Developmental milestones are considered as part of a child’s behavior and skills that they demonstrate when they come to a particular age. Each child has to develop differently. Having a milestone or developmental checklist helps in providing examples of a typical development progress of a child. Children may be able to develop rapidly in a certain aspect compared to others. They might also differ in the timeframe which a developing child should reach.

10+ Developmental Checklist Samples

1. Child Developmental Checklist

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The first years of life are very essential with regards to the development of a child. Those that have an early experience over a certain matter would tend to make a difference when it comes to how young children’s brains develop. You may also tell how it can influence their learning capacity and health. Developmental monitoring basically means that you are to observe specific ways like how a child plays, speaks, acts, and moves every single day. It also involves trying to track their development using a specific checklist of a developmental milestone.

You will be put into a special situation wherein you have to monitor their development under your care. You will be the first person to witness if there are any potential delays in the development of a child. It would be better if you would collaborate with a group of same-aged people so that they can help you in recognizing children who are reaching their milestones early and late. When you are to work with children of different ages, you will be able to notice if a child’s skill is similar to the ones who are younger or older or those with the same age as his or hers.

2. Developmental Checklist

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There is what we call domains. Domains refer to the developmental milestones that fall into a particular category of development. We have the social or emotional, language, cognitive, and physical development. The social or emotional domain refers to the way a child interacts with others and show their emotions. Language domain refers to the way a child expresses their needs to share what they are actually thinking as well as understanding what is being said to them. Cognitive domain refers to the way a child experience new things and their ability to solve a particular problem. This domain allows children to explore the things around them and figure it out.  Lastly is the physical development domain which refers to the way children use their bodies to do something.

3. Kindergarten Developmental Checklist

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4. Pediatric Developmental Checklist

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Size: 94 KB


5. Young Children Developmental Checklist

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Size: 29 KB


6. Developmental Behaviour Checklist

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Size: 261 KB


7. Team Developmental Checklist

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Size: 10 KB


8. Sample Developmental Checklist

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Size: 56 KB


9. Visual Developmental Sequence Checklist

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Size: 201 KB


10. Standard Developmental Checklist

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Size: 62 KB


11. Informal Childhood Developmental Checklist

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Size: 5 KB


Milestone Checklist

You may check your child’s milestone to know more about their development. It can be sorted by age and of four different topics. It includes motor, sensory, feeding, and communication. This would make it easier for you to track the most essential information of your child’s development.

Ability Checklist

This type of checklist is usually sorted by age and of four different topics. It includes play and social skills, daily activities, self-expression and coordination. These topics can help you understand the aspects of your child’s development including those that involves executive function skills.

Communication Checklist

You may not forget the day when your baby said their first words. This checklist will let you track the communication development among infants and toddlers as well.

Feeding Checklist

It would usually take time for their motor development to be ready when it comes to taking foods. This checklist will help you provide answers from those questions that is related to the readiness of your child’s food intake or eating habits.


What are developmental milestones?

Developmental milestones are considered as the checkpoints that are mostly seen among infants and children especially when they are able to grow and develop.

Who can validate a developmental milestone?

Only the health professionals can make a validation to each of the developmental milestones.

Why is it important to keep track of the child’s milestones?

It helps you understand the key indicators of your child’s health and development, learn the signs in relation to developmental delays, seek for right resources based on the children’s needs, and ask the right questions to health professional regarding the child’s progress.

If you want to see more samples and format, try to check more about the developmental checklists samples and templates that you can find in the article for you to be guided.