Character development is vital in many literary works, particularly novels. The action and conflict in a tale are driven by the characters; they provide a cause for the story to exist. Character mapping may be as basic as having students fill in charts that monitor key elements of characters, or as sophisticated as recording traits that classify them as an icon. Three paragraph notes: distinct storyboards that capture a character’s sentiments, behaviours, and crucial conversation in three different portions of the novel are another wonderful usage for a sketch in character study.

10+ Character Mindmap Samples

1. Free Simple Character Mind Map Template

free simple character mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


2. Character Sketch Mind Map Template

character sketch mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


3. Character Education Mind Map Template

character education mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


4. Character Mindmap Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


5. Printable Character Mindmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


6. Basic Character Mindmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


7. Character Profile Mind Map

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


8. Character Mindmap Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


9. Professional Character Mindmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


10. As I Lay Dying Character Mindmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


11. Character Mindmap in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 76 KB


What is a character concept map?

A character concept map is a visual organizer that assists students to understand a character and how the location can impact other characters, and the storyline affects the characters. It is employed both during and after the reading of the material. Students’ understanding is aided by this method, which provides a framework for finding and arranging character elements.
Character mapping is beneficial for students since characters are important in virtually every tale and are vital to the plot. A character map’s most significant function is to help pupils arrange their personalities, attributes, and motives. Students lose track of the story when they misread characters, and they frequently make important reading errors.

Usually, it’s best to begin with a large, central idea. Smaller data points can then be added around (and connected to) this idea, ensuring the larger point of your map remains clear. Your central idea might be a character, with their traits and history added around, or an event, with consequences arrayed and connected around it.

For your data points, circles on a page are the norm, but consider using sticky notes or cutting up index cards and either gluing them to poster board or keeping them movable on a bulletin board. I say to cut up your index cards because they should be small enough that you’re using brief keywords rather than full sentences.

If you’re using your mind map to explore rather than illustrate, consider branching out from your central idea with questions. About a character, you might ask ‘what do they want,’ ‘who do they love,’ ‘what is their biggest flaw,’ etc. Branching from these questions will be known answers and possible answers.

Remember that color is its own type of information. Start black and white (or in pencil) and then add color as common themes or ideas become clear. If you’re visual, draw pictures or copy-paste stock pictures in strategic places to give the map an aesthetic feel and cement concepts through visual representation.

Add extra lines as you go, drawing connections and making one-word notes along the connecting lines. Double back and loop around, adding smaller and larger circles depending on degree of importance. Basically, break the rules (or don’t start off with any!) to make this your mind map, not something you’d like to post on Instagram. Hey, if it ends up looking good, go for it; but don’t make that an end goal.

You can work chronologically – creating more of a timeline effect – or thematically, creating a slightly chaotic effect. In fact, the only rule about structure is that it should work for you. Both limited and unlimited mind maps can be useful. An unlimited mind map is a total brain dump, whereas limited mind maps put a single character or motif under the microscope.

Finally, remember to create a key if necessary. This is vital if you color-code information or use other visual cues; they’re clear now, but you need to make sure you’ll still understand your map months later.


What are the benefits of a mindmap?

  • Simplicity: Mind maps make your thoughts and ideas well-organized, thus allowing you to reach ultimate simplicity.
  • Flexibility: You can rearrange and play with mind maps according to your own preferences.
  • Focus: Visual presentations help you to concentrate and keep track of all elements of the story.
  • Cure creative drought: Lack of inspiration is the worst thing that can happen to a screenplay writer. It’s not easy to find your way out of creative drought, but it’s much simpler if you use the mind mapping technique.

What are tools that are best to use to create a mindmap?

We live in the digital universe, so it’s natural to see so many mind mapping tools available online. Such platforms allow you to organize and reorganize ideas quickly and effortlessly. Some of the frequently used mind mapping solutions are Spider Scribe, Wise Mapping, and Mind Meister.

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