Part of what all companies face is when an employee decides to leave the company for various reasons: getting a new job, following a different career path, dealing with personal reasons, or being unsatisfied with the company. However, an employee doesn’t just leave without a process to follow. Companies need to conduct an offboarding process and part of it is conducting exit interviews. An exit interview is a way to give some final thougths between the employee and company before they part ways. HR professionals are usually assigned with this responsibility to deal with sensitive issues or legal matters if such situation arise. If you’re an HR person, and reading this, you might need some help on how to create an exit interview checklist to guide you with the process. Keep reading the article below.

10+ Exit Interview Checklist Samples

1. Exit Interview Checklist Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


2. Employee Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


3. Printable Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


4. Supervisor Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


5. Employee Exit Interview Checklist Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


6. Exit Interview Checklist Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 444 KB


7. Sports Club Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 316 KB


8. Volunteer Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


9. Editable Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 651 KB


10. Student Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 165 KB


11. Student Loan Exit Interview Checklist

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 24 KB


What is an exit interview checklist?

An exit interview is a process that gives the Human Resources (HR) manager to find out the reason behind an employee’s resignation and to also know the employee’s evaluation within the company and even give his own opinions or recommendation to improve the company better. It is also an opportunity for the employee to express his feelings within the company; whether it’s the management, the workplace culture, his colleagues, or his job responsibilities.

An exit interview checklist for a departing employee is a document from the HR department that the offboarding process is done accordingly. The checklist is a guide that all the things needed to do before letting go of the employee have been accomplished. Not only it helps give a systematic procedure of the whole offboarding process; it also prevents the HR department to forget some things to do for the offboarding like collecting some company property from employee.

How to Make an Exit Interview Checklist

In most typical exit interviews, questions are usually revolved around these question topics: your view of the company and their colleagues and superiors. You will also ask them if they have any recommendations on how to improve the company’s organizational structure, operations, and treatment of employees. You also need to ask for more details on why the employee is leaving the job.

Depending on your company’s offboarding process, here are some more tips that are highly recommended to do when making an exit interview checklist:

  • Only include relevant questions that answer the topics discussed above. Make sure your questions also fit your organization’s goals and objectives. It must help the employee to identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses and suggest actions to address the company’s areas that need improvement. This will ensure that the answers you’re getting from the leaving employee can help provide feedback that helps your organization’s operations and leadership growth.
  • Put your employee’s minds and anxiety at rest by telling them that the answers they will give are confidential and are viewed objectively, and it will not affect their relationship with the company.
  • Don’t forget to schedule exit interviews and make a checklist for offboarding requirements.
  • And lastly, don’t forget to be open-minded with the employee’s feedback. Their constructive criticism and suggestions are the very reason why exit interviews are conducted for the company to work on its shortcomings and lessen employee turnover.


What should you not say during an exit interview?

It’s important to be cordial and respectful during the exit interview. With that in mind don’t just blatantly say negative things about your superiors, colleagues, or the company. Don’t also use profanity or use aggressive words to express how much you hate your job. Don’t gloat on how the company will lose a great talent like you. These terms will make you sound arrogant. Instead, be more courteous and focus more on suggesting things to do for the company to improve.

When is an exit interview done?

Exit interviews are done during the employee’s last day in the company.

Another benefit of having an exit interview checklist is you don’t get to forget on what relevant questions to include in the exit interview forms. Now that you have acquired the tips on making a checklist, it’s time to create your own checklist to help you prepare questions for the interview. Refer to our sample exit interview checklist provided above by downloading them. They are free, printable, and customizable!