hat is a checklist? A checklist is a tool that is used by a lot of people mainly to help them keep track of important tasks and things. Using a checklist allows an individual to organize the tasks that they need to do so that they can finish them on time or as scheduled. A checklist is just a piece of paper where an individual can list down a lot of different stuff ranging from tasks to bucket lists and other different things. It may just be a piece of paper, but it has saved lives and helped a lot of people perform better in their respective professions and in business by using an entrepreneurial checklist for success.

A checklist is undoubtedly a powerful tool. If used correctly and efficiently, it can save you a lot of trouble and help you become successful in whatever it is that you are aiming for. With its usefulness, it’s no wonder why checklist samples are now readily available online. We have here checklist templates in Excel that you can download for free. You can use them as reference when making your own or use them however you want. Check them out below!

Contract Management Checklist Template

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  • XLSX

Size: 46 KB


Project Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 4 KB


Workplace Evaluation Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 74 KB


Product Launch Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 22 KB



What Are the Uses of a Checklist?

Checklists can be used for a lot of things ranging from simple to complicated things. There is just no doubt that it is a very useful tool. To provide you with more ideas on how a checklist is used, we have made a list of the uses of a checklist.

  • A checklist helps in keeping track of important tasks and schedules that one needs to accomplish either for work or school. This way they can be organized and ensure that everything is covered and none is missed.
  • Before diving, divers make use of a checklist to make sure that they have all the equipment that they need for the dive.
  • In the aviation industry, it is very important to make sure that all of the critical items are checked and monitored before and after an airplane takes off. This is to ensure the safety of the trip.
  • If you are into researching something, you can use a checklist to write down the things that you need to research about. This will make the work easy and convenient.
  • There are a lot of procedures and steps that medical practitioners need to follow, and to remember all of them without fail would be close to impossible. That is why they use a checklist as a guide on what they need to do. It has been said that a checklist has saved a lot of lives during critical situations.
  • A checklist is used to ensure that the items needed in an emergency kit or survival kit is complete.
  • In quality assurance, a checklist is used as guide to make sure that everybody complied to the process and code of standard in work. This is done to prevent any unwanted errors, as well as those errors that can be avoided.
  • If you are a collector, you might want to use a checklist to list all of the collectibles that you need to gather and check off those that you already have. It is very convenient because you will easily know what you still lack in your collection and you can avoid buying duplicates.


Maintenance Schedule and Checklist Template

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  • XLSX

Size: 7 KB


Bookkeeping Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 17 KB


Project Planning Checklist Template

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  • XLSX

Size: 5 KB


Activity and Artifact Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 24 KB


What Are the Benefits of a Checklist?

Now that you know the many different uses of a checklist, we will tell you about its benefits. Aside from being organized and keeping oneself organized, there are other benefits that you can take advantage of if you use a checklist. Check them out below.

  • A checklist helps one to be organized. A lot of people turn to using a checklist not just because they want to know how many tasks they have to do, but because they want to become organized. A checklist helps one finish their tasks on schedule and without missing anything. It also helps them determine which tasks are priority and which ones can be done at a later time.
  • It helps you become more productive. Tasks that are done repeatedly are easy to do, especially if there are steps or guidelines already provided on how they should be done. You will be able to make the most out of your time and lets you finish the job either on schedule or ahead of schedule. This is a great advantage because it will allow you to do more. This increases productivity.
  • Using a checklist gets you motivated. What better way to work and accomplish a lot of things than being motivated. How do you actually get motivated? There are a lot of ways and one of them is by keeping track of what you have accomplished and seeing that you have accomplished a lot. With a checklist, you can see your progress every step of the way. The more tasks you finish, the more motivated you get. The company or your boss will definitely notice your hard work and that will make you even more motivated.
  • You will have more brain power to use for creativity. You don’t need to think a lot to be able to remember what you need to do next or what you have left to do. All you need to do is look at your checklist and check it from there. You don’t need to stress on it and this lets you save more brain power so that you can do a lot of creative stuff or think of different useful ideas.
  • A checklist can definitely save lives. In the medical field, medical practitioners make use of checklists to make sure that important and standard procedures are followed to avoid any unwanted accidents. A safety checklist also helps save lives by making sure that all personnel follow the safety guidelines provided for so that they can minimize or avoid any life-threatening accidents.
  • Delegation of tasks can be properly managed. It is important that tasks are properly and equally delegated to each member of a team. Tasks that are properly and equally delegated will keep things organized, motivate the employees to work more, and increase the team’s productivity.
  • A checklist allows you to save time. Time is a very precious thing, that is why we aim to save a lot of time doing work so that we ca use the extra time for doing something else. This is made possible with the correct use of a checklist.


Daily Management Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 17 KB


Basic Household Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 35 KB


Maintenance Checklists Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 51 KB


Safety Audit Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 41 KB


What Is a Preflight Checklist?

There have been a lot of reports about plane accidents and the major contributing factor on why the accidents happen is because of the pilot or airline crew’s failure to follow the preflight checklist. A prefilght checklist is a kind of safety checklist that is specifically used in aviation to ensure the safety of each flight. It provides a list of the tasks that both the pilot and the crew need to do before the airplane takes off.

What Is a Surgical Checklist?

A surgical checklist is used by medical practitioners, namely doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and many more. The checklist provides uniform information and steps that the practitioners need to follow during emergency situations or when preparing for a surgical procedure. The checklist has proved to be helpful as it has saved patient’s lives because one member of the team was able to remember what the other member has forgotten, all because they have used the same checklist.

What Is a Safety Checklist?

A safety checklist can be a workplace safety checklist or an office safety checklist. Its main purpose is to make sure that everybody entering or working in a particular place follows the safety guidelines to prevent and avoid getting harmed or getting into accidents.

Onboarding Checklist Template

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  • XLSX

Size: 8 KB


Office Move Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 4 KB


Validation Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 11 KB


Business Planning Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLSX

Size: 7 KB


Tips on How You Can Make Your Checklist Effective

A checklist is only effective if they are used correctly. If you just write down random stuff without doing anything to complete the task or without updating the list, then it will not be in any way useful. So how can you really make your checklist effective? Let us show you how.

  • Write everything that you need to do. Write down what comes to your mind and write as may tasks or things as you can remember. After writing them all, identify which ones are priority and which ones are not. Put the tasks or things in priority on top and the ones that are not your priority at the bottom. This way you can do the important things first because they are the first things you have on your list.
  • Provide a purpose on why the checklist is being provided and why it should be used by the people involved. It does not only prevent any confusion, but it also makes the people involved comply to it.
  • Write only what you can finish or finish everything that you have written. You should be committed to your checklist. Doing this will help you accomplish more along the way.
  • Update your checklist all the time. This will help you determine which tasks are done so that you won’t have to do them again.
  • Use a checklist template according to how frequently you want to make your checklist. You can use a daily checklist, a weekly checklist, or a monthly checklist.
  • You can also use a checklist for your other personal needs. So that you can save time and brain power, you can make use of sample grocery list, food list, or shopping list.
  • Be specific about the tasks and the things that you will write on your checklist, but at the same time make them brief. This way your list will look neat.
  • Take into consideration the people who will be making use of the checklist, especially if this checklist is intended to be used by all of the people in a certain company.

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