Nurses are one of the most essential workers in our society. They play an integral role in hospitals, clinics and private companies. A patient’s health and wellness are the main priorities of a every nurse so it is important that their skills in delivering the best healthcare are always up to date. In order to efficiently assess a these skills, a nursing skills checklist can serve as a reference to further realize the significance of a nursing career. You can check out our various free nursing skills checklist samples to get you started.

10+ Nursing Skills Checklist Samples

1. Nursing Assistant Clinical Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 518 KB


2. Nursing Health Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 390 KB


3. Nursing Skills Orientation Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 340 KB


4. Nursing Competency Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 274 KB


5. Agency Nursing Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 202 KB


6. Nursing Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


7. Sample Nursing Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 288 KB


8. Maternal Health Nursing Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 648 KB


9. Nursing Assistant Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


10. Nursing Skills Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 130 KB


11. Nursing Training Skills Checklist

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


What Is a Nursing Skills Checklist?

A registered nurse are individuals who graduated from a nursing degree and are healthcare workers who care for patients, helps manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions. They either practice independently or are supervised by doctors. Since nurses have one of the most important jobs in society, their skills are highly regarded. A nursing skills checklist are work assessment tools that helps measure the proficiency of a nurse’s skills.

How to Improve a Nursing Skill?

Nurses have a comprehensive list of skills and are constantly challenged with new processes, technology, advanced treatments and procedures. It is a continuous struggle of trying to learn and cope. But how do nurses indeed cope with the changes and the latest medical practices out there? Here are some essential points to remember that can help improve nursing skills:

1. Effective Communication

Nurses work in a fast paced and dynamic environment, so the ability to be able to clearly communicate with colleagues and patients is vital. Important instructions and procedures, either in written or verbal form that often delivered around hospital which can be significant to any life and death situation. One occurring hospital incidents or patient incidents  are due to miscommunication or even misinterpretation. So healthy communication can lead to a better understanding of all parties involved.

2. Adaptability

The world is an ever changing environment: new illness and viruses, advancement in technology and the latest medical procedures and process. As the world leans towards change, so does nurses and their skills. The ability to adapt to change and learn the latest development helps update nursing skills.

3. Decision Making

Nurses are sometimes confronted with life-threatening situations. So the ability to make a choice is very crucial, so it is important that nurses stay level-headed, have a presence of mind and should have the right information to back up every decision they make.

4. Seek Help When Needed

It is never a good idea to overburden oneself, thinking they can make all these decisions alone or handle things on their own. Things like these often comes with unfortunate consequences. Should there be some difficulty that it affects a nurse’s work, always seek help. There are nurse mentors, nurses who has more experience in a nursing field and is willing to share their knowledge and time to help.

5.  Teamwork

Being a nurse doesn’t mean its a one man job. For instance a big hospital has hundreds of staff which mean collaboration and teamwork is relevant in this kind of working environment. Nurses in fact work better in teams which leads to increased patient safety and satisfaction, reduces clinical errors, and prevents burnout.

6. Keen Observation

Nurses must possess a keen awareness of their surroundings and slight changes that occur in their patients. Paying attention to detail helps nurses identify problems before they escalate, minimize errors and  make better decisions regarding their patient’s health.

7. Commitment

Working as a nurse requires dedication to be able to deliver the best of their nursing abilities. The challenges a nurse encounters is endless and tireless, which requires a large amount of patience and dedication for career and personal growth. But this kind of dedication can be also rewarding as people come to respect the help a nurse has given and to see patient’s get better can be very fulfilling.


Who Are Nursing Instructors?

Nursing instructors  directly supervise and evaluate  nursing students during specific, course-related nursing clinical activities.

What Is a Nursing Care Plan?

These contains all of the relevant information about a patient’s diagnoses, the goals of treatment, the specific nursing orders and a plan for evaluation.

What Is a Healthcare System?

According to WHO, the healthcare system is a large organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations.

Nurses require constant skill development and upgrade to advance in their career and to be able to progress forward. So nursing skills are often evaluated in order to define if there are any skills that needs to be improved or corrected and create a nursing action plan, with the help of a nursing skills checklist.

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