Workplace health and safety is and should always be paramount in every establishment in the word. From worksite, to offices, to schools, and even to your own personal household. Regardless of type, shape, and scale, everyone has a legal right to be and feel safe and secure at every establishment they are in. Especially for places that constantly expose their patrons to numerous health and safety hazards like construction sites or laboratories. It’s important to make sure that the environment provides a sense of safe and security for each individual in and around a certain place. Safe environments, especially workplaces, allow employees to work confidently and efficiently, knowing that danger does not rest upon them. Not only does it protect the welfare of your employees and the people in your establishment, it should also keep every operation running by making sure that no incidents hinder your business operations.
It’s fundamental for every corporation to have a well established health and safety management plans. From fire plans to evacuation plans, these are essential systems to have because they ensure the safety and security of each individual. But more often than not, having these systems are lacking. What’s the point of having these tenets when they are not even being followed or when they are not even effective. You have to make sure that these policies are strictly being followed, is up to regulation, and is actually effective. A regular health and safety inspection in and around the given environment makes sure that everything is up to date, working properly, and actually provides safety and security. Safety inspections are just as important as the health and safety management plans themselves. A great tool to make sure that these inspections that you will be conducting goes well and smooth, is by having a health and safety checklist. To get a proper idea of what a health and safety checklist is, check out these samples that we have listed down below. You can even use these samples as a guide or as a template for when you want to create your own health and safety checklist.
10+ Health and Safety Checklist Samples
1. Working From Home Health and Safety Checklist

2. Education Program Health and Safety Checklist
3. Health and Safety Facility Checklist
4. Health and Safety Daily Checklist
5. Health and Safety Inspection Checklist
6. Health and Safety Audit Checklist
7. Health and Safety Checklist
8. Health and Safety Monthly Checklist
9. Health Care Provider Safety Checklist
10. School Health and Safety Checklist
11. Environmental Health and Safety Checklist
What Is a Health and Safety Checklist?
Health and safety checklists are tools used by safety officers or safety supervisors to undertake critical safety inspections and assessments in the workplace. It should cover everything that is involved in all the activities in and around a given site. A checklist ensures that the inspection goes smooth and well, and is actually effective. By establishing a guideline for each component on site that is to be inspected. Checklists can help thoroughly assess the safety of the environment and proactively address risks or hazards that could lead to a costly work related incident that could’ve been easily prevented. With the help of a health and safety checklist, safety inspectors should be able to examine every work, activity, operation that could pose a threat to the health and safety of everyone present in the environment. When writing a checklist, it is also best to make sure that the checklist itself is tailored to the specific nature of the given environment of a given environment.
What Should Be Included in a Health and Safety Checklist
The best health and safety checklist is one that has been tailored to each environment’s specific needs, that’s why it’s important for these to be specific to the nature of the environment where the inspection checklist will be used. Although the examples we have outlined below do not list all the possibilities for health and safety inspections, be sure to take not of every specific component that may not be covered in our examples.
- Environment
- Containers
- Electrical
- Fire protection and prevention
- Material handling
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Storage facilities
- Paths and walkways
- Safety devices
- Control panels
- Hygiene and first aid facilities
- Powered equipment and other electronic devices
- Security technology and security personnel
- Psychosocial hazards
That should be able to cover most if not all of the basics. Other more specific factors entirely depend on the nature of the environment and the nature of your operations. Make sure to have everything covered.
What are the five steps in a workplace inspection?
- Planning and scheduling
- Preparation
- Implementation
- Documentation
- Follow up
What is a safety audit checklist?
A safety audit checklist is a document used by companies to ensure that the workplace is compliant with industry health and safety standards. The document helps to identify any potential danger or risks in a workplace and is used to foster a safe working environment.
How important is safety?
A safe and healthy workplace not only protect the welfare of the employees and the overall nature of the business, it also drastically reduce the cost of recovery from work related incidents.
Work and environmental safety is and should always be top priority for every employer and supervisor out there. Not only do employees have a legal right to be safe at work, a safe and secure environment can also boost one’s confidence, work ethic, and overall productivity.
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