FREE 10+ Board Resolution

A board’s work is heavily reliant on its resolutions. There are countless significant reasons for why boards of directors may draft resolutions. Typically, boards draft resolutions to formally record in writing material that was decided upon and approved so that it becomes part of the formal record. Boards may draft resolutions for whatever purpose they think suitable, and there are many typical sorts of board resolutions. Board resolutions are an important document and legal record for any organization. Need some help drafting this? Look no further, because we’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Board Resolutions in PDF and DOC formats today! Keep on reading to find out more.

1. Board Resolution Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


2. Board Resolution Format

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  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


3. Board of Education Resolution

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Size: 37 KB


4. Sample Board Resolution

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Size: 3 KB


5. School Board Resolution

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Size: 39 KB


6. Board of Trustees Resolution

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Size: 138 B


7. Renewal Board Resolution

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Size: 399 KB


8. Basic Board Resolution

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Size: 55 KB


9. Board Resolution Acknowledging Foreign Ownership

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Size: 49 KB


10. Catalog of Board Resolution

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Size: 119 KB


11. Board Resolution Form

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  • PDF

Size: 67 KB


What Is a Board Resolution?

Board resolutions, also known as Directors’ Resolutions, are written accounts of the decisions made by the Board of Directors during its meetings. The board resolution is a formal written motion used to record information about a specific decision made by an organization, such as who voted and their function. The board resolution, which is occasionally included in the Board of Directors board meeting minutes, is a binding document. It is not necessary for daily operations like examining the organization’s finances or talking about strategic prospects to get a resolution from the board of directors. However, official approvals, voting, and paperwork are all required for important choices. Every firm will convene its first board meeting within 30 days of its formation date, followed by 4 board meetings of its board of directors each year, with no more than 120 days elapsing between the two consecutive board meetings. Directors may participate in person, through video conference, or by any other audio-visual modality that may record and identify the directors’ activity.

How to Make a Board Resolution

Board resolutions can sometimes come out as daunting, especially given the typically extremely professional tone of legal counsel and the wording necessary to adopt a resolution under many established standards. A Board Resolution Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust resolution on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:

1. Write down the name of the business.

The governing body and legal name of the organization issuing the corporate resolution should be stated at the top of the page.

2. Indicate the place, date, and time.

Include the venue, date, time, and presence of a voting quorum for the board meeting. Including a list of the present board members and other attendees is optional.

3. Describe the resolutions.

There should be different resolutions for each aspect of the decision. The specifics of any debate about the issue and the outcome of the vote are discretionary.

4. Include further legal identification.

To validate the resolution, more legal identification of the business, such as legal declarations, should be included.

5. Date and sign the paperwork.

The recognized and dated signatures of the board chairman, vice chairman, company secretary, and corporate treasurer, as well as a legal attestation of the accuracy of the information given, complete the document.


How is a board resolution passed?

A motion is considered to have been carried by an ordinary resolution if it is approved by a simple majority of the company members who are eligible to vote at the general meeting.

What’s the procedure for a board resolution?

Resolutions provide committees the authority to act on issues that the board has voted on.

What kinds of board resolutions are there?

Ordinary resolutions, extraordinary resolutions, and unanimous resolutions are the three types of resolutions that are accessible.

In many circumstances at your organization, you must draft a board resolution. A board resolution is required in significant corporate events such the election of new board members, company growth, the hiring or firing of a sizable workforce, financial concerns, and the sale of company stock. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive samples of Board Resolutions today!

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