, discuss their life after retirement or during their final years, including ongoing projects, continued influence, and personal pursuits.
  • Legacy: Reflect on their legacy and how they will be remembered, including any foundations, scholarships, or institutions established in their honor.


  • Summary of Impact: Conclude by summarizing their impact and why their life and work continue to be significant.
  • Final Thoughts: Offer final reflections on their life, considering what others can learn from their story.

References (if applicable)

  • Include a list of sources used to compile the biography, such as books, articles, interviews, and archives, to lend credibility and allow readers to explore further.

This format provides a comprehensive approach to biography writing, ensuring that the narrative is both informative and engaging, offering readers a well-rounded view of the individual’s life and contributions

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Browse More Templates On Biography

Short Biography Outline Template

short biography outline template

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Sample Professional Biography Outline Template

professional biography outline template

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Biography Report Outline Template

biography report outline template

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Main Purpose of a Biography

  1. To Inform: Biographies provide detailed information about a person’s life, including their experiences, accomplishments, and the challenges they’ve faced.
  2. To Educate: They serve as educational resources, offering insights into historical periods, societal contexts, and fields of interest through the lens of an individual’s life.
  3. To Inspire: By sharing the journeys of notable individuals, biographies can motivate readers to pursue their own goals and overcome obstacles.
  4. To Preserve History: Biographies document the lives of influential people, preserving their legacies and contributions for future generations.
  5. To Highlight Achievements: They celebrate the achievements and impact of individuals in various domains, such as politics, science, art, and social activism.
  6. To Provide Insight: Biographies offer in-depth insight into a person’s character, motivations, and the factors that shaped their life and work.
  7. To Analyze Societal Impact: They examine how individuals have influenced or been influenced by their social, cultural, and historical contexts.
  8. To Entertain: Biographies can also entertain readers, providing captivating narratives that delve into the complexities and triumphs of human lives.

Basic Biography Worksheet Template

biography worksheet template

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Personal Biography Outline Template

personal biography outline template

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Sample Artist Biography Outline Template

artist biography outline template

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Features Of Biography

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  1. Chronological Structure: Biographies typically follow a chronological order, detailing the subject’s life from birth to death or to the present if they are still alive. This structure helps readers understand the sequence of events and their impact on the subject’s development and achievements.
  2. In-depth Research: Good biographies are based on meticulous research, drawing from a range of sources such as interviews, letters, diaries, photographs, and historical records. This thorough research ensures the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information presented.
  3. Focus on a Central Figure: The core of any biography is the individual it profiles. It provides a detailed exploration of this person’s life, personality, achievements, and challenges, offering readers an intimate look into their experiences and contributions.
  4. Contextual Information: Besides focusing on the individual, biographies also provide context by exploring the historical, social, and cultural environments in which the person lived. This background information helps readers understand the external factors that influenced the subject’s life and work.
  5. Personal Insights: Biographies often include personal insights into the subject’s character, motivations, and emotions, which are gleaned from personal correspondence, accounts from friends and family, and other intimate sources. These insights offer a deeper understanding of the individual beyond their public achievements.
  6. Narrative Elements: Although biographies are factual, they often utilize narrative techniques such as storytelling, character development, and setting descriptions to make the subject’s life story engaging and relatable to readers.
  7. Themes and Messages: Many biographies convey broader themes or messages, such as perseverance, innovation, or the impact of societal change. These themes are woven through the narrative to provide deeper meaning and reflection on the subject’s life and times.
  8. Analysis and Interpretation: Biographers not only present facts but also analyze and interpret the subject’s actions, decisions, and the impact of their work. This analysis helps readers appreciate the complexities of the subject’s life and the significance of their contributions to their field or society.

Sample Biography Outline Template

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Character Biography Outline Template

character biography outline template

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Sample Biography Report Outline Template

biography report outline template

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Five Parts of a Biography

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  1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the subject’s life, including their name, significance, and a brief summary of their major achievements or the impact they had on their field or society. It sets the tone for the biography and gives readers a glimpse of what to expect.
  2. Early Life and Background: Here, the biography delves into the subject’s early years, exploring their family background, place of birth, education, and any formative experiences that influenced their later life and work. This part helps readers understand the roots and upbringing that shaped the individual’s character and ambitions.
  3. Career and Major Contributions: This crucial part of the biography details the subject’s professional journey, key achievements, and contributions to their field. It covers significant milestones, challenges faced, and the impact of their work, providing a thorough look at their professional life and legacy.
  4. Personal Life: This section sheds light on the subject’s personal life, including relationships, family, hobbies, and any personal struggles or triumphs. It offers a more intimate glimpse into the individual’s character beyond their public or professional persona, adding depth to their portrayal.
  5. Legacy and Influence: The final part of the biography assesses the subject’s legacy, examining how their work or life has influenced their field, society, or subsequent generations. It may also include reflections on their contributions, recognition or awards received, and their standing in history or popular culture. This section underscores the lasting impact of the individual’s life and work.

