Painters and illustrators usually need to create a draft by sketching the image they want to portray in a canvas. By carefully sketching each detail of their artwork, this will guide them in the painting process easily. It’s similar when you are starting a small business or an enormous company, you need to have a plan in creating strategies. But, having comprehensive marketing activities involves turning your brand identity and philosophy appealing to the audience. So what do you need to do first? Our downloadable marketing checklist template is the key! Read on in this article as we share relevant steps that help you establish your business.

1. Marketing Checklist Template

marketing checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


2. Marketing Checklist for Small Business Template

marketing checklist for small business template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


3. Printable Marketing Strategies Checklist Template

printable marketing strategies checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


4. Possible Marketing Strategies Checklist Template

possible marketing strategies checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs


5. Marketing Plan Checklist Form Template

marketing plan checklist form template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


6. Marketing Strategies Checklist Template

marketing strategies checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


7. Restaurant Marketing Strategies Checklist Template

restaurant marketing strategies checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs


8. Checklist Trade Show Template

checklist trade show template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs


9. Event Marketing Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


10. Marketing Plan Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 228 KB


11. Website Launch Marketing Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 165 KB


What is a Marketing Checklist?

There are many aspects in the marketing side of business that one must consider. Promotion and different types of advertising campaigns are some vital factors in this matter. When creating and implementing plans, a marketing checklist serves as a guide that prevents effort into waste. As it comprises a series of activities, it allows a business to identify the things done and missed out. It helps you to keep track of progress and how closer you are in reaching your goals and objectives.

How to Create a Marketing Checklist

Creating a checklist enables you to monitor and control your daily activities easier. On the other hand, our marketing checklist templates give you more convenience that works accordingly with your plans. Here are the following steps that guide you after downloading:

1. Think carefully about your brand

What brand that can certainly attract your target market? In making marketing strategies, you need to consider how your products and services can provide effective solutions for your customers’ problems. So, it’s time for you to conduct some comprehensive research and study about business, innovative concepts, trends, styles, and so on. Performing a marketing research can help you know what really matters to your potential customers.

2. Utilize some efficient marketing programs

Thanks to the great existence of the internet, reaching target audiences becomes more accessible than before. Marketing programs is all about creating your business campaign through social media, video streaming apps, blogs, and websites. This digital marketing tool greatly assists business owners to use content marketing and advertising excellently.

3. Provide a sales promotion

Helping your sales team grow through promotion is a fantastic way to boost your employees’ confidence and motivation at work. Acknowledge key individuals in your team who have great contributions in improving your sales and marketing rate. Also, this will also encourage other employees to exert their best effort and become more productive in their assigned tasks and projects. 

4. Write a summary of comprehensive marketing activities

Writing a summary of comprehensive marketing activities helps you to have a clear perspective of what your company wants to accomplish. You can browse in our diverse selection of marketing checklist templates with varieties of designs perfect for your needs. Sample checklist templates provide you efficiency and convenience because it usually lists all of the tasks necessary in a specific plan or job. 


How do you attract online customers?

First, enticing their interest is the key. Next, building connections lets them feel they are appreciated. Lastly, engage in advertising and promotions that make sense in customer buying decision-making.

How do you generate leads?

Conduct in-depth research and take some surveys on your market to invite more customers. You can use email marketing and several marketing tools to increase your potential leads.

How do I find customers?

A partnership for integral companies increases customers. So, you can further find more customers by creating your business website. Then, to maintain loyal customers, give them special discounts when they visit and subscribe to your website.

What are the benefits of using a checklist template for a startup business?

The checklist provides a complete list of activities that every businessman should do before officially opening the business, during business operations, and after establishing a business timeline. 

There are many strong competitors in the business industry. But don’t worry. Remember these words said by Colin Powell: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” Therefore, as a business owner or a marketer, you should always make realistic plans and put your best effort in everything you do. Even though sometimes you get stumbled in your path, stand up, look forward and continue to run on your dreams. To help you in planning, download a marketing checklist template today so that you won’t miss out on any of your marketing activities!