With people having very busy lifestyles nowadays, its hard to keep up with things that need to be taken care of. Trying to balance work tasks and household chores is a task list in itself. One good way of helping you get through this is by getting in touch with housekeeping agencies. These agencies will send cleaning people to your house, apartment, or condominium to do household chores for you.
Most of the time, the cleaning people will cover all of the nooks and crannies of your residence ensuring that they leave your house spotless. If you are one who wants to ensure that everything has been checked and that nothing is overlooked by the housekeeper/s, you can leave a task checklist for them to follow.
Sample Housekeeper Checklist Template
This will give the housekeepers a more in-depth and specific list of what they can do to your residence. In this article, we have a couple of sample checklists that can help you out with making your own personal housekeeping checklist. Just keep reading to find out more about housekeeping checklists.
Hotel Housekeeping Checklist Template
Sample Housekeeping Checklist Template For Hotel
Housekeeper Checklist Template
Housekeeping Checklist in PDF
Sample Checklist for Housekeeper Template
Making Housekeeping More Efficient
Your housekeeper is more than just someone who does the cleaning of your house. Once you receive the housekeeper resume or once you get in touch with the agency who will provide the housekeeper, you need to make sure that you provide them with what you expect from the cleaners.
Of course, they will provide the basics such as vacuuming, dusting, and mopping to ensure that your residence ends up clean and neat. However, there are a few things that you should also be doing in order to make the cleaning of your apartment more efficient unless you are willing to pay the housekeeper a little bit more than expected. Ready? Read on.
- Make the most out of the skill of your housekeeper. They are usually timed to do what they need to do in your house. Your simple task would be picking up a few items lying around like clothes and put your dishes in the dishwasher or in the sink. You can also check out cleaning checklist samples.
- This will make things way easier for your housekeeper and help them to focus more on keeping your house clean and neat with the limited time that they have. Again, during the interview, set your expectations so that your housekeeper or the agency would know what you need them to do. Also see house cleaning checklists.
- Clean discharge of pets or humans. If you find that your pets have made a mess in its litter box, make sure that you clean up their mess. Everyone in the house is also responsible for flushing their own mess in the bathroom as well. A gentle reminder: your housekeeper is not a pet-sitter or babysitter, you do not make them do chores or tasks that are not part of their jobs.
- Do not give your housekeeper your grocery list. It is not a part of their job to help you refill your pantry. Your housekeeper is not your household help. They are just meant to clean what has been assigned to them. If you want someone who can help with all-around household chores, specify it.
- If there are tough stains on your carpet, a mess your dog has made, or need to have your laundry done, expect to be asked to pay extra if you want the housekeeper to do it. Again, your housekeeper is not your pet-sitter or your household helper.
- Cooking is another task not that is part of the housekeeper’s basic task list sample. If you want an all-around help, you may want to opt for hiring a full-time domestic help for your house instead.
Of course, the list we have included in here will only be suggestions. You can always opt to pay extra. The main point here is to be specific with your request to the agency or in your ad when you look for a housekeeper. Just make sure that you include a cleaning checklist of the chores that you need to get done in your household.
Blank Housekeeping Task Checklist Template
Sample Workplace Housekeeping Checklist Template
Apartment Housekeepers Checklist Template
What Is Workplace Housekeeping?
When you hear the word housekeeping, the first thing that comes to mind is doing typical household chores. But did you know that there is such a thing as workplace housekeeping? Workplace housekeeping is doing more than just cleaning and organizing of the office clutter. It is being able to ensure that everything is safeguarded, has been accounted for, and is organized in a manner where nothing will cause harm to anyone in the office. Check out daily checklist samples for more.
Aside from ensuring the safety of everyone in the office, workplace housekeeping also covers the cleanliness and hygiene of the office. Basically, the main point of doing workplace housekeeping is to ensure that the office will be a good place to work analysis in, that it is hygienic, and that everyone is safe from harm.
Why Do Workplace Housekeeping?
Workplace housekeeping will help not only you but your work colleagues as well from avoiding any potential hazard that may be present in the workplace. If workplace housekeeping is not done properly, you are bound to encounter accidents and injuries. Ensuring that the workplace is free of any debris, clutter, spills, loose staple wires, or push pins can help to ensure that you will be able to steer clear of accidents. You might like spring cleaning checklists.
Neatness in the workplace is also accounted for during workplace housekeeping aside from cleanliness. Part of this would be making sure that stairs are slip-free, mugs and glasses are arranged in a way where it will not spill, keeping pens and other stationery items in a stationery organizer, and of course, removing of trash items.
Good workplace housekeeping also has benefits such as
- making regular maintenance easier,
- makes the workplace manageable,
- keeps track of all items in the office,
- makes the workplace more hygienic and neat, and
- improves productivity and employee morale.