Every company requires to have job training conducted regularly to make sure the quality of work and productivity performance of the employees are always up to par. Conducting training, however, is not easy, and there are so many preparations needed to do before the training date that sometimes people make some slip-ups and forget to prepare some things for the training. Having a checklist can prevent anything important for the training to be forgotten. Read the article to guide you on how to make a job training checklist.

10+ Job Training Checklist Samples

1. On-Job Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 308 KB


2. Employee Job Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 77 KB


3. Job Training Inspection Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 281 KBB


4. Hospital Safety Job Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 237 KB


5. Job Aid Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


6. Employee Safety Job Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


7. Job Specific Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


8. Hazard Communication Job Training Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


9. Job Training Employer Eligibility Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


10. Job Training Form Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


11. Job Training Induction Checklist

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Why Training Employees is Important

Job training, or also called employee training, on-the-job training, is a program that all companies must provide their employees with specific knowledge and skills to facilitate and improve their job performance in their current positions.

Giving quality employee training helps companies develop their employees to their best potential and with their developed set of skills, they can help the company boost profits and achieve their goals. For new employees, training is essential to help them feel comfortable in adjusting to their new job and workplace, and familiarize the work structure, expectations, and policies of the company.

Having a consistent checklist ensures that no essential aspect of any training to be done by the organization is being overlooked.

How to Make a Job Training Checklist

The checklist needs to be made up of standard organizational information and all the specific items needed for the training.

1. Prepare the Checklist Format

Prepare a draft of the checklist first. You can write down the checklist on a notepad, or a sheet of paper clipped onto the clipboard, or you can use a word document software using a computer. Make some columns where you will put all the details needed for the training and put check boxes where you can tick off some details that you already provided once you will use the checklist. You can also download our available sample checklist templates provided above with a checklist format already being made. The only thing you need to do is fill out the columns.

2. List Down all the Things and Details Needed for the Training

The details below are what the job training (no matter what type of training it is) should have, so make sure to have all these things be dealt with and ready during the day of the training:

  1. Training objectives: Know what the organization is trying to accomplish.
  2. Past training information: Know the history of training within the organization.
  3. The main reason for conducting the training: Find out what “needs” does the company has that will be addressed by the training.
  4. Updates in the company’s processes and procedures: Gather information about any recent process or procedure changes in the company.
  5. Training resources: Find out what resources are available for training, such as training materials, special equipment, and tools to aid in the training.
  6. Trainees: Know which employees are the participants of the training and the number of employees joining the training.
  7. Trainers: Find out who will be the trainers. Will you need to call an expert to conduct the training? Are any staff going to do the training? And how many trainers will be conducting the training?
  8. Takeaways from the training: Know what knowledge, skills, and abilities will the trainees must learn from the training.
  9. Company policies and regulations: Don’t forget to include discussing this topic during the training, especially if the training is an orientation or training new employees.
  10. Safety rules and regulations and emergency procedures: Include discussing this topic especially if you are conducting safety training.


What types of training are needed for all employees?

The types of training that every employee in a company must go through are company orientation, onboarding training (for new employees), skills development training, safety training, and team training.

What are the benefits of job training?

There are a lot of benefits to conducting employee training that’s why companies and organizations do it. It increases productivity, boosts performance, standardizes work processes, helps reduce supervision from management and supervisors, improves organizational structure, boosts morale, and lastly, improves knowledge of policies and goals of the company.

A training checklist is a surefire way in ensuring that both employees and management have the information they need when conducting training. Make sure to discuss the checklist with the management and reach an agreement to use the checklist as your main reference to know all the things you need for any job training.