What is a genogram? A genogram is a graphic representation of a person’s family relationship as well as the medical history of their family. Just like a family, it provides the names of the members of a person’s family but it is more detailed as it includes the relationship of each family member, their health condition, and the status of their relationship. Genograms may be simple or complex depending on the type or your purpose for making one. Here are some genogram templates that you may refer to, as well as easy-to-follow steps that will guide you in making one.
How to Make a Genogram
If you want to make your own genogram, then check out the list of steps that we have prepared for you below.
1. Determine the reason why you want to make a genogram.
Simply knowing the reason why you are making a genogram will help you narrow down the type of information you need to collect to complete your chart. This also helps you further understand what you are looking for so that you can organize the details that you will be putting in your genogram.
2. How many generations do you want put on your genogram?
You can include as many generations as you want on your genogram. Just keep in mind that the more generations you put, the more information you will need to complete your diagram. Determining the number of generations you want for your genogram will give you an idea on the family members or people you need to approach to gather information.
3. Make a list of the things that you already know about your family.
You may already have an idea of your family history and it helps to write them down or make a list of the things you already know so that you can narrow down the information that you will need to gather.
4. Gather necessary information.
Do this by talking to your relatives and by asking them a set of questions related to your family history. Also search through your family books and other documents and gather more information online.
5.Create a design for your genogram.
First make a draft or use several blank family tree templates, like 3-generation family tree templates and family tree templates in Word. Make sure to use standard symbols to represent the members of your family and their relationships.
6. Organize the contents of your genogram.
After designing your genogram, proceed with arranging or organizing the contents starting from the oldest generation.
Genogram Sample Templates
Family Genogram Sample Template
This family genogram sample template not only shows how family members are related, but it also shows details about the health condition of some family members who have disabilities or illnesses. Symbols, shapes, and lines are used to represent each family member and how they are related to each other.
Family Relationship Genogram Template
The relationship between the members of the family are thoroughly shown in this template using symbols and shapes in different colors. You can use this template when family members marry to show how their partners become related to the family and explain the status of their relationship. You can also try to make a relationship diagram to help you keep things organized.
Blank Genogram Template
Use this blank genogram template when you want to create your own genogram from scratch. A detailed list of symbols, shapes, and lines used in a genogram is provided together with their respective meanings or interpretations. This template is best for beginners or those who want to make a simple genogram of their own.
Printable Blank Family Tree Template
If you want to make a simple and detailed genogram or family tree, then this template is what you should use. All you need to do is fill in the required details and you will be done in no time. You also only need a single page to accomplish your genogram.
Free Medical Genogram Template
A medical genogram is used to assess the probability and risks of family members from developing certain diseases. Using this template will also help explain how an individual acquired or developed certain diseases and from which side of the family they inherited such health conditions. It is important to keep track of the health history of each family member so that it will be easy to trace.
Editable Blank Genogram Template
Edit and change some parts of your genogram template with ease using this editable blank genogram template. Since it’s a blank template as well, you can arrange the names of family members according to your preference. Enough space is also provided for you to write on.
Career Genogram Template
A career genogram is a family tree that provides details on the careers pursued by each of the members of your family starting from your grandparents. You can create a career genogram using this template to help you personally examine the competencies that you have obtained from your family and use it to help you with your own career search.
Three-Generation Genogram Template
As its name implies, the three-generation genogram template traces your family lineage for three generations. The template is very simple making it look neat and presentable.
Free Cultural Genogram Template
Tracing your cultural roots can be done with the use of this free cultural genogram template. This genogram template is also used to trace and explain the origins of a culture and the individual groups descended from that culture over several generations.
Four-Generation Blank Genogram Template
This four-generation blank genogram template helps you create a family tree showing four generations of your family members. The template is available in Word, which makes it easy to use and edit.
Sample Blank Family Tree Template
The blank family tree template is decorated with a tree placed behind the boxes where names of family members should be written. This template is perfect for making genograms for school projects or for your personal files.
You can make different types of genograms in different designs and formats using the genogram templates provided above. The templates will surely help you get your task done quickly and conveniently.