Restrooms in public places are expected to be dirty and it’s a major problem. Nobody wants a dirty restroom whether its for a public or private establishment. The only thing to keep restrooms clean and orderly is by having regular maintenance and cleaning schedules. For a complete list of restroom cleaning tasks, it is best to have a restroom checklist available. The checklist helps any cleaner get the cleaning job right and ensure that the restroom stays clean and fresh.
FREE 8+ Restroom Checklist Samples
1. Restaurant Restroom Checklist Template

2. Restaurant Bathroom Checklist Sample

3. Daily Restroom Checklist Template
4. Washroom Inspection Checklist Sample
5. Toilet Inspection Checklist Sample
6. Formal Washroom Inspection Checklist
7. Restroom Checklist Template
8. Sample Restroom Cleaning Log
9. Sample Washroom Cleaning Checklist
What Is a Restroom Checklist?
A restroom cleaning checklist provides a comprehensive list of tasks or activities that are involved in cleaning restrooms. A checklist is very similar to a to-do list both in form and use. There are different variations of this a restroom checklist depending on the type of facility to be cleaned. There are checklist templates available for toilet cleaning in public areas, for restaurant cleaning, for washroom cleaning, for housekeeping and janitorial services. It is also a great tool to use for businesses who are about to undergo sanitary inspections. It allows them to clean all the vital areas without missing anything.
How to Make a Restroom Checklist
Here are simple steps that will help you make a useful restroom checklist.
1. Get a Blank Checklist Template
With a blank checklist template, making a restroom checklist is easy and convenient. It helps you customize the list of cleaning tasks that you need to do. There are also ready-made cleaning checklist templates that you can edit and use for your cleaning needs.
2. Add a Title
The title on top of the checklist sheet indicates what the checklist is for. It helps to identify the document easily.
3. List Down the Tasks/activities
Write down the tasks or activities that must be done in cleaning restrooms. Write one task beside each checkbox.
4. Complete Tasks According to Schedule
Put an X mark or check-mark on the box with tasks that you have already completed. Makes sure to update your list whenever you finish a task.
What are the advantages of using restroom checklists?
Checklists are little handy tools that are essential to efficiently and conveniently completing tasks. It is used for personal purposes or work purposes because it offers a lot of advantages to its users. The following is the list of advantages that one can experience with the use of a restroom checklist.
- Restroom checklists provide a detailed and comprehensive list of tasks or activities for cleaning a restroom.
- With the right choice of restroom cleaning checklist, an individual or employee can properly carry out cleaning tasks for both public and private toilet facilities.
- A lot of time and brainpower can be saved with the use of checklists because the cleaner is guided on the next steps or tasks that they need to do when cleaning. Without a restroom checklist, they could dawdle over what they need to do next.
- A restroom checklist is like a helping hand, even if you’re actually the only one doing the cleaning. That is because the checklist indicates where you should start with the cleaning and how you will finish.
- Restroom checklists for both private and public facilities are available. There are also more specific cleaning checklists like toilet cleaning checklists, washroom checklists, and bathroom checklists, to name a few.
- Companies or businesses that are offering cleaning services help their employees become productive by giving them restroom checklists to use on the job
Why is a clean restroom important?
Effective restroom cleaning results in a clean restroom, which is one of the goals of using a restroom checklist. Nobody wants to use a dirty and foul-smelling restroom. It is especially one of the reasons why customers avoid certain places or establishments, no matter how great they are. A clean restroom embodies how the establishment values hygienic practices, which makes them feel safe. For example, a certain restaurant may not have the best-tasting dishes, but they have an exceptionally clean restroom. With that, customers would surely come back.
What should be included in a restroom checklist?
Different restroom cleaning tasks listed in a restroom checklist. The tasks vary depending on factors like the type of restroom, which part or area to clean, the restroom or bathroom equipment available, the restroom or bathroom style, etc. But they do have some things in common, and they are listed below:
- Cleaning and disinfection of toilet and toilet seats
- Cleaning and disinfection of urinal handles and urinal screen
- Mirrors cleaned
- Cleaning of sinks and fixtures
- Wiping and disinfection of door handles, walls,
- Soap and paper dispensers disinfected and restocked
- Emptied trash cans and changing new liners
- Mopping of floors
- Floor drains and covers are free of debris
- Check if lightbulbs are functioning
- Countertops are dry and clean
- Restroom looks and smells clean
How often should restrooms be cleaned?
According to, bathrooms should be wiped clean at least once a week. The bathroom is said to be the ultimate host of bacteria. It is good practice to disinfect toilets and sinks at least once a week. If you shower often, you should clean and disinfect your bathtub more than twice every two weeks. However, the cleaning schedule for public restrooms is different. A lot of different people use public restrooms, so to keep it clean and hygienic, the facility must be cleaned several times within the day.
The next time you need to do some cleaning, be sure to have a word checklist template ready before you get started. It will save you a lot of time and energy, allowing you to do more things and become productive. Checklists are definitely the ultimate task busting tool that you need in your life.
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