Biography Outline Template For Elementary Students Template

biography outline template for elementary students

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Biography Report Template

biography report

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Personal Biography Template

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One can easily frame a biography if provided with the correct sample. A biography must include the proper format of details which are to be included to come up with the master piece. A Personal Biography Template would help to frame the best biography with a proper structure. You may also see biography timeline samples.

Formal Biography Template

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Writing a biography is not easy as there are many things that are to be included while one begins to start writing a biography. The Personal Biography Template Word will include the personal details of the person that will make it easy for the readers to understand.You may also see personal timeline templates.

Biography Directions Template

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It is necessary to include proper format and structure while one begins to write a biography. With the help of the Short Biography Directions Template you can easily have an analysis of the important key points which are to be included in the biography and how to put up the structure of the biography.You may also see biography report

Why Does One Need a Biography Template?

Writing a biography is difficult and it needs to have a very detailed data analysis of the person. A biography is written for a person and therefore one needs to follow a detailed analysis and study. With the help of the biography template one can easily write up a story in a proper format. You can also see biography samples

It must include all the specific details like the name, important events, personal life, history and achievements of the person. It should be based on an analytical report on the person’s life which will be framed under different topics and with the help of the template can be easily customized and personalized as per the own needs.You may also see biography timeline templates.

When Does One Need a Biography Template?

Sketching out someone’s personal life details can never be an easy task. Writing a biography is a really tough job and one needs to focus on each and every part of the personal, professional and social life of the person for whom the biography is to be written.You may also see biography sample timesheets

With the help of the biography template one can easily have a proper layout of what all things are to be included in a biography and which section or paragraph should include what detail? One needs to have a proper knowledge of what and how things are to be framed. A template can be easily customized and designed as per the different fields of the person.You may also see historical timeline templates

Sample Biography Research Template

biography sample

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A Biography Sample Template helps to sketch the biography really well with the help of proper diagram. It must include all the personal details of the person as well as their early life and personal life events that will make the biography look interesting and also factual.You may also see biography writings.

Biography Scoring Template

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Biography Report Form Template


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Students Biography Template

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Size: 471.1 KB


Benefits of having a biography template:

A template has always been helpful to the person who is beginning up with something new. Writing a biography is a tough job and one really does have no idea about how to begin and place details in a structure. With the help of the biography template it becomes easy to

1. Frame a biography with all the sections detailed in an easy approach

2. One can easily frame different paragraph body to include specific details of person

3. A biography template would help to guide a proper format for the same. You may also see obituary templates

4. Personal details must not be placed evenly throughout the journey of the life.

It should spell out instructions clearly without leaving any space to guesswork. Most guides fail in this part by assuming that the user will know everything. Going round and round the same thing will make things boring. It is important that you find guides that are straight to the point which are easy to skim through and get the intended message. This will also save your time and help you spend enough time in writing. You may also see history timeline templates.

The examples provided should be of different kinds so as to improve your freedom of choice. Using a variety of these will also help you to:

1. Enrich yourself with new vocabularies and experiment with sentence structures

2. Entice the reader and keep them glued to the end

3. Choose the right words that will drive the message home easily

4. There are free biography templates online that can make you achieve this. Find out now.

What is in a biography?

A biography typically includes details about a person’s life, such as their birth, upbringing, education, career, accomplishments, relationships, significant events, and impact on society or their field.

What is the opening paragraph of a biography?

The opening paragraph of a biography typically introduces the subject, providing essential background information, highlighting notable achievements, and capturing the reader’s interest in the individual’s life journey and significance.

How long should a biography be?

A biography’s length varies depending on its purpose and subject, typically ranging from a few paragraphs to several pages, with concise biographies being around 300-500 words and more detailed ones extending to several thousand words.

How to start a biography?

Begin a biography by introducing the subject with their name, birth date, and brief background information. Engage readers with an intriguing detail or anecdote that sets the tone for their life story.

What should not be included in a biography?

 In a biography, avoid including irrelevant personal details, speculative information, biased opinions, gossip or rumors, unverified claims, and overly personal or sensitive information unless relevant to the individual’s life story.

Is a biography written in first person?

No, typically a biography is written in third person, offering an objective perspective on the subject’s life, experiences, and accomplishments, allowing readers to gain insight into their character and achievements.

Writing a biography is not easy and making it look justified is even harder. So to make a biography framed properly it is necessary to have the biography template. With the help of the template one can easily frame a biography imposing the specific details required. You may also see book outline.

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