Organizing your charts is essential in order to effectively display the data that you have. There are many types of charts that are used to show a variety of information. A flowchart, for example, is used to display the process or workflow of a particular data.

Charts are mainly used to display a graphical representation of information or data, and is useful in showing trends, comparing data, etc. If you need help in organizing your data, refer to the information below. You can also download the samples and templates available on this site to make it easier and convenient for you when creating one.

How to Organize Your Chart of Accounts

It is important to organize a business’ different accounts through the use of charts. To help you effectively organize your chart of accounts, the format are as follows:

  • Assets – the first section that you should write when organizing your accounts are your assets. Your assets refer to anything that you or the business owns. It can be anything that has value such as your property, accounts receivables, etc.
  • Liabilities – this refers to things that a business or individual owes such as mortgages, loans, accounts payable, taxes, etc.
  • Income – this section indicates the income or profits that an individual or company is earning. It is important to separate the different types of income.
  • Expenses – lastly, the expenses refer to the amount that a company or individual spends on a monthly or yearly basis, may it be the costs for operations and others.

How to Organize Data on Excel to Create Charts

Here are the steps on how to organize data when creating charts. Also, refer to our chart samples on this page.

  • The first step is to determine whether to display data vertically or horizontally in the chart that you will be creating.
  • Create a heading in the columns or rows in your chart to ensure that it is accurately labeled.
  • Properly format your chart to ensure that the data is clear on the chart.

Tips to Organize a Perfect Chart

  • Determine the type of chart or graph that is appropriate for the data you have available. Different charts are created to match the type of data you will input in the chart.
  • Arrange your bar graph in a descending or ascending order so that it can be easily interpreted and read.
  • Shorten the labels of your chart data. Large numbers would usually take up a lot of space.
  • Do not use a legend if you only have one data available.
  • Write your data labels in a way that your audience would not have to tilt their heads to read it.
  • Do not use 3D effects on your chart as this not only makes it hard to read, but it also confuses your audience about the data that you have in your chart.
  • Personalize your chart by using your company’s brand color as the color of your chart’s data.
  • Add a shaded area below your line chart in order to make it look neat.


Additionally, a compatibility chart and price chart template are available if you need that type specifically.

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